I am a Broadband Liberal
In most comments to my posts of a political nature, there is usually a comment that includes the following:
"… because Fred is a liberal …."
I am a liberal and I am proud of it. It is not a stain on my shirt. It’s a badge of honor. So please keep calling me that. It makes my day every time I read it.
According to Answers.com (wikipedia is down right now), being a liberal means:
- Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
- Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
Hell yeah, I am a liberal.
But what kind of liberal am I?
I’m not a limousine liberal because I hate limos and you’ll find me on the subway jamming on my iPod and Treo most of the time I want to get somewhere in NYC.
I’m not a gulfstream liberal becuase I prefer commercial to private planes.
I am a broadband liberal.
Because, according to the Center for Media Research:
- Eight states had broadband penetration over 35% – all voted for John Kerry
in 2004
- Eleven states had broadband penetration at or below 20% – all voted for
George Bush in 2004
- Cumulative broadband penetration in states that voted for Kerry was 33% –
compared to 25% in states that voted for Bush
So the next time you attempt to insult me with the word liberal, please add the word broadband in front of it.