Track Back Spam

I am getting killed these days with track back spam.

If it was just viagra ads, I’d let it go.

But porn track backs cross the line and I find myself taking the time to delete them.

I am getting something like 5-10 per day.

TypePad has good tools to alert me of all the track backs I get and to allow me to delete the ones I find objectionable, but it takes time and that’s something I don’t have enough of.

I’d love to see TypePad install a filter that picks up on objectionable words in the track backs.

Here is a listing of the most recent trackback for example (do me a favor and don’t click on the link, I don’t want to be generating any traffic to the sleazeballs):

Source: Skibicken Ramfred
From Post:
Title: Free Porn

Now how hard would it be for a computer to determine that wasn’t cool and remove it and recommend to me that I block that IP address or even block it automatically going forward?

That’s what I need.

#VC & Technology