Fun Friday: Favorite Cuisine
It's fun friday again. Time to think about something other than tech, internet, startups, venture capital, work.
This week the Gotham Gal and I have been eating up a storm as we put the finishing touches on a fantastic two week vacation. It got me thinking about one of my favorite food related questions:
If you had to eat just one cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be?
For me, there are only two possible answers; Italian and Japanese. The choice between those two cuisines is a hard one for me. I always end up tossing out Japanese and answering Italian. But I would sure miss Japanese cuisine.
How about you? What's your favorite cuisine?

Comments (Archived):
Mom/Grandmom’s.Best. Cuisine. Ever.(PS: Thanks Fred. I needed Fun Friday this week.)
Guessing “Mom’s” would get 10x the votes of “wife’s” worldwide….
Lol.The wives will get appreciated around 20 years after they become Mom’s.(20 years = estimated time when kid leaves home..and realizes how fortunate they were to taste the best cuisine day in day out until then)
Not from me, definitely the opposite.
That’s awesome. We’re getting there. I’m not even in contention vs. her Dad’s breakfasts!
you ok?
30 mins away from finishing up for the week.. YES!Answer would have been different 24 hours ago.. hahaThanks for asking, Shana.Hope you’ve got a nice w-e lined up! 🙂
Museuming and cleaning for passover is my weekend plans
My late grandmother used to come to visit with a big picnic basket full of homemade chocolate pudding (with skin on the top), rice pudding, etc. Her kitchen had the old milkman delivery forms. You could check off for milk, butter, cream — no check off for skim milk, 1%, or whatever. They didn’t mess around with that stuff back then.
What a lovely grandmom story Dave.I have one as well.My grandmom is vegetarian – the Indian definition of vegetarian of course does not include fish. 🙂 And my grandad, on the other hand is a HUGE fish lover.Now, my grandmom’s an incredible cook (10,000 hours and all that) but she really surpasses herself when she cooks fish curry. And she cooks it without ever touching or tasting the curry.Yet, in my memory, I can’t recall even a single time when it was less than perfect. No extra salt or spice even!Cooking and love.. one couldn’t do without the other!
Italian hands down. Pizza at the top. Though giving up Latin food would be hard for me now. I’ve grown quite fond of it. Then again, I love all food. #gordo
are there any cuisines you don’t like Kirk?
Honestly no. Only two foods. Beets and Uni. Yuck on both. That’s it.Lili and I hit Torrisi the other night for the Chef’s Tasting. One of the best meals I ever had. They of course served a beet salad. We ate it, but weren’t happy about it. Ha.
I use to avoid both. @jason got me into uni and @thegothamgal got me into beets. I prefer my beets roasted over raw though
No hamburger is complete without sliced beetroot.
I love sea urchin. Used to pick it from the sea with my hands and eat it fresh during my teens. You know how to recognize the male from the female?
We used to go get then all the time when i lived in Greece. I like finding them. Hate eating them.
The colorful ones are the female which are edible. The black ones are male and are typically left alone.
I *love* roasted beets. SO underused. I think its a hangover from the pickling they did in WW2. Now everyone associates them with cheap vinegar.
Ha, I finally also met someone anti-beets like me!Though I’m willing to try sour borscht.
French, particularly from the South West, washed down with a bottle of red (or white!)
I must agree with French cuisine, though sadly I don’t often get to eat it anymore. I used to go to France a fair amount, as my mother’s from France, and when we’d be visiting family (usually for extended periods of time) my grandmother would cook a huge meal for every meal; No men allowed to help, though I tried – but she’d chase me away with a wooden spoon attempting to spank me, though I have fond childhood memories of me taking the spoon from her and me attempting to spank her with it! Take that mamama!It was nice the business they were in was agriculture and had fresh produce always available. One of my uncles was in the flower business and he’d always plant gorgeous gardens around the different houses, and had fields of flowers and there’d always be dried flowers hanging in the barns. The tobacco/alcohol side of the business mostly died with my grandfather who I didn’t really know; I was told he drank/smoked himself to death..Edit: Alcohol has never really been my thing – though the French side of my family certainly tried to get me acquired to wine starting around 7 years old.
Italian food is so good and versatile. You can go vegetarian or omnivore with Italian cuisine.
Yes. Thats why i end up with italian
yes but not gluten free !
Wow. Tough one.I honestly don’t know if I could pick out a single favourite. I love French, Italian, Japanese, Middle Eastern (various), Mexican etc.For the one I’d eat forever, I’d probably cheat and answer “modern British”. As we’re the magpie of nations, that gives you access to a huge range of food sourced from cuisines all over the world.
That’s totally cheating.
Lunch in Italy anytime, hands down.We had lunch in a little town outside of San Remo on the water. Great meal and after a few hours the waiter asked us if we wanted to go swimming. He gave us a key to cabana and we dove in.
Thats awesome
“Cuisine” had me searching for more sophistication than I have.But the facts and personal history speak for themselves…. pizza. I could eat some variation of pizza every day easily.If I’m in the good graces of the enforcer, I might ask for some M&Ms at dessert.Cheap date til we order the bourbon….
“pizza. I could eat some variation of pizza every day easily.”I feel a special bond with you Andy. I will throw sauce and cheese on any transport (whole wheat bread – even if it becomes soggy in the process).Pizza is like the near perfext mix of flavor, fat, and salt. Bad pizza is three times better than bad sex.
At about ten years of age, I decided I didn’t really like pizza. Many years later, I spent a couple of weeks in Italy, and had at least a little pizza every day – and most days a whole pie. :)I could eat that kind of pizza every day.
I feel the same way about NY Pizza!
I’m yet to find anything that compares to an NY grandma slice.
Did you get an email from me?
Portuguese food. I’m a suspect here.One million different soups. The stews, the rice, the grilled sardines and fat codfish steaks.its got MOM written all over it.
Pretty sure “mom” wins this thread in the end. Good call.
The undisputed champ.
I was in Portugal recently, the food was terrific.Very underrated.
yep. hard to find out it the looks? or maybe because it’s not as simple to prepare with readiky available groceries as pizza or pasta or other cuisine?what’s your take on that?
At least from a US perspective, I don’t think many people are familiar with Portuguese culture.The first places people from the US typically aspire to in Europe are Italy and France.Portugal flies under the radar somewhat.I always encourage friends to spend time there when they visit Europe.
“Southern American” could probably make some noise.”Wow” breakfasts, BBQ, Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, and a variety of Kentucky single-barrels wouldn’t be a bad way to pass the day.
I think well executed Southern food is awesome too, maybe not the best for the body but it should does taste good going down.
Not the best for the body — you need to spend more time in Texas surveying the blondes.GRITS — girls raised in the South — where do you think all those Dallas blondes get their shapeliness from. Grits.
I’m a jewish NYer we like to be thin up here in the north
Shana, darling, one can still be thin and shapely. In fact, that is my personal favorite. But grits are just something special.
I do look like that currently!And I have had grits in the past, they were meh – I think I might change my mind if I visit down south.Might being the operative word. I don’t fully get the ny craze for southern cooking….
