
It’s that time of the week where I pull out a relatively unknown record out of our collection and riff on it for a couple paragraphs.

I’ve got the Stones on my brain this morning after seeing them last night at Giants Stadium.

But I honestly don’t think I can call any Stones record a Nugget (with the possible exception of Between the Buttons – I gotta consider that).

So I am going to pull out a record that was written as either a homage or a rebuttal or possibly both to the Stones’ greatest record, Exile on Main Street.

Exile_in_guyvilleIn 1993, an unknown young woman singer named Liz Phair released a record that was raw, angry, powerful, and unabashedly patterned after Exile.  She called it Exile in Guyville.

That record was in heavy rotation in our apartmnet and house for pretty much an entire year. 

We still pull it out and play it every now and then.

Exile in Guyville for a time was a candidate for my Top 50, but it ultimately didn’t make the cut.  It came damn close.

So its a Nugget instead.

Give it a listen.

Exile in Guyville on Rhapsody.

Exile in Guyville on iTunes

Buy Exile in Guyville on Amazon

#My Music