Protect My Cookies Please!
Have you ever lost a login because you didn’t write it down and the cookie that stored it for you was wiped by a spyware removal product?
Have you ever had to re-enter all of your credit card information into an ecommerce site you use all the time because the cookie that stored it for you was wiped by a spyware removal product?
Have you ever had to re-personalize your start page because the cookie that stored the information for you was wiped by a spyware removal product?
All three of these things have happened to me enough times that I have stopped using spyware removal products and instead rely on a personal firewall to keep spyware off my computer in the frst place.
The spyware removal software companies are getting a total free pass on this bullshit behavior because they are percieved as the "good guys" who are protecting the consumer.
Well I will tell you all something. They aren’t good guys and I am pissed off at them.
They know they’ve got an issue though and they are doing something about it. They are asking the government (starting in California) to legislate this free pass into law with something called a "Good Samaritan" provision.
Good Samaratin my ass.
If the politicians are dumb enough to give them this free pass, they should have all their cookies wiped every morning at 2am for the rest of their lives.
Cookies may have privacy issues, but the answer is not to let spyware software companies wipe them without any liability.
I want my cookies protected. I want them to stay on my computer, unless I choose to take them off.
If you agree with me, sign up to SafeCount and let the politicians know that we aren’t going to stand for such stupidity.