@ShanaC:disqus – I can’t reply to your comment. I also don’t understand NYC’s current southern food craze. People tend to take me to southern restaurants in NYC and I appreciate the gesture. I haven’t been to one place that got it right. If you want to experience the real thing, you have to make the trip. As @JLM:disqus suggested, you might want to bring your passport. 🙂
Oh I know I would be out of place there – curvy thin jewish girl with a heavish NY accent :)But seriously, maybe I am missing something? I really would rather have a french or northern italian meal (Mediterranean food all the way for me)Actually what I really want to try is portuguese – they’ve been producing amazing chefs that have been reshaping world cuisine for 20 years, and I want to know what about the traditional cooking is causing that to happen.
i love grits done rightthey don’t do them right here in NYC very often
Some people want to be skinny and live forever….I eat their leftovers.
That’s me, and I never get complaints about my healthy cooking – far from it, people ask for thirds
Grits! I just bought some during my last trip to Whole Foods. I have long ago left behind the Southern-influenced cuisine that I was raised on, but grits are a keeper.Trader Joe’s carries “Southern Style” mixed greens which has reintroduced this dish into my life, although my mother would disown me for my version of the recipe. Steamed with no fat, pork or salt. My version includes sauteed onion and garlic and sometimes diced turkey bacon. Yum!
Cheesy grits and shrimp – I have a good buddy who makes this once a year for our family. Bacon Fat sauteed shrimp, sharp cheddar cheese, some bacon crumbled into the grits…Perfect hang over food….
Trade the bacon fat and you’re on. Why wait for a hangover?
good decision, enjoy a longer life :)I am settling for that shortened life–but I need more fried chicken and cobbler. much more fried chicken and cobbler.
Cobbler… you are tempting me, dude.
Every time I hear the name Whole Foods I laugh.I met John Mackey when he had a single store on Lamar Blvd and it flooded.What a huge success story!
After I actually had the grits for lunch that I mentioned, I realized they were from Trader Joe’s, not Whole Foods. But I remember your more extended commentary on John Mackey from another post a year or so ago. Enlightening and amusing.You were also the one to introduce them to me as “Whole Paycheck.”
You had to even think about this? Southern food.Country ham, eggs, biscuits, grits, butter. Thick sliced smoked bacon — please do not tell people from Rhode Island about this stuff. Country ham butter biscuits. Cornbread.Biscuits — drop biscuits, cheese biscuits, biscuits and tomato gravy.Grilled pimento cheese sandwiches, heirloom tomato sandwiches, pimento cheese deviled eggs.Okra, collards, turnip greens, coleslaw, potato salad, deviled eggs, corn, BBQ beans, refried beans, beans & rice, Vidalia onion pie, fried Brussel sprouts w/ hard bacon (secret – sandwich can change the course of small rivers), Chicken fried steak, chicken fried chicken, chicken fried cardboard. Cornbread.Loaf — meat, BBQ [stop right now and go out and get some BBQ], brisket, jalapeno sausage in a tortilla wrap, chicken, steak, shrimp and grits, pulled pork Lexington sliders w/ slaw, Streak o Lean, smoked country ham steak, root beer chicken, stuffed peppers.SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN — you should be required to present a passport to eat some of this stuff in some of the places I know.Key lime pie, pecan pie, rhubarb strawberry pie, cobbler (blueberry, cherry, blackberry) w/ Blue Bell ice cream from Brenham Tx, banana pudding w/ wafer cookies in it, baked apples.Krispy Kreme donuts w/ chicory coffee.I have to go eat some grits swimming in butter.
Order! Order in the court!
I’ll give you order. I’ll give you chicken friend steak.Screw waterboarding, use chicken fried steak.KSM would sell his children for a good CFS.Look at this CFS and tell me you would not give me the family dog for it.
In some cultures that could be the family dog. Well, some family’s dog.
I go tricked into eating dog when I was in Korea. It is common fare in Korea. They tell me German Shepherd is the flavor of the month. But who really knows?
you are making me hungry!
@andyswan:disqus flagged this as Food Porn.
Haha, plus animals were slaughtered in the process.I must admit that you could get pretty racy w/ a bit of BBQ sauce. Let your imagination run wild, you pervert.
Yo butter baster, who you callin’ perv?
Haha, I missed this comment. Very…………………………………………….funny!
If you have any recommendations of where to go for this type of food in Dallas, I’d be grateful for my next visit.
Rathbun’s Blue Plate — Luther Ave in Dallas – the second bestThe Porch — N Henderson in DallasThe Screen Door — Routh in DallasHattie’s — N Bishop in DallasDrew’s — Curzon in Ft Worth – the best of them all
awesome, thx JLM
JLM knows good comida in Dallas. I live within walking distance of the Porch and there is a new one across the street called Sissy’s Southern Kitchen and Bar… that is amazing.…But for me, My favs in orderFrench – I lived in Europe for 2 years, 1991 and 1992 while working for Dell opening up offices there and love it.Mexican – no self serving Texan would say anything different.Thai – some amazing flavors thereVietnamese – great food there too.
I have seen Sissy’s. I love the Southern pin up art they have. I think it is on Henderson also?I will have to try it.
It sounds like the brunch we had in Austin, pretty much.
Well, except for Grimlock eating the red head at the next table. I don’t think she intended to be on the buffet.Yes, you are correct.
as much as I love indian food, I’m going to have to go with american southern food as well. it really is very close for me, because there is such a huge variety in indian food, but I’m from the south and I think that food you grow up with has a lot to do with your choice here.
God bless you. Sign the petition. I ate some grits for you this morning. Or maybe it was the Country ham.
tea biscuits, grits and grillards, hush puppies, cheese straws, fried catfish, jambalaya, etouffee, poboys, gumbo, aspic, oysters en brochette I’ll sign your petition @JLM:disqus but just so you know our grits are made w/ cream, butter, and cheese. 😉
Haha, I am glad to see the Natchez contingent weigh in on the food. I humbly and abjectly beg forgiveness for having left off all of those wonderful NOLA and Natchez delicacies.I should be arrested for leaving them out in particular jambalaya and etouffee to say nothing of hush puppies and oysters.I have stood on the shoals of the Chandeleur Islands reached down and snatched a naturally open oyster and drained all that salty goodness in one smooth stroke. More than a few times.I consider the addition of cheese to grits (which of course are always made w/ real butter and cream) to be an entire new species like finding out there really is life on Mars and they eat cheese grits exclusively.Please forgive me. I was too hasty. Just wrong and inexcusable.
Forgiven. I only wish I were old enough to have experienced the hamburgers at the Natchez (Not so international) Airport. The only time I don’t have cheese in my grits is when something is served over them. Otherwise, it’s mandatory.
Crawfish etouffee w/ extra crawfish, crispy French bread, Shiner. Shoot me.
Just had crawfish étouffée on a trip to Houston. Amazingly good.
Did you have to show a passport?
I tweeted “Texas is the land of ‘now hiring’ banners”…and they accepted that as a proxy.
Oh, that sounds great, Aaron. On my recent trip to Houston, we ended up at Hugo’s for lunch and had lobster taquitos (really just small, fresh blue corn tortilla tacos in this case, as a starter) and duck mole. Both excellent. I’ll have to ask for your spot for crawfish étouffée before I return.
My Houston friends took me to Babin’s…it was great:
Thanks, Aaron. I’ll look into it. I see that it’s a Landry’s property. We have a connection there so will surely hear more about it. My experience in the Houston area is very limited, but that seems to be changing a bit now, and I love good seafood.
I just happened to be speaking at a conference there and met some old friends for dinner. They chose it, and it was magnificent!
This settles it, grits are SO going to be the next thing that touches my lips! (well, after I finish my tea)Guess I will have to wait for dinner to assuage the Thai craving this thread has created.
