Issues 2004 - Communication
Jeff’s post on “communication” should really be called “Derugating technology, media, and communcation”.
For once, I can’t argue with a word he’s written. Further, he links to some good stuff.
Go read David Isenberg’s piece on why the FCC is hampering free speech with their telecom regulations.
We are at an inflection point in communications technology. This blog is just one of many examples of that. My “printing press” costs me $5/month and with it I reach over 1000 people every day and that number keeps growing without any effort on my part other than the posts I write. Emily, Jessica, and Jackson’s printing presses are free.
When you think about high speed data, wireless (cellular and wifi), VOIP, the web, digital TV, digital radio, etc, etc, you realize that trying to regulate all of this stuff is crazy. Things are moving way too fast and the consumer is benefitting in every way imaginable.
So, Jeff’s right. Stop regulating and start deregulating technology, media,and communications and we’ll all be a lot better off.