Trendrr - The Freemium Web Charting Service
Let’s say you want to track how something you are working on is doing. You can look at it’s web traffic on comScore, Compete, Quantcast, Alexa, etc. You can check out how it is doing on Google Trends. But if you want to do something a bit more sophisticated, you might want to try Trendrr.
Trendrr is a free service (for a limited amount of data tracking) that let’s you track keywords across multiple data sets. Here’s a screen shot of the basic service which shows how it works.
The cool thing about Trendrr is the charts that others build are shared in the service. It’s a social charting system. Here’s a chart someone called tvbuzz built for the monday night TV shows (note that this is an embed from Trendrr):
The Trendrr service was built by a NYC agency called Wiredset that focuses on social media and digital marketing for the entertainment business. And the categories in the service reflect that focus; Brands, Buzz, Film, Gaming, Music, Politics and TV. Wiredset was founded by Mark Ghuneim (aka Mediaeater), someone I’ve known for almost twenty years and one of the most digital savvy people I’ve come across in the music and entertainment business.
The big news today is that Trendrr has gone from free to freemium with the launch of Trendrr Pro. If you want to track more than 10 datasets at a time, then Trendrr Pro is for you. I like that, like Flickr, you can start off using Trendrr for free, and at anytime you can make your account a Pro account without having to set up a new account. Here’s the pricing matrix for Trendrr:
You and I will start out with a free account and maybe over time migrate to the gold account. But the agency, record label, film studio, or game developer will likely opt for the elite offering and spend over $10,000/year with Trendrr.
That’s the Freemium model in all of its glory. We can all click over to Trendrr right now and start getting value out of it. And if it works well for us, we can become paid customers without having to be sold. And some of the customers will turn into large users who pay a lot of money for the service. Nicely done Mark and Wiredset and Trendrr.
Comments (Archived):
Interesting. I wonder how they “fetch” the data from the various social services… Maybe they could use something like our ?
As in this case, the freemium model works best when the free and premium versions are aimed at different demographics.
Fred.Thanks for taking the time to blog about Trendrr. We are really pleased with this build and shedding the beta moniker. There is still so much work to be done! but you have to start somewhere FTW.If any of your readers want a deeper looking under the hood just ping me mark@trendrr….com!Mark / @mediaeater
Mark,Congrats on the new rollout — really digging the new layout. I’ve been using the beta for a little while now for both personal use and to keep tabs on a few clients. Would love to get the full demo at some point — will shoot you an email to talk shop.Austin @ Reprise Media
Tell us when you convert to paid… because you’re as much the target customer as anyone.
That’s always what is intriguing about the new age of media and advertisingBy involving oneself- you are both the target customer as well as well as admitting that you are one of the media streams that involves others in a product. It is true even with an elite product…just matters who your target group is and who you you want them talking to about what while using your stuff…
We decided yesterday to do a lot of charting of our portfolio. Its eric’s gig so he’ll be making that call
We’ve been using it at our agency- love it.
If you pay, does the website work? It doesn’t right now.
yeah, between this post, mashable, twitter, and techmeme, we brought it to its knees.
wow – tv overnights really are antiquated… media owners need to jump on this.
looks interesting…what’s the likelihood google tries to jump into this space? with the way they corner other data markets, i wouldn’t put it past them…
I think this one of those Freemiums priced so high, it gets cloned in two months time.
I have not used trendrr.The problem with such general external systems has to do with data. They do not have the best data available, since every service (Google, Yahoo, Twitter, etc) keeps its logs private (obviously). Moreover, you don’t know what you’re looking at, as “trends” can be measured in many ways depending on how you datamine the data. Different clients would like statistics computed in different ways. Since you can’t really know what’s behind the scenes, all the statistics are more like a taste of how things are, but you can’t be sure. This is a serious technical limitation.Ofc, there is some value: many times you don’t need the actual numbers, and the ballpark suffices. Although sometimes, I’m sure statistics can be way off.
Ballpark is great when you are flying blind