Country ham and red-eyed gravy…ohhh, and any type of greens. My whole family is from the South and there really is something so comforting about good Southern food!
Salty, well done country ham & red eye gravy plus corn bread, collards and corn. Cobbler w/ Blue Bell. Sweet tea.If you fed this to the Occupy WS crowd, they would all become investment bankers.That is comfort food.
Grits with that deep yellow butter.. nice.Homemade strawberry rhubarb pie with fresh vanilla ice cream is close to a perfect desert, if chased by some great coffee. Can get that up here too, if you know where to look.Too sick to think about it now, but great Brussell Sprouts at Barbacco in San Francisco.
I recently had a thinly slice Brussels sprouts sandwich with bacon and tomato recently. On wheat toast w/ mayo and jalapenos.Brussel sprouts thinly sliced and fried on the grill with just a hint of charring.Sounds gross but it was superb.Hope you are getting better.
Ha! About three-fourths of this list describes my diet growing up.You just described hog heaven and gluten-free hell!No wonder I was met with dead silence and palpable dismay and confusion last night when I tried to describe to my mother over the phone what it means to be gluten-free.
put a waffle with that fried chicken. I love living in the South. I also own Paula Dean lip balm. The flavor you ask? Peach Cobbler.
You put beignets with chicory coffee my friend. Krispy Kreme is for northerners. 🙂
No, Candice, Krispy Kreme — from Winston Salem, NC — is not for Northerners. God forbid.The Hot light at KK is like a personal Mecca.However your choice of beignets — particularly NOLA beignets — is clearly superior. Not even close in my book.NOLA cuisine (Charleston also) is a bit of a conundrum — it is more than Southern.It is so good, that I honestly wonder if we should even share. As much as I love the community, I just wonder if we should share?
Fair enough. NC is still “north” to us – the old people in New Orleans consider Baton Rouge and Alexandria to be “Up North.”I’m glad to see that Chicory has managed to travel well; when I lived in upstate NY years ago I brought five or six pounds of coffee back from home after christmas every year.
I get that and understand and ratify that. Just don’t tell that to my wife who is from W-S and adores Krispy Kreme.
Nothing is better than beignets @ Cafe du Monde. They are a must. JLM- The next time you are in NTZ try The Donut Shop. I can’t stomach a Krispy Kreme bc I know The Donut Shop exists.
Grew up eating Southern (mom’s people are from TN) and lived in Atlanta for more than a decade. Southern food (we have to include Louisiana in this, even though it is its own planet) is America’s best, IMO. It’ll kill you, but you’ll die happy!
Indian, but South Indian in particular.Not the stuff you find in most Indian restaurants. I’m referring to the hardcore home style vittles.
Our south indian friends took us to a fairly authentic south indian place in NYC. I loved it
You have to eat at the Temple in Flushing, a non profit canteen that has some of the best south Indian food and it is cheap. It is not your fancy 3 star kinda joint but the food is of very good quality.
Name of restaurant, please!!
i can’t remember but it was on lex and 28th
That’s Curry Hill…so many great spots.
Was it Pongal? Really good South Indian Vegetarian on 28th and Lex.
sounds right, but honestly i don’t recall the name. north east corner of the intersection in think
If you haven’t already you must try rasam. It may be the most important of all South Indian foods. It comes in many varieties, but the garlic lentil variety is my favorite.My recipe:…(Different South Indian languages refer to this with different names. In Tamil it’s rasam. In Telugu it’s charu. In Kannada it’s saru.)
French obviously. It’s definitely the most varied and ranges from very simple dishes to a super sophisticated form of art.
i like indian food. but i’m biased, since i’m first generation here in the states, parents from india. food is always the last part of the culture to fade away for any immigrant.
Last tie to the family’s unique culture. Very subtle and deep.
probably why I have a thing for kreplach….
Food is a big part of Indian culture, I’ve observed.Big big part. 🙂
You get to eat with your hands, I mean how awesome is that?
That’s the part I can do without — even for Western finger foods. On the other hand, I sometimes wonder if my love of Asian foods is in part due to chopsticks.
“food is always the last part of the culture”My wife has a co-worker, attractive, wealthy professional who is Indian and now divorced. I’ve been trying to fix her up but she doesn’t want to. She says in your culture men won’t want to marry a divorcee What’s the deal with that? I thought Jewish guilt was bad.
lol yeah, depends on how traditional they are and what part of india they’re from, but divorce is a huge deal, shame upon the family, all that stuff. in some circles, death is preferable (not joking, unfortunately). i’m a big fan of the family unit, but i agree that some folks take it a bit too far…..gotta know when to close out a losing trade if it’s just not working out. but it’s less taboo here in the states, assuming that’s where your friend is. i have a few cousins and friends of the family that have gotten divorced and remarried. so your wife’s colleague should give it a shot!
“shame upon the family”Yeah. That’s a total immigrant and community type thing. In the old country (could be India, could be Germany, Poland etc.) people relied on their neighbors and friends. So it was important to keep up image and it mattered what people thought of you. It’s a small town thing. If you pissed people off and were an outcast you couldn’t get people’s help in times of need as easily. So you had to serve many masters. With social services and communities being so much larger this really doesn’t matter anymore. It’s just brainwashed into certain groups of people. The worst part about this? That a family would put what their friends and the community thinks above their own children. In the past (as I said) this was somewhat understandable. But not anymore.
Its a scary movement when you realize emigrating can cause you to lose some of your culture – these are the the things that help define the parental generation, and to realize you will never be able to communicate with your kids the same way….
I love the movie Avalon. Depicts this exact thing.
Hmmm… is this a market opportunity? Re-matchmaking?
totally. my aunt always talks about setting up a matchmaking site like that….there are a bunch already, but i think the opportunity is still out there
Nice new pic Donna. I noticed too on your Engagio profile. Are you competing with @awaldstein:twitter on the dark glasses look?
He’s the standard. 😉
Nice new picture
Thanks, Shana. The other one hasn’t been “me” for quite some time but was the last one I had professionally done for a company website.This one was from a beach wedding recently attended and one of the guests was taking shots and sent these to us. I cropped my husband out, but he’s the reason I’m smiling. Okay, well, I would have been smiling anyway — you know me — but didn’t that sound nice? (and it is partly true)
It sounds plenty nice 🙂 Just say your smiler was bigger because of him – 🙂
well she should avoid the men who are stuck up and unable to open up, their loss. I’d say introduce her to people, forget about the closed Rick Santorum family values folks who don’t live a authentic life.As an Indian male I am ashamed of how many so called edumacated folks are so closed in their mind that it is sad that they have not really gotten knowledge, instead they are just not living life fully. Now there is a business idea, niche site to connect divorced Indians with people from around the world who are not stuck up.
“As an Indian male I am ashamed of how many so called edumacated folks are so closed in their mind that it is sad that they have not really gotten knowledge, instead they are just not living life fully. “It’s not an education or intelligence issue. It’s an emotional issue caused by brainwashing.It can’t be solved with education or knowledge. It can only be brainwashed out or reversed by social proof (showing others who have remarried and are viewed as acceptable). Same has happened with intermarriage with jews. Much less of a deal today than it was 30 years ago.
love it. about to leave for lunch with my buddy Aakin who’s visiting for a local sci fi convention this weekend. The local Curry club has an epic buffet.
