Second Life Gets Funded
It was a matter of time before someone stepped up and funded Linden Labs and it was announced yesterday that Globespan Partners along with some big name entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos, Mitch Kapor, and Pierre Omidyar put $11 million into Linden Labs. That’s great news. I think the Globespan guys are great and think they’ll make excellent partners for Linden Labs.
But the bigger story is what’s going on inside Second Life. It’s a virtual economy where anyone can build anything and it is amazing what is being built. It is also amazing how much money is being spent there.
As I said in prior posts, I am spending some time in Second Life. My name is Flat Plasma and I am mostly checking it out right now. But even so, I have to say that I agree with Scoble. Second Life is a platform (he calls it an OS) to build a lot of interesting businesses on.
So congrats to Linden Labs on their financing, on Globespan for making what seems to me to be a good bet, and to the Second Life community for creating such an interesting environment.