Podcasting (continued)
I’ve added another podcast to the Podcasts I Listen To list on the left hand column of this blog.
After writing the Exploding Radio post from yesterday, I went searching for music podcasts from FM radio stations. To be honest, there isn’t much out there yet.
Thanks to a link from a reader, I did find a bunch of podcasts from KCRW in Santa Monica, California.
The one I liked best is for a program called The Music Exchange. It’s a ten minute show that’s played once a week on Tuesdays at 11:05am PST. Here’s how its described on KCRW’s website.
Leading British radio DJ Steve Lamacq and KCRW’s Nic Harcourt chat and play each other’s music discovery of the week.
It’s a great way to find new british bands. And its short and fun to listen to.
Here’s the link to the podcast.