Fun Friday: Photos
Photosharing is one of the killer apps of the Internet.
Flickr, Facebook, and Instagram have all been built on this one simple, but killer, feature.
So I figured we'd have some fun today and take advantage of a cool Disqus feature at the same time.
I will start out by sharing a photo that I took that I am proud of.
And then all of you can share a photo with me and everyone else in the comments. For those who aren't Disqus regulars, you do that by clicking on this button in the comment box.
This is the computer lab at The Academy For Software Engingeering, which opened yesterday. I was there to welcome the students and I was just so inspired when I walked into this room that I took out my Android and snapped this photo and posted it to Instagram, Tumblr, and Foursquare. Now I am posting it here.
Comments (Archived):
I wonder where those three doors lead to?
closets for storing things
‘The Path Is Yours To Choose’ – Gestalt classroom design sounds more inspiring.
I’ll take what’s behind door #2, Monty.
Ah yes, but will you switch?
reminds me of a probability problem from school.
The Monty Hall Problem.
That’s it!
what is the significance of the 407?
No significance. That’s just a random car with a standard Lithuanian license plate which happens to start with CEO for no particular reason 🙂 It’s not a custom plate.
ah. i thought it was a vanity plate
101 suffix would be better for most CEO vanity plates 😉
Summer office
That’s where I’d like to be today.
Most days.
Right back at ya!(Taken while walking the pooches).
Wow. that’s a great shot.
Agree w Tom – terrific shot. Long Island?
Thanks! Port Phillip Bay.
My turn….
All we need are some beers and guitar 😉
for some @JLM:disqus campfire time….
I’m in.
Redacted… my picture didn’t post. Hmm. Fred, if you get this, please tell the Disqus folks that pictures with names that have spaces don’t post.
Ah there we go… now I’m playing along. 🙂
Really nice.
lovely 🙂
great thread guys
Elia – where is that?
That’s Smuggler’s Cove in Oswald West State Park on the Oregon coast. One of my favorite spots, although I haven’t been there in a few years now.
This is ….?
Small lake Orange co. Never been any motor boats and is spring fed.
Sorting out old paperwork in my home office today, and I lingered over this print-out for a while.Reminded me – I wish I had fewer such anecdotes, lol 😉
i have lots of those sorts of things in my office too. reminding oneself is a good thing!
Lol, aye (runs away, screaming) 😉
Nice view to wake up to for sure. #NYC #Central Park
is that *your* view or just *a* view?
Fortunate enough for that to be my view.
i would agree. kirk has the good life.
@fredwilson:disqus yours ain’t too shabby either hoss. 😉
you lucky lucky man
Amazing view to start each day.#lucky!
Indeed. Grateful for all in my life. I’m blessed. Wine soon?
Absolutely. Early October.Talking abt wine–I’m heading to Etna, Sicily for five days to crawl around the volcano and visit a handful of high altitude vineyards there. Never been. Excited.
Very nice. Jealous. Enjoy! And yes, let’s hook up in October then.
my word thats beautiful!
Thanks Tyrone, hope you’re well!
Each day starts and ends with a film set and soundtrack. Cool.
Always a soundtrack! Always. Currently the new Cat Power!
Rewatched Manhattan the other day.That movie is a photographic love affair with this city.
That photo reminds me of Steiglitz’s Flat Iron shot.http://www.andrewhungaski.c…
jeepers that is striking – thx Shana
Steiglitz is a rock star. And he has some amazing shots of NY, including some foggy ones like yours.Though I have to admit, NYC probably looked very different to him. For Steiglitz, the Flatiron was the first skyscraper 🙂
Beautiful. My grandmother told me of seeing a Georgia O’Keefe show in Steiglitz’s gallery there. Georgia was my role model at 8. Have always wanted grey hair since. I’ve lived near that building for so many years it’s like an old friend.
Yeah, I love his work. I love Georgio O’Keefe, but I actually prefer his cityscapes. I think he captures an essence of early NY that I could have known if I lived a long time ago.
