In the cab n the way to a fundraiser on Tuesday night, I read Bob Lefsetz’ rant on Alice Cooper and I knew that Alice would be featured in this week’s Nuggets. As Bob says in a must read post for anyone interested in popular music:
It is absolutely positively CRIMINAL that Alice Cooper is not in the
Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame. While Robbie Robertson and other exalted
insiders have left the boards, are sitting behind a desk instead of
standing in front of a microphone, Alice Cooper is out KILLING night
after night and those in power, with their multi-thousand dollar suits
and private jets, are IGNORING HIM!
Alice Cooper put out four awesome records in the early 1970s all produced by the legendary Bob Ezrin. I have owned them all at one point in my life. They are Love It To Death, Killer, School’s Out, and Billion Dollar Babies.
Bob calls Killer Alice’s greatest moment and it probably is. It’s the Alice record my brother Rod bought Josh when he wanted to turn him on to Alice’s greatness.
But my favorite is Billion Dollar Babies. The title track may not have been a single, but it is my favorite Alice Cooper song.
The deluxe edition, which I linked to, has a second CD full of live recordings from the Billion Babies tour. And Alice Cooper is essentially a live experience. One of the best shows in rock.
If you grew up in the 70s, as I did, do yourself a favor and go back to some of these records. I am pretty sure they’ll bring back some good memories.