Isabel Engeman (continued)

My grandmother Isabel Engeman (known to us kids as Issy) passed away on February 25th of this year. I blogged her passing that day.

Today we remebered her by sprinking her ashes in the Hudson river across from West Point.

West Point looms large in my family history. I was born there in 1961. My dad graduated from there in 1950. His dad graduated from there too.

West Point is on both sides of my family tree. Issy moved to West Point when she was 6 months old in 1907 and lived in this big red brick house overlooking the place we sprinkled her ashes today.

It was a really nice ceremony. We had my mom and her three siblings, all four of Issy’s kids. And lots of grandchildren. We all got to sprinkle a few of her ashes into the river. No speeches, no pomp and circumstance. Just the way she would have wanted it.Hpim04551

But it was a spectacular day. And West Point is a spectacular place. In addition to being born there, I spent my entire teenage years there. I haven’t been back much recently, but the view from across the river brought back a ton of memories, including some great ones of Issy.

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