Did you leave an ‘n’ out of your friend’s name Mark? Just checking seeing as you are going to a Sci fi convention
You are something of a poet, Kid.
nice new photo donna – me likey 🙂
I agree, dude. Nothing beats hot and spicy Indian cuisine. However, I would prefer Chinese as well.
Forget Cuisines. Give me freshly caught Fish, with local grilled vegetables and tons of fruit, and I will eat that all day, every day. That said, French cuisine because it’s the most sophisticated.Italian, because it’s very creative and unstructured.Japanese, because it’s understated but precise.Middle-Eastern, because it’s varied and exciting.Wine with the 1st, Prosecco with the 2nd, Sake with the 3rd & Arak with the 4th.
Ah — that’s what I said — grilled fish and grilled vegetables — that is if I had to choose just ONE thing.And are you describing the food or the people in your list.
Love Japanese too, but it has to be Korean – I couldn’t go a lifetime without the banchan.Unfortunately this means forgoing my favourite dish: Bún Thịt Nướng.
Italian-coming from a family with Irish heritage my dad makes better Italian food than most Italian restaurants
So Fred you like Basta Pasta on 17th, the Japanese Italian place? Loved bring pantherakitty there to draw on the paper tablecloth.I actually was challenged to several foods to take on a dessert island years ago and my answer still holds. Top notch raw squid, mango, shiso leaf and ginger beer (with a mild buzz).I agree with modern English cuisine as an answer for a single cuisine. Eating in London, my mothers hometown, is always my favorite (and my mother is 4star chef so knows great places).
Ive never been
You can satisfy Japanese with shiso and flying fish row pasta and have the parmigiana and prosciutto pasta, which is tossed in a parmigiano wheel for the Italian. Trade with GG halfway thru the entree. Black sesame gelato for dessert.
I’m jealous – 4 star chef?
That would be really hard for me since I like so many cuisines. I go usually go through phases where I crave a single cuisine for a full week so I’ll eat various Indian foods during that week or two. And then I’ll switch to something else.If I had to choose one, probably Japanese but I really don’t think I could do it. :)Great question for a Friday!
My favorite cuisine is Dominican!!!.
What kind of food is it. Fish?
I choose middle eastern cuisine. My favourite is Sarkis in Buenos Aires.Appetizers: – Seasoned dry tomatoes, – Hummus/Tabbouleh/etcMain course: – Suyug (Don’t know the standard name). It’s like a spicy kebab. – KebabDesert: Baklava, Middle eastern coffee
Cool. I’ve been there 🙂 That’s an Armenian slant on middle-eastern. Sujuk is a spicy sausage.
Thanks William, Google didn’t suggest “sujuk” instead of “suyug”.
With all my respects for Google, Suyuk is a Korean pork thing. Sujuk is the armenian sausage. Not sure what suyug is.
If I remember correctly, Suyug is the name in the Sarkis menu.
Do you order using for food in BA? Its my go to when im there and i am pretty sure Sarkis is on the site. Ive been to Sarkis a few times, excellent food, long line.I personally would eat Japanese for the rest of my life.
In Buenos Aires I don’t have good experience with delivery sites except McDonalds, Pizza, and Empanadas.I can add an exception. You can get excelent delivery and quality of Sushi from Furusato in Buenos Aires.
Really? Give them another try. Its been flawless for me and I get to skip the line. I´ll be back in BA in a few weeks and will try them as well and report back.
German. 🙂
Hi Nico,German desert. Give me a great Stollen anytime.
Wine geek that I am, I simply find food to eat with what I’m drinking. Upside down view of the gastronomic paradigm.
Pairing food and wine elevates both to another level.Few people understand that well, and not all chefs do. A chef that doesnt cook with wine pairing in mind is handicapped. The subtle existence of one or two food ingredients that marry with the wine’s floral, earthy or spicy tones is what makes wine & food a tantalizing experience.
You will enjoy this William:…My friend, a Jura expert, explaining to Stephane Tissot that I brought his Trousseau to Tulum to drink in the hammock.In Jura, they can’t image this red without certain foods (listed in Wink’s comments) no less wherever Tulum might be.Fun stuff.And your comment above is so right on.
Nice post….I went to Jura and made it back in the 3 minutes I read it.
The Jura rocks.Fred would agree I think.
It’s the mountains.
Yes….and soil and climate and root stock and brilliant winemakers.Wink posted a pic this morning of the different soils of the Jura and talked about how different spots are better for different varietals, often on plots that are really close to one another.Amazing knowledge and complexity.
If I had to decide between never eating in a high-end restaurant again or never eating street-food again, I would sling restaurants to the curb in the blink of an eye.
Ah. you had me thinking about spicy Indian street food at home – Pani puri followed by delicious Rasagollas.Mouth watering.Okay.. need something to eat now.
Or a freshly made Dosa 🙂
Indeed!I wish Disqus showed who up-voted you as that would be my normal reply. :)I’m finding Disqus 2012 too hacker news like. (and I’m not a fan of HN UI)
I’ll be on it next week. Like anything new, it takes getting used to.
Nice benefit of Indian BF is the food he brings on occasion. From the mother I don’t expect ever to meet. Because I So Don’t Fit his parents idea of a good match.
This whole thread makes me think of Jonathan Gold, the food critic, who ate his way right through LA in the 80s. Just reading his book (‘counter intelligence’:… is more appetizing than most meals I have had.As the New Yorker said of him: “For nearly twenty-five years, Jonathan Gold, the high-low priest of the L.A. food scene, has been chronicling the city’s carts and stands and dives and holes-in-mini-malls; its Peruvian, Korean, Uzbek, Isaan Thai, and Islamic Chinese restaurants; the places that serve innards, insects, and extremities. He tells his readers where to get crickets, boiled silkworm cocoons, and fried grasshoppers. On their behalf, he eats hoof and head and snout, and reveals which new populations have come to town, and where they are, and what they’re cooking up. Two years ago, Gold won the Pulitzer Prize for criticism, a first for a food writer, and a first for his home paper, the alternative L.A. Weekly. Interesting cuisine, he believes, often comes out of poverty.”
Cuisine I don’t know.There are things that I just can’t not eat with pleasure. In order:PizzaQuesadillasMatza BriePastaSushiAll bad from a dairy, allergenic, my-wacky-food-health perspective. Except the sushi.All things that I allow myself to cheat from health on once or twice a week.
With all due respect, the Mediterranean food is the best. if you go litte south and you visit a city like Marrakesh, the smell of the food there will drive you crazy, please believe me :-)The taste of meat, olive oil and the vegitables hmmmm…………………..
Thai – at its best nothing is missing. All manner of ingredients both in poultry, meat and vegetable and fruit. Flavors and fragrant musings abound.But I would sneak out of the Big Brother controlled food court this construct implies (!), and away from the cuisine-police Iwould dine on Italian, French and Greek-North African fusion for an occasional thrill.
the thai food in thailand is amazing
There is a great one in Philly as well…as I said before the cook is who decides the taste.I had had one of the best tasting Indian food in Sydney.
Which one in Philly? Siam Cuisine? Or?
Absolutely. Rarely reaches the same heights elsewhere from what I’ve experienced.
What are the differences between Thai in Thailand and Thai in the U.S.?
They have flavors in thailand that i have not tasted in the US
agree. you just can’t get the ingredients outside of Thailand or, if you do, they aren’t nearly as fresh. I’ve had such simple, delicious dishes in Thailand — like cashews sautéed with chills and dried shrimp and spring onion.
also things like a fresh coconut out of a tree, cut open, with a straw and a spoon. Or a fresh, ripe mango sliced and dipped in a chill/salt/sugar mix.
