WiFi Roaming Please!
I was at Denver International Airport (DIA) this morning for an early flight back to NYC from a great Return Path board meeting at their Boulder Colorado office.
AT&T Wireless controls the Wifi at DIA. I wanted to download my mail before hopping on the plane. I am not an AT&T mobile subscriber so I had to pay by credit card. That’s annoying in the first place, but I was willing. But for some reason the AT&T system wouldn’t take any of my credit cards. So I went without the Wifi.
Well that sucks.
Instead of ranting about AT&T Wireless’ shitty credit card system, I want to rant about the lack of roaming arrangements among the major Wifi carriers. I am a T-Mobile wireless customer and I get T-Mobile Hot Spot thrown in. I love that and visit many a Starbucks for Wifi instead of latte.
Why doesn’t AT&T and T-Mobile do a roaming deal between them so I can use my T-Mobile account at DIA?
Concourse Communications is the Wifi carrier who seems to own the rights to the NY Port Authority Airports. I’d like them to make a deal with T-Mobile too.
If anyone out there knows why these deals don’t exist, please let me know. This is a major convenience issue that needs to be solved.
UPDATE: Several readers commented that I can use T-Mobile on AT&T. I tried that today at Raleigh Durham, which is also a AT&T Wifi airport to no avail. And the credit card thing didn’t work again. Aargh!