Steiglitz was the man.
great photo
love the layering – beautiful!
you are lucky
Digging my new haircut?
That is crazy-cool. ^^
that lizard is creepy.
I dig, but you need hairdye, maybe something blue
orange clashes with most people’s skin tones…
First day of school.
one for the family album.
that is fantastic Jim. amazing shot.
Thanks. Was just trying to capture the memory.
Makes my ‘on the front step shot’ feel very, very uninspired.
Every shot means something different to everyone.
so good
Thanks Tom
I remember looking more nervous on my first days…
A great photo. I’m a big fan of “first day of school” photos.
thanks, me too!
hmm judging by the looks of those computers it looks like AFSE is a plantation for breeding iSlaves. #disappointingi’d like to counter with this image.
Once they graduate they will never be slaves again.
ahhhhh. that is fantastic.
I am one of the bigger Apple / patent proponents in the AVC Saloon……& I think that’s really funny.
Just using a graphic like that on the device would be a great way to work around the apple claims 🙂
If they’re hackers they’ll learn to boot to whatever OS they prefer. The outside is just a pretty shell.
My grandfather on the Grand Concourse in the early 30s.Immigrated to the US from Russia at 8. My hero and my image of New York.
you look a bit like him arnold
Maybe so…I take that as a compliment.
Saw that right away too.
Right around your eyes.
I don’t know, he looks pretty serious in that shot. I see a little more levity in your expressions.
Amazing photo — a proper treasure.
Coolest person I’ve ever known.Horse drawn cab driver. Union organizer and factory worker in the garment district.
So cool. Do you ever ponder – what if he hadn’t?
Awesome. He looks like a man should look. Proud, worn, strong. One look and I know this was not someone coddled…this is someone that earned his muted smile.
No question.Never went to school. Worked hard. Envied nobody. Head of his family was a role he took very seriously and excelled at it.
Who are the boys in the background? Your dad one of them? I love old shots!
Don’t know who they were. He was my mom’s dad, and she (now 93) knows the spot as she grew up there but it’s not clear who took the picture.I have only a handful of these old photos and each one is moment in time of my family history. I periodically share these on my Tumblr.
Awesome shot.My grandfather’s favorite expression was, “Glad I didn’t miss the boat!”
Love it!
He looks tough–a lot of words in this photo.
Sweetest person ever. Only babysitter I ever had actually as a kid.The product most certainly of a different world. He does carry a universe of memories extending back to being sent to American by his family in those eyes.
he sounds like an awesome inspiration
What a great babysitter! But you’re not really supposed to say babysit when they are your family…..
True…and of course, he lived with our family from before I was born.
Those eyes are piercing.
that is a great coat!
He was a tailor and made most of his own clothes or traded with friends who were tailors.That coat…don’t know of course the origin but he really had great clothes for certain.
Lucky guy, I feel like it is much harder to get great clothing that way now….
I have a dress maker. I barely shop. I can sew it all my self, but fitting yourself is clumsy. Plus he’s faster.
I’m looking for a tailor actually to fix some of my clothing. One who can reconstruct some things if necessary…
Find someone local, maybe through your dry cleaner. Local and fast are key.
A dressmaker? That is so civilized. Love it!You are going to have to tutor me Panterosa.
My mother is civilized – she also knits her sweaters and has the dressmaker sew. He’s also a bass opera singer. So cool. She only shop for bags and shoes.
that generation has seen so much.
Great composition – love how the back of the benches lead your eye to the distant buildings and back to the rather strong subject.
I love these type of old pictures. I am sure he had interesting stories from Russia pre and post 1917 revolution
My grandmother’s family left Russia about that time. Officers in Czar’s Army were not popular figures. Russians turned out not to be too popular in Manchuria once the Japanese came.
Absolutely love this. Something incredible about grandparents. I think about my grandpa and I want to get to work.
Great shot. I see that you aren’t the first photographer in the family. Who took this photo?
Love it! Classic.
Yesterday while walking across the Brooklyn Bridge.
you got that from the brooklyn bridge?