This is what I hope the future holds, where people get entertainment and socializing through the wide variety of flavours and experiences food can provide – and not just what dishes you get in a mass-produced factory-line dishes that restaurants focus on to maximize profits; Yes, it happens to some degree now, though those of us who have been lucky enough to travel and taste fresh unmodified cultural dishes know there’s more that can be brought to the masses. I want to see a world where 1 in 5 people is a master chef — just imagine how delicious every meal you eat would be!!
Not sure about US Thai food but Australia has some pretty good Thai.The BEST thai recipe books come from an Aussie who has Thai restaurants in Bangkok (kinda like selling ice to Eskimos).David Thompson…
That’s the key, Fred. I never eat Thai food in the U.S., but I do eat many other ethnic food options in the U.S. In some cases my acceptance here (of the others) is due to lack of real knowledge/experience, but in the case of Thai, the food is so much better and really quite different in Thailand. Ingredients, smells, technique and time involved making it… all different. And of course, many regional variations there as well.
Been sick this week, but found a can of coconut milk from Thailand with the pulp in it at Whole Foods. Nice. Nothing like Thai iced tea either, with some sticky rice & mango.
I even enjoy Thai Airlines…mention Thai iced tea – this is unfair, I will have to read “Thai Food, Tea and Sympathy or Patience and The Perfect Patient” else some other as yet unwritten business-how-to book to survive the salivating schism, the storm of suspended sensory satisfaction!
Well Sir, come to my place and I shall make you some Chai Baba style.. it will take care of the sickness for one and rejuvenate the body. Masala chai with ginger and spices… Any time you wish to come over to Brooklyn…
I may have to take you up on that. Been mostly resorting to liquids (coconut water, ginger ale, chocolate milk) for days. Email me your availability and location. Contact @
Sorry to hear that you are under the weather, Dave.I wonder how it is reading this post and comments about food from your vantage point. From a different angle, I’m reading this before breakfast and am now starving…and wondering where I can get Thai this early.
that website seems to be down. You can always reach me, it is baba12 at gmail dot com
Life w/o hummus is a sad thought.Faves: Balaboosta and surprise I’m sure to New Yorkers, Cafe Noir.
You mean hummus? (never seen humas spelling, unless it’s a food I’m not familiar with)
My bad. Correcting 😉
Phonetically, it could be Hommos.
Oh, forget phonetics, unless there’s a symbol for clearing your throat.
Hmm…. 3 letters 🙂 it’s friday
who cares how you spell it, it’s always good.
Right on.Was somewhere lately and they served it with pomegranate dripping. Yum!
Sounds delicious. My daughter makes it with a puréed jalapeño swirl that looks and tastes amazing.
Italian food. Arthur Avenue style.
Hands down – Indian food!!
One word -ItalianPS I love the photos that the GothamGal takes of food.
Being a Vegetarian my favorite food remains South Indian, but I will say that I can enjoy and live on Mediterranean food be it from the south of France or Spain or Morocco, Italy or Turkey, I just love it all simple, elegant and not so greasy or heavy at all.I am going to share this evening a big pot of chickpeas with spinach that I made in a tomato and onion sauce, served on saffron flavored quinoa.Hopefully there will be some good Hudson Whisky and my friends Brooklyn triple distilled moonshine as well.
Can I come over for dinner?? 😉
Sure can, I live not so shee shee pooh pooh part of NYC i.e. I live in Prospect Heights Brooklyn, take the B,Q to 7th Ave or 2,3 to Grand Army Plaza .. Food and knowledge should something that should be shared graciously and generously always.
sounds great
Can I get the recipe?
very simple recipe:-1.Don’t get the canned chick peas, get fresh chick peas, soak them in cold water with about 3 teaspoons of baking soda mixed nto the water over night. Why baking soda, it reacts with the chick peas or for that matter any beans and dissipates the gas which will escape and you will be left with a light brown skin on the surface next day. Wash the chick peas and boil them in a pressure cooker or in a pot.In a separate pot do the following:Add 2 Teaspoons of olive oil let it heat up, 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds, 3 bay leaves, 3-7 cloves, 3-4 pods of cardamon. Let it all brown.To this add 2 onions that you grind up in your blender, 5-8 cloves of garlic that you mashed up along with a teaspoon of ginger you mashed up as well and salt to taste.Let this mixture brown. When this mixture has browned add 1 teaspoon of cumin powder, 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon of corriander powder, 1 teaspoon of red chilli powder.Now add a can of San marzano tomatoes ( they have the best flavor, unless tomatoes are in season). Add a carton of frozen cut spinach ( cascadian farms)let this mixture simmer, you may add a cup of water as it may be thick.When the mixture is bubbling add the cooked chick peas and mix it all in together and let it simmer. After about 10 minutes add 1 teaspoon of garam masala and freshly chopped corriander. Let it sit for a bit before you serve it with whatever you wish, I have taken this put it on a crisp baguette added guyere cheese, put it under the broiler for 45 seconds and it is an amazing snack with a crisp New Zealand Mud House Sauvignon Blanc. Enjoy. By the way it is gluten free and no dairy, rich in fiber and protein.
A recipe on AVC…I love this community!(also this recipe seems great)
we should do a recipe sharing day here
With a guest post by Gotham Gal!
Delicious – thank you!
May be your new biz!!!
Have you tried the Hudson Four Grain Bourbon? My vote for the most distinct and flavorful American bourbon.
Yes I have, I love it. I have been to the Hudson distillery, they are in the process of patenting this new method of agitating the barrels in which they age their whiskey using sound. Something that involves using huge sub woofers pumping dub stub and vibrating the barrels through the sonic waves.
You just blew my mind.
Asian vegetarian foods are awesome. So much flavor and aroma. I love Thailand in October because of Buddhist Lent. There is a particularly wide array of vegetarian options available then, with food carts, stalls, and shops popping up all over for it. One can always get good vegetarian there outside of October (Gaeng Keowahn, Larb, etc.) but during lent it’s huge. … And I’m not vegetarian, but love it. 😉
As a vegetarian also, I would be happy with any of Indian, Italian, Mexican, or Middle Eastern. My all-time favorite dish to make at home is a big soup pot of some vegetable minestrone soup with a little pasta thrown in. I make in the AM and can pretty much eat all day!
The COOK is more important than the cuisine.I have had some of the best food from street side vendors than i can remember of having it in a multi-cuisine restaurants.
Does Mr.Wilson while eating food think about the sustainability of the foods he is consuming. As a member of the food coop in Brooklyn and someone who has been involved in sustainability from a value to it being a core part of the startup I am part of I always wonder how often do people think about where the food or the product/services they consume come form.Since Mr.Wilson mentioned his favorite food is Italian and then Japanese, I wonder if he being aware of the issues around over fishing of Tuna or Cod etc have made informed choices around what he eats and if so how has it shaped the taste buds. I try my very best to edumacate people at the Food Coop or elsewhere about finding a balance around what we consume and the environment we live in…Someday maybe Mr.Wilson and I shall share a meal and discuss ….
Not as much as i should
The Coop that seems to be appearing on Jon Stewart?
