Bug Meetup

Several weeks ago, Bug Labs, the open source hardware company we funded last year, started coming out of stealth mode with a dinner in San Francisco with some leading bloggers. When I posted about that dinner, many of the comments lamented that there was still way too little information coming out about what Bug is up to.

Fortunately the blogger dinner was only step one. Step two is Bug+BLANK, where BLANK could be a city, a university, an event, or whatever. These are Bug meetups that will be happening across the country. The first one is next week at a bar (open bar) in NYC, so its Bug+Bar+NYC.

You can click on that link and read the formal invitation to Bug+Bar+NYC, or you could just show up:

When: Tuesday, August 14th
Where: Punch Upstairs, 913 Broadway (in the building that Bug and Union Square Ventures call home)
Time: 6pm to 8pm

Jeremy Toeman, Bug’s marketing guru, has two more posts on Bug+BLANK, one talking about what’s happening on Tuesday night and one talking about why it’s important that CEOs get out and mix it up with the community.

Bug is about community electronics not consumer electronics. Like open source software, Bug will only be successful if a community of enthusiasts and hackers start using the Bug platform to create interesting new devices and software to run on them. So I like the idea that Bug’s marketing program is face to face meetups with real people all over the country who want to engage in a community electronics ecosystem.

#NYC#VC & Technology

Comments (Archived):

  1. ErikSchwartz

    I’m really curious. I might be in town next Tuesday, if I am I’ll go.

  2. Social Marketing Conversations

    Interested in one of these meetups here in Phoenix? I’ve been working with a group of entrepreneurs and technologist and may be able to rustle up a gang of interested people for something in September or October.

  3. ppearlman

    i am so jazzed for this blank and hope i can make. not sure i understand exactly what bug labs is generating yet but can sniff provocative creativity mile away. i spent some time reading through their blog the other night from the early posts on and caught buzz off the novel brain jam… stuff like this…http://www.bugblogger.com/2…let me know intuitively some cool shit will be going on here… hope i can make it…

  4. nick davis

    But seriously. “Bug” should never be the name of a hardware or software company.

    1. Eric Friedman

      I agree:) But I am definitely curious…I will be there.

  5. Mo

    Can’t wait for a Bug+Bar+DC

  6. Jeremy Toeman

    Steven/Mo – thanks for the interest, can you shoot me an email to jeremy (at ) buglabs . net? I’d like to get in touch and find out more about good timing.Hope to see the rest of you on Tuesday!