Yup…I walked home from Dumbo over the bridge.Surprised me as I was snapping shots north of the Empire State and West of the Freedom Tower, Gehry tower, and Woolworth building that the mouth of the river opens up with a view of the Statue.
Best way to see the city or any city.
Excellent shot
the majesty of the statue. what it stands for, what it represents is so powerful.whenever i see it i imagine the immigrants after a long arduous journey at sea, having escaped poverty and persecution and sometimes worse, turning the last corner as they approached Ellis Island and being greeted by her in the fullness of her grandeur. what a sight it must have been for them.#greatPic.
Agree.Every time I see it, which is every day, I think of my grandfather who told me many times of this as his first image coming off the boat,
My mother came over from England on the boat. They spent the night outside the harbor then motored in at dawn with every one on deck. I will find the picture of her on that boat to post later today.
Love to see those.My dad, worlds worst photographer, had a video camera (aka film and big flood lights) and took hours of footage w/o audio from when I was four to about seven.I took basically 100 hours of junk and edited it down to an hour of 1-2 minute chunks of “my brother being carried by my mom coming home from the hospital 2 days old’ and ‘my father reading me a book’ type of stuff.They are surreal really. Seeing my dad reading to me (no audio) I won’t say how many years ago when he was 30 is quite amazing. May start to share some snippets when I have time.
That film must be amazing to watch. My mother pitched footage of my father on a camel in Egypt. Wow do I yearn for those reels. She hates pictures. Never had one of me up, til my father put one up.
I was editing them on a plane one day and realized that I had all of these people staring at these old black and white snippets of people they didn’t know.Something intimate and close about old photos and films.
well said.
Alright, ‘fess up: Which bum down voted La Liberté?
The cranes look like metal brontosaurus skeletons.
If you ever get a chance, rent a boat and get a sense of NYC as an island. Tugs (some 800 of them), huge cargo ships stacked up under the Verrazono Bridge waiting for those cranes in Jersey and Brooklyn to unload them.Or just go for a ride on the Staten Island Ferry and see much of this as well.
That is terrific.
DUMBO has some of the best views of Manhattan. Have a client there and often walk back.
.WTF, someone down votes the Statue of Liberty. Next thing you’re gonna find out is someone votes God off the platform. WTF?.
the downvote feature was designed to get folks talking about downvotes. it increases engagement. #beingfacetious
Nice. Are these cranes of factories in the background?
I believe they are container unloaders from the ship. They move the containers from the ships directly onto trucks and trains.
correct – they are container terminals
Artistic.What is that reddish thing? Sun through the gap?
Sunset. Amateur photographer for certain. Luck.
when I was in NYC back in March we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge – what an inspiration! (actually everywhere I looked in NYC was inspiring 😉 )
My son’s reaction at the art gallery. It was his highlight and the light went on about art being funny.
he doesn’t look to be buying it
You got it. If I took the next shot it would have been of a great big belly laugh.
Off to work, got 200 gig of MySQL data to move today
my desk – aghhh those beautiful kids…..
where are the JLM quotes?
next to my souvenir from the greatest single football match in the history of man. In the conference room!
That JLMism is new to me… it.
Don’t think it’ll work on mobile so here’s a direct link to the mascot of my summer project at Fast Society chainsaw Bob Ross
Mark you look a lot different in that photo :-).
ok – one more…..banksy from the summer….one of my fav pics this year….
Really effective. Don’t totally agree w the message, but the execution – of almost every Banksy – is awesome.
thats why he is banksy! you are not supposed to agree……
too true
that is great. seriously great
Love Banksy. Just saw Exit Through The Gift Shop. I was at RISD with Shep Fairey. Lots of Andre the Giant around.
my brother was there (RISD) through ’94. we were good friends with shep! small world….
what was that like?