I love how you call him “Mr. Wilson.” Every time you comment, I actually look for that. This time you did it three times in one comment — bonus Friday.Good point about sustainability. Wish I could say I thought about this more. I love how Whole Foods has a local section. Where I live in Southern California you can buy seasonal fruit (especially berries) and some vegetables on the side of the road.
every time i read that i think of dennis the menace
Italian … I read somewhere that 60% of the food in Italy is organic, and even if it isn’t true it sure tastes true. The best Italian food is always seasonal, simple, and light. It’s why I go to Italy so much – to eat (well, and to drink, too).If I had to pick just one, that’s what I’d pick: Italian.
I could just marry my sister-in-law and eat happily ever after.She’s Cambodian and cooks SE Asian food — which I can take or leave in NA – but at her dinner table – every night is a taste sensation. I keep trying to convince her to come for a trip to Toronto and we’ll hook up up with some local chefs and cooking schools.
Put me on the list 🙂 btw- I met a friend of yours the other day at Third Tuesdays. She saw your name on my Contact list as I was demoing Engagio.
oh yeah? did she give you a name?
Belgium: The Mussels, The Chocolate and where beer is the national vino so to speak…
Unbelievable beer!!
When there is no food for ears … little can be served for the stomach as well.— ha … tried translating one of the 1-3/4 line poem (there are 1330 of them by this idiotic poet).
Ahhh my family has a complicated relationship with food.But the vegetarian kosher Indian buffets on Lexington in the 20s are amazing.
Vegeterian + kosher + indian – wow that’s an acrobatic combination.
Its really not. Vegetarian food is fairly easy to certify as long as you don’t use wine from grapes or vinegars from grapes and are willing to spend time checking vegetables for bugs. Though I do know that some Orthodox Jews in ny still won’t eat there, because of the mechanics of certification.
I will try it.
COOKING TIP: Checking vegetables for bugs is an all-around good idea.
There is checking and there is using a lightbox to check. Kashruth tends to fall into the second category.
Religion is the biggest hypocrisy. My ex married an orthodox guy (modern). She got him to shift the starting time of shabbos so he can attend social functions with her (much to my credit I told her to cut that deal prior to marriage as a condition, among other things, and he agreed.). But my kids can’t bring home traife leftovers from restaurants I take them to. I even offered to buy them a refrigerator for the garage to keep the leftovers in. Wouldn’t agree to that.
I’m not sure what to tell you – I left Modern Orthodox frum land. I still have close friends there though. Do I agree with them – no.I think you all have to get on message about “the most important thing about Jewish life” since it seems to me that all three of you disagree a bit. By at least having one central message, at least the kashruth thing could become workable.
An NYC combination
Yesssss – I <3 bhojan…..
Georgian, in Georgia, is fantastic. I’m talking Tbilisi, not Atlanta. Same latitude and similar geog characteristics to Italy, so plenty of wine too.We also never found a less than stellar meal in all of Ukraine. Many cuisines are much better, or much worse, in their native lands. (Chinese is often not as good there).PS: Fun, not Feature Friday? Looking fwd to Manic Mondays.
Dominican food 😉 A dish we call “the flag”, rice, beans, chicken with a side of tostones.I sure won’t live long eating that every day but at least each day I”ll be happy hehe 😉…Tostones:http://img.directoalpaladar…
the link to Tostones isn’t working 🙁
odd, works for me, try this:http://karmafreecooking.fil…Or…google is your friend 😉 – The search engine that is.
btw: like the new pic
Breakfast, or Dinner, or what:…
Does “Asian” qualify, or is that too broad? I think I could survive on a diet of hot pot, dim sum, udon, tempura, sushi, miso, rice, various noodles and the like forever. I’ve traveled quite a lot and nothing compares to the variety and deliciousness of Asia.I also really love fooding “events” that involve lots of people and are as much about the experience as actually eating. Hot pot, Korean BBQ, dim sum, Ethiopian, etc.
Food is deeply about bringing people together. I remember when I was growing up that I was told that the reason Jewish people keep kosher is because it separates them from others but brings them together with other Jewish people – a super intimate way of doing so.Though I’m with you that Asian foods tends to be the most varied. Most likely you’ll always find something you’ll like
Ever since I was a little girl, my favorite food has been baked ziti. That being said, I like most foods, and I have a particular thing for most green vegetables well prepared.
Tex Mex hands down.
The choice is not hard for me: ITALIAN! am I Italian? yes I am 🙂
It would have to be Italian, but I would cheat. I would eat my wife’s Matzo ball soup and pretend it was Italian wedding (had to throw that in given the holiday next week!). I hadn’t even thought Japanese until you brought it up, but giving up Sushi would be tough, for sure. Glad this is just a rhetorical question 🙂
Authentic Italian food. A few fresh ingredients prepared simply. Octopus salad. Braised rabbit. Polenta. Wild boar ragu. Hunter’s stew. Pasta with sardines. Bread and tomato soup.Yum. I just made dinner plans.
My wife’s :-)Increasingly, in the style of:…Divine.
Give me a Raw Food chef, with amazing organic produce, freshly pressed vegetable and fruit juices and fresh sardines.
ITALIAN. Fuhgeddaboudit.
Everyone thinks of sushi when they think of Japanese food, but sushi is a small part of a very deep and varied cuisine.You can find good “katei-ryori” (Japanese homestyle cuisine) in most big cities if you look hard enough. There are some really good ones in NYC, SF and LA. A few of my favorite dishes:kabocha-no-nimono: pumpkin simmered in sweet soy sauceniku-jaga: braised beef and potatoes with onionsrenkon-hasami: thinly sliced and fried lotus rootaji-no-shioyaki: grilled salted mackerelochazuke: rice porridge with green teawakatake-ni: fresh young bamboo hearts simmered with kelp
I totally agree. So much amazing food in the japanese cuisine
Basta Pasta on 17th = Japanese Italian fusion!
where in NYC???
Cocoron on the LES makes everything fresh in-house including their own tofu…Kajitsu serves amazing Zen Buddhist “monk” cuisine i.e. all vegetarian food (but it’s expensive). Ten in Chelsea has Japanese-style “bottle service”. Not the expensive club kind, but you can buy a reasonably priced bottle of sake or shochu and they’ll write your name on it and put it on the shelf for when you come back the next time Bar Hagi near Times Square feels like a slice of Tokyo (unfortunately)…Sadly one of the most authentic places, Kappa Sake House in Park Slope, closed at the beginning of this year.
Now staring me in the face on gmail UI:”Delicious [brandname] Hummus – http://www.—— – Try Smooth, Delicious [brandname] Hummus. Perfect for Your Next Party!”Way to get the targeted ads and juices flowin’
Are you doing ok through all this slobbery chatter, Jim? Aren’t you vegan?
Hi Karen – Vegan, yes. So, navigating cautiously through the pink slime and hormone infused flesh. Thanks for asking. 🙂
Even though I don’t eat it very often, I would miss Spanish Tapas most of all (including paella in that category).regards, John
I have to go with Italian, but acknowledge it’s tough to choose because there are so many great cuisines.Honorable mentions: Spanish (San Sebastian) and Korean.
Nuff food talk…back to work. What are you all having for lunch? Lemme guess: italian, french, japanese, middle-eastern, spanish, korean, thai…
Grits. Right now.
Italian vs Japanese. That’s a year old discussion with my close friend. He prefers Japanese. I think Mediteranian and especially Italian is the most balanced cuisine and have everything we need for healthy and tasty diet. Most important it is focused on ingredients and preserving their natural flavor and nutritients, instead like the French for example which is trying to outsmart the nature with some fancy technique or combination. My choice is definitely Italian.
