I Told You So

One of the things I love to do is play roving reporter from time to time on this blog.

I have this notion that if everyone (or at least a lot more people than we have now) had blogs and did this, then we could have a different kind of newspaper. Call it citizen’s media or whatever you want to call it. It’s a tantalizing idea that I am passionate about.

In early November, I walked by the new meat packing district Apple Store and saw a permit on the boarded up front of the store that said it was going to have a "large glass circular stair" in it.

I wrote a post about it which got picked up in Racked/Curbed and Silicon Alley Insider.

A month and a half later, the meatpacking district store is scheduled to open tomorrow and cnet has a photo of the stair. Cool. I told you so.

As a sidenote to this story, the photo I took on my blackberry curve of the Apple Store under construction has now been used in a series of posts on this story. Roving reporter and photo journalist!

#VC & Technology