
  Originally uploaded by fredwilson.

We took the whole family plus our niece Julia to see Coldplay at Madison Square Garden last night.

My favorite moment was when they went back a couple records and played the first Coldplay song I ever heard – Yellow.

Big yellow balls fell from the ceiling.  It was a cool effect and the song still does it big for me.

Img_0965Coldplay is a great band with many wonderful songs.  They put on a great production.  I can’t say they put on a great performance because I wasn’t all that close and it was a big arena show. I always walk away from these big arena shows wishing I had been at a small intimate club.  But this is about money and the Garden is the way to make lots of it.

But Emily, Jessica, and Julia, who are all big Coldplay fans, said it was great. 

So it was great for me too.

UPDATE:  I left a couple things out.  They played Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash.  Really great.  Also, Chris changed the lyrics in Politik to something like (doing this from memory) "give me manhattan, brooklyn, bronx, and queens, give your love to New Orleans".  That was awesome.

#My Music