If there are any startups still in Ramen phase, try this:Prison Pad ThaiTake a square pack of ramenAdd water & boil/ microwave the noodles until soft & hotDrain *almost all waterStir in 1 spoonful of crunchy peanut butterAdd *roughly equal squirts of soy sauce & Sriracha (personal preference- if you like it hot, add more) Stir & bask in the deliciousness. I have successfully survived and thrived on this recipe for since college. There are great cheap tricks like adding frozen vegetables or chickenBasically the best cheap dish ever. #PrisonPadThai
Haha, PPT is actually popular among some backpackers/mountaineers. 🙂
We still go through a ton of ramen at my house… will try this recipe ASAP…
Just got back from another trip to Thailand, and I might just have to answer Thai…. But, man, Italian is soooo good (and varied). I mean, if we have to limit ourselves to the food of a nation, you can eat strudel in North Italy and sardines stuffed with peppers in the South. African spice infused grains and pounded fried veal cutlets all in the same cuisine.
I think I need some rules, here… I mean, could I just say “New York City Food” and eat nothing but food available in NYC forever?
Chinese – by a country mile.Both for the variety and the range of cooking styles.
My favorite cuisine is whatever city/region’s specialty is. The people in the region know what the best ingredients are and have been doing it for ages. I’ve had awesome pizza and Japanese food (along St. Mark’s Place) in NY, shrimp & grits in Charleston, Carolina BBQ in NC, dumplings in Shanghai, white asparagus risotto in Vicenza, curry chicken in London…you get the idea.
It it a hypothetical I cannot answer.
Ah c’mon. Its fun friday!
What’s your favourite cuisine is an entirely different question to what single cuisine would you choose if you could eat nothing else for the rest of your life. Yes, I’ve played this game too :)Favourite cuisine – French. No question. I’m salivating now thinking about the fact that I’m visiting my favourite French bistro in London tonight – Bar du Marche on Berwick Street in Soho if you’re interested: steak frites for just over a tenner – brilliant.Cuisine I’d pick if I couldn’t eat anything else – Italian; the variety is what wins it.
As anyone I work with or live with will tell you…Mexican for sure.
Then why dont we do board dinners at mexican restaurants?
We have done at least three over the years. Fiesta del Mar in Mountain View, Zarela in NYC, and Zolo in Boulder. But look out for the next one!
ah yes. i remember now
I thought of one other as well – Reposada in Palo AltoMatt
I’d have to go with Indian food, for sure. So much variety, robust flavor, spices, etc. I also think the Indian clay tandoor oven is the best way to cook meat. My girlfriend bought one for her dad last year and I don’t think I’ll ever buy a traditional grill again, the meat is just too tasty and juicy in the tandoor.
“If you had to eat just one cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be?”Italian. Followed closely by Sushi and Chinese.
Caribbean food is great, especially the food from Trinidad & Tobago. We have all the major world regions represented, African, South & East Asian, European, and Latin American, all with our own seasoning twists:)
What I want to see is an expansion of the Dim Sum concept. Dim Sum (if you’re not familiar) is where they wheel around carts of food and you pick the food from the cart. Each portion is small and inexpensive and has different types of chinese food.It’s like a buffet that comes to you.So I think a good concept would be to do that with other types of food (like Italian!). Wheel the cart around and pick a small tapas sized portion from the cart. They already do this with sushi on those conveyor belts. But to me the cart works better (and is cheaper for a restaurant to implement and obviously classier.
I would really like this.
In Australia this is called Yum Cha and is a brunch institution – Sundays are best. Little plates of food – great for vegetarians and meat lovers alike. We always end up grabbing way more than we can eat as every trolley looks fantastic!
Asian!!! How can you choose between Thai, Vietnamese, Korean BBQ, and SUSHI?!! Go east, young people!
God bless you and keep you. But I hate the idea of your sharing our Austin secrets.How I miss Las Manitas — comprehende?
Absolutamente! Las Manitas was great. The biggest secret is fresh Guac floated in the white cheese queso!
I had a delightful lunch w/ Bill @ Siena yesterday. Small world. Great guy!
Ha! That IS a small world. He is very easy to work with, that’s for sure.
Marinated pork kabobs made by my childhood neighbor Naty. I’m not even sure there is a brand of cuisine for that (she’s Filipino though)
French. Definitely. Gougeres. Croissants. Moules frites. Croque Monsiuer. Oh mon dieu. No question about it. Oh, and wine….
Stop it, it’s almost lunch time!!
I’d agree with Japanese, I could eat sushi all day, every day!Side note… I’ve been on a big oyster kick lately. I’ve been going to Upstate on 1st Ave. and 4th St. They don’t have refrigerators so everything is fresh. If you like oysters, try them out.
we had oysters last night. i will try Upstate. thanks for the tip
thank you
You need to ask Bijan about Iranian “Kebab” before making you final decision!
Very tough call…But I’m going with Brazillian cuisine.Having lived in Brazil for awhile, my affection for the food and culture runs deep.
Filipino and Spanish (-:
Old school irish kid: filet and mashed potatoes, sauteed green beans. To add some flare, we can throw in a lobster tail to make it fancy.
I have it good in the in-laws’ kitchen. We went to Morocco last summer where our meals were split equally between Moroccan and Palestinian. I was all set, as they say.
english…i mean indian….not even close.
Like the kid, Indian would have to be my choice. I’m not Indian, but the exotic variety of Indian spice is so hard to resist. And it pairs so well with a King Fisher or Cheetah beer.But I really do love all different types of cuisine. Japanese, French, Mexican…the list goes on. Its essential to life in more ways then just surviving. If I was ever faced to make a choice of just one…then that would signal that its likely time for a dirt nap.Happy Friday.
Than. iPad doesn’t let me edit 🙁
Jewish Brazilian Sushi!I can’t pick just one.vanessa
i thought you had just invented a new cuisine “jewish brazilian sushi”
I grew up on a farm. We grew our own food: meats, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and great tasting well water. Food like grass-fed beef, fresh eggs, potatoes, fresh cream turned into homemade butter, fresh baked bread.When something was in season, it was coming out our ears: raspberries, tomatoes, apples, peas, corn, potatoes, strawberries, cantaloupe, lettuces, rhubarb, green beans, cabbage (sour kraut) and more. We canned, pickled and froze so much food. All made by hand. Lunch was dinner and dinner was supper.If I could eat this food the rest of my life I would. The quality and freshness is unparalleled. Plus I got to go barefoot all summer. Oh, and for at least 20 years after leaving the farm, I rarely ate beef. Store and restaurant beef tasted “off” to me.
I can relate, Anne. We didn’t live on a farm, but in rural areas and my Dad always had a huge garden. Even after he had become an “executive” this was how he unwound after work and on weekends (and fed a large family on a tight budget). He canned and froze and we rarely bought vegetables from the store…or jams or jellies thanks to fruit trees and vines in the area. One of those things you don’t appreciate as much at the time.
Absolutely nothing tops home grown ingredients….nothing…
I wish that was my food life :/
Roasted brussel sprouts with bacon and onions, a thick steak, creamed spinach and they can pull the switch and I will leave this world a happy man.
