
A guy I know in the venture business used to say, “The first time i hear about something, i ignore it. The second time, i go look at it. The third time, i invest in it.”

That’s a gross oversimplification to be sure. But there is something so true about hearing about interesting things from multiple sources being a validation point.

That happened this morning to me with Dodgeball.

On Friday, my partner Brad and I had lunch with Clay Shirkey. We were talking about how hard it is to develop for the wireless phone platform because it is controlled by a few large companies who have no interest in opening up their systems. He mentioned a cool product that a bunch of his students had developed called Dodgeball which takes social networking concepts mobile.

This morning while i was blogging about SixApart, i went to Joi Ito’s blog. There it was, Dodgeball again. So I am taking notice. I might even try it out.

#VC & Technology