The Killers at Summerstage
Summerstage was in full swing last night. It was warm, the sky was blue, and the place was packed to see The Killers.
Louis XIV warmed up and were solid. We spent most of their act in line to get water and beer. They need to fix that aspect of Summerstage.
As the Killers came on we had a little excitement. Jay-Z showed up for the show and walked through the crowd. See if you can find him on this picture.
But the real show was up on stage.
The Killers delivered and the crowd responded.
They played pretty much thier whole record, Hot Fuss, plus three new songs from their upcoming record. The Hot Fuss songs were great as everyone knew all the words. The new songs were good and one of them, Indie Rock For Me, is the inspiration for a new t-shirt for the Gotham Gal.
The finished their set with Mr. Brightside, once an MP3 of the Week on this blog.
And then they came back and played Jenny Was A Friend of Mine and finished with a really rousing version of All These Things That I Have Done.
As the crowd poured out into Central Park, people were still singing, "I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier".
Great night. Great show.