I’m sure you can guess my answer!
hahaha, japanese and italian…also my two favorites. lasagna, meatballs, chicken parm, italian bread, bruschetta, stuffed shells VS sushi, domburi, lo mein, gyoza, ramen, curry, udonI’ve gone over it again and again and I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t choose…I just can’t…
Can’t pick. Will go with fin-de-siecle-fusion.
1. dad’s feijoada (learned to make it while living in Brazil in ’65.)2. grandmother’s breakfast: slow oven cooked crispy buttered toast, crispy bacon, cheese grits, fried tomatos, biscuits and o.j..3. Nozawa (just closed, Los Angeles) 4. The original Katsu-Ya, Studio City – all the specials5. Mama’s gnocchi al Fumo at the Osteria La Buca when it was just 8 tables (now Mama has her own place) 6. Il Ristorante di Giorgia Baldi – Santa Monica. A must: lots of wine.7. La Super RIca – Santa Barbara – #s 15, 16 and whatever the specials are that day.8. Lobster Rolls with butter9. Fincher’s BB@Q:disqus – Macon, GA10. Croissants, jam, coffee while reading the IHT – Paris
I would absolutely starve trying to narrow the choice down to one cuisine.If I could eat only one dish for the rest of my life, then grilled fish with grilled vegetables. But that’s not a cuisine.Otherwise, it’s chicken, chicky-baby. Any cuisine. Any time. Most of my favorite dishes in any cuisine include chicken.Served with wine. Cooked with wine is good too.
Love grilled fish and veggies with tropical fruit…almost exclusively have that as an afternoon snack when on a beach somewhere in the Caribbean…the salt taste from a swim in the ocean is all you need for seasoning. That with a cold beer.
You are making me crazy. That sounds heavenly. Tropical fruit adds another dimension. A friend actually does something wonderful with salmon prepared with mango juice.
every cuisine has some piece of genius; but you’ve got to go deep into pakistani, lebanese, and turkish cuisine to appreciate the perfection of food through human evolution
Fred – didn’t you just get back from a previous vacation? Too many fun > Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs. and Friday’s !! Good ole fashion American
difficult… but Spanish… definitively
Japanese.Spent last new year in Tokyo and have to say that sashimi in the tiny restaurant’s by the Fish Market are AMAZING!
Indian for sure. But with red wine :)But saying ‘Indian’ is like saying ‘Asian’ or ‘European’. For example Punjabi food and Kerala food are like night and day. So are Bengali food vs Tamil vegetarian food. Gujarati food vs Hyderabadi Mughalai food. Kashmiri vs Goanese food.So it is cheating to say Indian because you get to to eat so many cuisines under one name 🙂
You mean you’ve never had spag-bog and shashimi…?
Mexican or Japanese without a doubt.
French. On my list of the best dishes I ever ate in a restaurant or cooked myself, French dishes have nearly all the high spots.While I love Italian, and cook more Italian than French, the part of Italian I really like is close to southern French; so if I get to take all of French then I also get enough of what I like about Italian!Then I also get the rest of French, and that’s a LOT of great food.So, I also get seafood from the Mediterranean, the English Channel, and the Atlantic.One of the best seafood dishes I ever had was a cold, stuffed lobster at the Rive Gauche restaurant on the SW corner of Wisconsin and M Streets in Georgetown.The French do well with beef, pork, chicken and other poultry, veal, lamb, and venison.The Escoffier sauce foundations are a crown jewel of civilization.The best veal dish I ever had was a spot on classic Blanquette de Veau at Epcot.The best chicken dish I ever had was what the Rive Gauche did with morel mushrooms and a cream sauce.The French do well with vegetables — potatoes, onions, carrots, celery, peas (one of the best things I ever ate was some Provençal dish of small peas, onion, bacon, and whatever at the Rive Gauche), tomatoes, artichokes, broccoli, and much more.Vienna may be first in desserts, but I view the French as at least a strong second.For wines, I see no challenge for first place — France. I like the whites near Macon and the reds from Volney up to Dijon. So do too many people including too many with deep pockets back at least to Napoleon. I still have a decent Corton waiting somewhere in my basement!But if I got all of French food, then, sure, I’d go for the Haut Medoc, the Rhône valley, Champaign, and more. Heck, I have yet even to try the Loire valley!When I was learning to cook, I drew from several recipes and restaurant dishes and worked up a Coquille Saint Jacques Parisienne I have a tough time resisting. I have good notes. However the last time I did the dish the no-brand scallops I used gave me a scary case of shellfish poisoning with me gasping for breath, unable to swallow, with one arm and a leg paralyzed. I was much better in two hours and totally well in two days, but for some reason I’ve set aside scallops since then! But when I get some good scallops, I’ll try again!When I return to cooking, I will get a big cooler in the back of a pickup truck, drive to a packing house I know about in Pennsylvania that takes most of the retired NYS dairy cattle, buy some boxes of whole shins, and make Escoffier’s brown stock, Sauce Espagnole, demi-glace, etc.And I’ll get some retired, organic laying hens and make chicken stock.And I will do more with morels and get started on truffles.I’ll stay with provencal and classic (haut) cuisine and won’t try for nouvelle cuisine or Myhrvold’s book!But, whatever, my choice of the food of just one country will be French!
A gift to mankind
I’ve had bad bacon before, its an overrated ingredient (don’t eat me for that)
I am Siong, cofounder of Actually, I like the form of Fun Friday. We are working on similar concept at We think that questions can be fun versus serious(Quora).Btw, my favorite cuisine is Indian. Their way of using different spices to create great food is just amazing.Check out:…
Mr. Wilson, you must not have visited New Orleans lately, because there is no better food on earth than our Cajun cuisine! I could absolutely spend the rest of my life eating nothing but gumbo, fresh Gulf seafood prepared in a way that only a New Orleanian can, and other Cajun delicacies with French/Spanish/Carribean/African influences.Sincerely, @christiangumbo:disqus
I’ll have to go with French :)What I like about French cuisine is the fact that it is very easy to find good products (wine included), so it’s a pleasure to learn cooking (I’m an addict myself).I also really enjoy Moroccan, definitely worth a try.
I love both Italian and Japanese food. I lived in Japan a few years ago for a short time – the sushi at Tsukiji fish market is out of this world and has slightly ruined sushi for me elsewhere!Deciding my favourite food is tough, though. As a nice Jewish boy from London, I love my mother and late grandmother’s traditional cooking. I also love good Chinese (dim sum is always brilliant) and Vietnamese (which I rate higher than Thai). However, I always seem to come back to home cooking of my favourite things: matzo ball soup, salt beef and roast chicken. Home really is where the heart is…
floating or sinking matzah balls?
Portuguese food! 🙂 We are masters in cod fish!
I’m getting real hungry reading the threads……my restaurant budget is now under pressure.
Hungarian, yo.
Food a big draw
I notice that nobody said Pink Slime!
Totally with you on that one. It’s a toss up of Italian and Japanese and I think I would have to go with Japanese if I had to make a choice. Only after having lived in Japan for two years in the 90s did I realize how brought the selection of different Japanese cuisines and dishes are. Umai-desu, ne!The funny thing is that as a German I had not tried Japanese food until my late teenager years where as today my 3-year old eats tobiko (fish egg) sushi like I ate potatoes as a kid.
>200 comments by asking people for their favorite food? yeah, right. and this exactly shows what an utter nonsense taking the number of comments as an indication for relevance or quality is. sorry to say.
i would never do thati take the number of comments for what it isengagement. people talking to people.