Atlantic Beach Sand Castle Contest
This is our first full weekend at the beach since memorial day. We picked a good one. We started it off on friday night with a beach bbq with guitars and singing around the fire under the stars. It doesn’t get much better than that. But if it does, it’s the annual sand castle building contest on Atlantic Beach in Amagansett.
You get all kinds of sand castles in this contest. I took photos of a few and they are in a set on flickr. I also reblogged Beach Obama on my tumblog.
The kids did their part with a bake sale to raise money for a good cause.
There’s nothing like to beach to ease the strains of a tough week.
Comments (Archived):
Cool! 🙂 And very true – that last line about the beach.
Nothing like a great day at the beach…Each year in July my company coordinates one of the largest sandcastle events in the northeast. It draws approximately 10,000 people to the Jersey Shore (Belmar, NJ) to participate in the event or simply view the many different types of creations. The contest is open to all ages and is judged on four simple criteria — creativity, originality, resourcefulness, and accessories.These same criteria can be applied to marketing and I wrote about this thesis here……