How to Be in Business Forever: A Class On Sustainability
Last fall I wrote a post on Sustainability and ended it with this thought:
I am tempted to develop a course on this topic. I think we need a lot more of this type of thinking in business. It seems in such short supply these days.
So I am excited to announce that I am going to teach a class on this topic. It will run the entire month of October and it will be integrated into MBA Mondays for the month of October.
I am using our portfolio company Skillshare's brand new Hybrid Class model so that anyone in the world can take this class.
Here is how it works (taken from this page outlining the course):
– This is a project-based class. You’ll work collaboratively with other students to complete your project at your own pace. Along the way, you’ll have project milestones, weekly resources, and office hours to help you with your project. Our project will be to build a "Sustainable Business Model Canvas."
– Every Monday morning, you’ll receive a weekly email with resources, readings and questions to guide you through your project. This will also be my weekly MBA Monday blog post for those who are regular AVC readers.
– Use the Discussions tab in the Skillshare class page to ask questions, share resources, and get feedback on your projects. You can also host or join a Local Workshop in your city to meet with other students in person.
– I will will host weekly livestreamed online Office Hours where I will answer questions, give feedback, and guide you to successfully complete your project.
If you want to take this class, you can sign up here. If you are a regular AVC reader or regular MBA Mondays reader, you are going to at least audit this class because it's going to be taking over the monday posts for the entire month of October. Either way, I am excited to do this. Sustainability is a big issue in business today and I think this is a great opportunity to get the key ideas and issues out there in a way that as many people as want can consume them.