Why I Like Mike

From the NY Times today:

In a statement handed out to reporters at City Hall yesterday, Mr.
Bloomberg complimented Judge Roberts’s legal knowledge and integrity
but said that he was opposed to the nomination because he did not
accept "the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling as settled law."

"What I
was waiting for, as were many Americans, was a clear affirmation that
the life-altering decision as to whether or not to have a child must be
a woman’s decision," Mr. Bloomberg said in his statement.
"Unfortunately, Judge Roberts’s response did not indicate a commitment
to protect a woman’s right to choose."

During his confirmation
hearings, Judge Roberts has declined to state his position on Roe v.
Wade explicitly, saying, "I should stay away from discussions of
particular issues that are likely to come before the court again."

the White House, a senior aide said that the news was not received
warmly and that the administration’s annoyance with Mr. Bloomberg was
promptly shared with his campaign team.

Good for Mike.

People will say he is playing politics because Ferrer is trying to link Bloomberg and Bush.

I don’t care.  Mike is calling it like it is and I agree with him.  He’s had my vote since he threw his hat in the ring four years ago and he’s still got it.  Bigtime.
