Smart Liberals
There is a great conversation going on in the comments section of my Alternative Energy post.
It should probably more appropriately be going on at the Alternative Energy blog, but it is where it is and that’s that.
One commenter made a good point that I wanted to highlight. He said about my posts on this subject;
i’m just trying to put some real hard engineering into a discussion by some fairly smart (if very liberal) people… cause when smart liberals start talking in the abstract, things go to hell very quickly (great society, etc)… you guys have your hearts in the right place and great intentions… success.. not so much
I wear the liberal label with as much pride as the smart label. But I am bothered by the “great intentions but no success” label. If that means we liberals need to get smarter about this stuff, I am game. In fact, since I posted about Alternative Energy yesterday, I’ve gotten a lot smarter already.
Keep the comments coming. It’s the best thing about blogging.