FM Publishing
You will notice a banner ad on the upper right sidebar of this blog.
That banner is an advertisement placed on this blog by FM Publishing, the blog network for bloggers who want to maintain their own blog presence.
I am fortunate to be in this network along with the likes of Boing Boing, Digg, Om Malik, and Searchblog (John Battelle is the founder of FM Publishing).
Like all other advertising on this blog, I will donate all proceeds to charity. One of my goals in working with FM Publishing is to generate substantial revenue for charity with this blog.
I also hope that FM Publishing will find advertisers who will be relevant to the audience. For all the talk about contextual targeting, I have been very disapointed by the lack of relevancy of the Google and Yahoo! ads that also run on this blog.
The survey that FM ran for me has been completed and I intend to publish the results as soon as I digest them.