I used to love the one down by London Bridge, of a guardsman having a p**s up against the wall.
that was awesome
There was a great street-art exhibition at Tate Modern a few years ago. This was my favourite – French artist, can’t remember the name. He had another amazing one at the same time on Lexington St in Soho
those are powerful – especially the camcorder
Aren’t they just? Immediate thought is that it’s a gun which is quite telling
Taken with a tiny totally-not-impressive Canon camera, this is the sky in Cambridge, MA close to Harvard Square a couple summers ago. This was on a 20 mile training walk I was doing and I had been so cranky until I stopped, looked up and thought, “Damn, I’m a lucky human being.”
That’s an incredible sky. I say that in my official capacity as a member of The Cloud Appreciation Society 😉
There’s a membership fee? Well then, I definitely appreciate your opinion a little more. 🙂
A great capture of a moment in time!Thanks for sharing this.
It’s funny, I sometimes take it for granted because I use it as a stock image/placeholder sometimes.
Had a #cloudporn competition with Matthew Ingram this summer…you would have won easily. Sky on fire.
Aw man, what was the prize? 🙂
global bragging rights.
Ah bugger. I needed something new and flashy on my resume.
The colors are beautiful
And that’s just with the cam on auto! Imagine if I had any skill of really capturing it. haha
makes you believe in god
Camera was on auto too… just the perfect amount of light.
This picture is from my first trip to Tokyo in 2004.I love the architecture in Tokyo, so different from what you might find in the US or Europe. While the buildings themselves tend to be plain, the city is full of crazy surprises like this four-story tall chef’s head in Asakusa.Or in the narrow back alley behind a hyper-modern concrete home, you might find an 800-year-old wooden temple.This is just one of the many surprises I captured on my trip. A great city to explore if you ever have the chance.
I love this.
I don’t get it…..doesn’t every city have this 😉
In Odessa, TX, above the door of an abandoned carpet store, a king with crown and purple robe flies forever on his magic carpet. Sorry I don’t have the pic.It’s down 8th street, near the Bingo hall. 😉
.Haha, I know exactly what you are talking about. The bingo hall is at 1720 East 8th St.On Earth as it is in Texas..
Labor day has passed but memories of long warm days at the beach will remain.
That’s so awesome
Thanks- one of my favorite with my daughter. Just glad I didn’t drop her 🙂
Dad’s don’t let their daughters fall 🙂
.Your children must be very young.Dads –> slaves to their daughter’s every wishDaughters –> most precious but demanding little persons on Earth
They are (4<5).CEOs –>slaves to their teams [needs]Team –> most precious but demanding people on earth:)
.Enjoy and love them because it all happens way too fast. I have a very tough time getting much elevation on mine these days because they are 26 year old 6’4″ young man and 23 year old Perfect Daughter.Particularly poignant as PD has just moved to NYC two days ago, gotten an apartment and will be in the employment statistics come Monday. All without any help from me.You tell them you want them to become independent and the little boogers just go out and do it.Life is good..
i have two and i can vouch for that statement. and i have met yours and she is lovely and a testament to your parenting skills
.My wife’s parenting skills. We are lucky guys, Fred..
Or get stuck. Funny story – my daughter is just a bit over one now and her favorite phrase is “I’m stuck!” So like a good Dad, I rush over to her and help her out of her perceived predicament to the point where now it’s a game. She gets ‘stuck’ so daddy can come and save her. My wife commented that she hopes the idea that we’ll always be there to get her unstuck stays with her through life so she’s never afraid to come to us with anything. #tangent
I can see it now…. 19 years old 2 a.m. and scared: “Dad I’m stuck”….”That’s all I need to know…I’m on my way”. 🙂
Damn straight. 🙂
I’m the father of 3 girls, 7,5,2 be careful or they won’t do for themselves. Creating independence and being supportive is a VERY fine balance. I started”unstucking” my daughters, now I ask them how do they think they can unstuck themselves.
amazing pic.that’s a pretty impressive height.if i tried that height with one of my kids, my wife would kick my ass
great shot!!
Holy crap! That’s amazing. Almost looks photoshopped. I have to do this with my daughter when the wife isn’t looking!
