Getting The Mail Through (continued)

Are you having trouble getting your legitimate permissioned email through spam filters?

If so, you are not alone.

Return Path, a Flatiron portfolio company, and the leader in helping marketers get legitimate mail delivered, reported yesterday that:

The blocking of permissioned-based email by users’ Internet service providers and Web-based e-mail providers remained just as big a problem this year as it was last year.


Mistaking legitimate e-mail for spam, ISPs,
and Web-based e-mail providers failed to deliver 21 percent of
permission-based e-mail to consumer inboxes during the first half of
this year, compared to 22 percent during all of last year.

I know that I’ve blogged a bunch about this problem already, but how would you like that email annoucing ticket sales to your favorite band’s local concert to get blocked?  How about your visa statement this month?  Or the impending shipment of something that has been backordred that you want asap?  Or the verification email from that cool new service you just joined?

This happens all the time and the spam cops don’t give a damn about it. They think their job is to block spam and if some legit email gets blocked, too bad.

Return Path helps legit email like this get through.  So if you are sending permissioned based email and having deliverability issues, give Return Path a shot at helping you. I am certain they’ll deliver for you.

#VC & Technology