MP3 of the Week

The Arctic Monkeys don’t seem to have captured the american rock music scene the way they captured the UK.  Here is a chart of their iTunes ranking courtesy of Infofilter, a great new service from Wiredset.


But as far as I am concerned, their record, Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I Am Not, is the best record of 2006 so far.

And one of the many excellent songs on the record is called Mardy Bum.  It’s the best song about the "pissed off wife/girlfriend" that I have ever heard.

Now then Mardy Bum
I see your frown
And it’s like looking down the barrel of a gun
And it goes off
And out come all these words
Oh there’s a very pleasant side to you
A side I much prefer

Here’s the entire song.

Mardy Bum

#My Music