The comment links are working again at Thanks feedburner!

I am starting to publish stuff there that won’t be on this blog

Mostly links, twitters, photos, quick hits

Check it out and let me know what you think

#VC & Technology

Comments (Archived):

  1. Kendal H

    I like to check one place, for one person. I like all of the information in one place. Tough thing is, you get used to this site and enjoy it. Change is tough.

  2. Qian Wang

    Fred, is going to be a superset of this site? If so, I’ll change the feed in my RSS reader.

    1. fredwilson

      MaybeHard to say just yetFred

  3. peteski

    I missed all the flashing ads! j/k

  4. You Mon Tsang is still available. I think you should use that one!

  5. James

    I hope this doesn’t mean the content will get fragged.

  6. RacerRick

    You’re finally getting apart from six apart.

  7. kenjimori

    is it the new relationship model that tumblr doesn’t have comment section?

    1. fredwilson

      I have disqus comments on there for my avc blog postsFred