Eels at World Financial Center
The Gotham Gal and I went to see the Eels play at World Financial Center tonight.
We got there a few minutes late and they were already playing. I didn’t recognize them because they were in army jump suits and E was wearing a knit cap with goggles. But soon enough, E sat down at his keyboard and everything was familiar again.
This was a very different show from the Town Hall show we saw last summer. It was E plus another guitarist and a drummer and a guy who looked like a security guard but ended up playing keyboard and guitar at times.
The Eels are always a bit nutty and tonight was no exception. The Gotham Gal liked the show a lot because they rocked out. I preferred the Town Hall show.
But we both loved the encore where they did Birds with two teenage girls jumping up and down all over the stage.
Best of all, the show was free, part of the River to River festival. You gotta love live rock n roll on a great summer night in NYC!