Last year, Jeff Jarvis called out for "a place for his stuff" in a series of posts.
Well, JD Lasica and Marc Canter have given it to him.
It’s called Ourmedia.org.
In Jeff’s posts, he says that this will be a big business for someone.
But Ourmedia is free. So it will be interesting to see if Ourmedia remains a non-profit endeavor or like Craigs List, it finds a way to be free for most things and generates revenues with others.
I’ve played around with Ourmedia and to be honest, I am struggling to make it work for me.
Part of the problem is that there are two accounts you need to make Ourmedia work. You need an Ourmedia account and an Internet Archive account. The integration isn’t seamless and it has created problems for me. I am sure they’ll get it fixed, but right now I am having a hard time with Ourmedia.
Others are having different problems with Ourmedia.
Regardless, this is a service that is worth paying attention to.