Delicious Link Roll
Regular readers know that every night I have been auto-posting my delicious links to my blog.
That feature didn’t work too well for several reasons.
1 – The user interface was hard to figure out. I posted on that recently to help people figure out how to use it.
2 – There was no filter so all my delicious posts ran on my blog. That caused me to avoid tagging some stuff in delicious.
So I was thrilled to have another option.
Delicious launched a linkroll feature today. You can get to it here.
I set mine up and you can see it on the right sidebar, where the Google ads were.
I’ve moved them down lower on the page, probably a step in the direction of getting rid of them altogether.
I am going to play around wiht the styling to try to pretty the linkroll up.
Anything I tag with the world linkroll will appear on this linkroll.
I hope you find it useful.
That said, I still like the daily blog thingy and I hope that delicious will fix that up because if they do, I’ll add that back to my blog.
But in the meantime, all my delicious links will now be in my right sidebar.