Underpaid or Overpaid?
One of the hardest things to know when you are running a growing company is how your pay scale relates to "market".
One reason is that there isn’t good data on small compaines and there is a particular dearth of information on the slots below the senior management team.
Another reason is that yesterday’s ten person startup is today’s fifty person growth company.
And comp structures don’t change as fast as the company’s comps.
So Matt Blumberg has proposed a great idea this morning on his blog.
His company Return Path is creating a cooperative survey for companies in the 50 to 250 person size range. Return Path will supervise the whole project. They’ll hire a consultant to do the analytic work and each company will pony up $1000-$2000 and all their comp data.
Each participating company will get a copy of the report.
What a great idea. If you have a company in that size range and want to participate, send an email indicating your interest to [email protected] and they’ll contact you.