Big Think Interview
I did this interview several months ago as part of a Federated Media campaign that may run on this blog at some point. I like how it came out even though I look exhausted in the video. It’s roughly 8 mins long and it’s mostly about how technology has changed the way I work.
Comments (Archived):
Very interesting.
great interview, always nice to hear someone smarter than me saying everything that I think 🙂
I doubt I am smarter than you Daryn!
This was really fun to watch! I felt like I was reading one of your blog posts. Have you ever thought about adding an occasional video blog post?
I don’t think video is an efficient way for most people to consume info so I try not to do too much of it
Agreed that video is an inefficient way to consume information, but I think it’s very efficient for conveying personality and emotion. I like reading blogs because blogs have identity, and I like to see a face next to every post I read. The personality of the author is what gives content authenticity and makes me trust it just a little bit more (or, if I end discounting a blog post, the personality helps me understand the author’s motivations and biases). It’s all about context.Video is kind of like a more intense version of the author photo–it makes me feel just a little more connected to and sympathetic with whomever’s stuff I’m reading.I second the request for an occasional short video, maybe 1-2 minutes every week or two.
Unshaven is always a sign of a trustworthy VC !
Given the list of interviewees Big Think has signed up so far, you’re in good company. They’re well-funded by the likes of Peter Thiel, so good to see it.Big Think was also the name of the company behind the innovation at Datek (stock trading), Josh Levine and Peter Stern used it for development. That name was on my paychecks when my group did development for them back in ’98.
social leverage baby. hard to quantify how big it is. just beginning.
as an aside… as someone who has only interacted with you via tweets,comments and an occasional email – Video puts you (anyone) in an entire different light. Though it is not the same as face to face (never will be), nor phone …it is an interesting new perspective for
Hi Fred – enjoyed the video. I was thinking about it in terms of generational change actually, especially in light of the Obama election. In a funny way, there’s a mirror effect in technology and politics – Obama is the candidate of the millennials/netnatives yet he’s our age. Clearly, a pioneer but a kid of the 60s and 70s like us – a late boomer or early gen x’er. And really, it’s that shoulder group (and you’re a leader in this) that had a profound effect on the development of a commercial Internet – people ranging today from late 30s to 50. Just an observation, but I think it’s an interesting one. We were the first people to make digital technology a part of daily life – we led the replacement of older means of communication with newer ones. And far from being ready for the pasture, our gray hair and 90s experience – and the occasional haggard appearance on web video! – is of extreme value to today’s developers and dreamers. I’ve never been more optimistic, despite the country’s financial quagmire – and I suspect from reading your recent posts that you’ve had a jolt of that rejuvenation java juice too.
Totally pumped for sureIt’s our world now
As Co-founder of Big Think and the person who conducted the interview, I must respectfully disagree that video is not an efficient way to consume information. I think an interesting comparison is to suggest that university lecturers are not valuable, rather the text book or reading materials are key. Similarly, that distance learning via video has little value. Methods of absorbing information do not stop with the printed word — in fact many people learn better through hearing and watching a person speak. People learn while watching tv and running on the treadmill, or listening to the radio in the car. And it’s more efficient as they are doing two things at once. In any case, your interview was great, and we hope you’ll do another. Many thanks,Victoria.
I think you misinterpreted what I said. Video is great but not for a blog format. It takes too much time to watch a videoblog relative to the time it takes to read it
Apology accepted! 🙂
I like how you describe that ppl recommend companies to you, or that companies come to you b/c of your various media (social media, etc.) connections. I found your blog the other way around. First, I learned of, which I find totally compelling, and then I sort of stalked John Geraci to bug him about expanding to Canada (which he’s not doing, and which is why I’m embarking on my own company). And it was because of a blog post by John/ that I ran across you — after which I learn that you’re this total star in the VC field, but your position didn’t mean as much to me as the fact that you were a supporter/ investor in I care about what does, and therefore came to care about what you have to say.IOW, it’s totally a two-way (nay, three- four- five-way!) street.
It an n-way street, maybe n+1
Thanks for posting this – enjoyed watching it.In reading the previous comments – including yours – about the time it takes to consume a video vs. reading the same information, I think there was one thing missing from the conversation (though somewhat approached by @kortina) and that has to do with context.The ability for a video post like this to encapsulate a broad spectrum of ideas and put them in context with each other is significantly higher – in my mind – then with the written word.
IndeedWhich is why it has a place in social media. Its a question of balance I think