Jackson's Podcast
My brother Ted, aka Jackson, has finally done what he’s been threatening to do for the last month.
He’s podcasting. He’s done two so far.
He explains the format of the show here, but I’ll summarize.
The show is going to focus on music that he and his partner Chris record at their studio, Smoke and Mirrors. But he’ll also play a track from an artist that he’s into. And finally, he’s going to let people send him music and he’ll play anything that comes in that he likes.
Sounds cool. I listened to the first one which is widely discussed here, but apparently is no longer available on the web.
I particularly enjoyed Tony Alva’s country singing and some killer harmonies provided by Chris. Nicely done guys.
The second show is up now and you can listen here.
The RSS feed isn’t working, at least not for me.
I think Jackson needs to find a better hosting service. Podblaze seems pretty weak.