I set the shot up but made my wife take the photo…
.Seth, hope she stuck the landing. CPS will be dropping around this afternoon?.
she stuck it, got a 9.95 out of 10
Jesus.My son now 10-year still asks for that throw. They just love it and we love that giggle more than that.
wow that is so awesome
Great picture. I tried to do this with my younger daughter but she’d grip so tight to my shirt I couldn’t launch her. She never did like to fly!
that photo is incredible. no wonder you are at the top of the comment thread.
First let me say that is an amazing photo.Two things are interesting though.First there is no shadow created by your daughter. I guess this could be explained by the angle of the sun.Second is the position of your hands.They are facing down and about mid level with palms down.Seems that if you are throwing up something as valuable as a child (to that height) your hands would be automatically at a higher level in order to get the proper velocity as the child departed your arms. And remain there anticipating the return of the child. At the very least the palms would be facing up after the action. Not facing down.Sorry – I hope you don’t take this the wrong way and think I am saying this photo was faked. It’s just something that jumped out at me.
@LE There is no shadow in the photo it is actually to the right of camera.In order to exaggerate the effect of the photo I tossed her up and simultaneous dropped my arms for a split second for the photo (actually many photos to get the right one) and then of course lift them back up to catch her. That is part of what makes the image dramatic (to me) is the space created between the two subjects.
Title: Why Kids have DadsMakes the mom in me nervous just looking at it — but boy do I wish I was that girl!
holy moly – I thought that was a kite when I saw the thumbnail! 🙂
Composition is terrific. She is really not that far above your outstretched arms.Right? :-0 ;-)Nice.
Wow! My wife would kill me if the little one got that much air!
“…and that’s the day she decided to be a fighter pilot”
Is that CGI?
Wow, that really is the coolest picture ever. She’s gonna cherish it always 🙂
Great photo.Although Labor Day had passed, there were still a few folks at the beach Friday. Took this outside of a soul food restaurant in Asbury Park, NJ Friday evening, where we stopped after a day at Bradley Beach.
Great photo.Labor Day may have passed, but there were still a few folks at the beach on Friday. After a day at Bradley Beach, we stopped at a soul food restaurant in Asbury Park, NJ Friday evening, where I took the pic below.Edit: the add a pick button didn’t work (just took me up to the top of the page), so I pasted the pic in, which apparently didn’t work either. So now I’ll try embedding my tweet with that pic below.An novel way of transporting a surf board.…— David Pinsen (@dpinsen) September 8, 2012
Awesome pic! Love it!!! Late to the party – but here’s one of my daughter that I have as my wallpaper and cover photo for her 2012 Yearbook on mi LIfemap. 2 1/2 years old.
View this morning of NYC skyline from Long Island City, Queens.
i love NYC
Meet the neighbour…..or JLM of the animal kingdom.
.Nice rack, bbq backstrap, tenderloins, ribs, lots of summer sausage and some hot spicy links..
that backstrap sounds delicious.
You missed jerky!Good news for our non-meat eating friends….this pic taken in a National Park!On a good day, late in August, when the herd is forming around the townsite for the fall rut, the reigning big buck will stroll right by the cabin while you have coffee…..with the emphasis on stroll.
.Of course, jerky.I have my guy make really spicy sausage and jerky (real thick jerky so it was chewy) and I used to send it with my kids to football games. It used to last all season long. Damn it was good..
This moose is not loose.
seriously? wow.
Thread w JLM is back….but, yes, if you come visit the cabin in Prince Albert National Park (an hour north of my hometown & the best reason to live in my hometown), during the last two weeks of August, elk begin to herd up in the townsite (usually in groups of 20 to 30) to avoid wolf packs & to eat at the elk buffet that is the golf course, day use areas, cabin lawns & ditches.You can sit on our front deck having an early coffee or an early cocktail and 10, 20 or 30 elk will wander by.An elk herd is run by one buck, a big buck. The big buck does not join the herd – which can number in the 100’s – until the rut starts in September, but he starts to hang around the herd in August, just to remind the young bucks who is boss.The first pic is from summer 2010. That buck (a monster with an 8×8 rack) charged someone (who was probably at fault) and was put down by wardens, according to friends. He has been replaced at the top by a not quite so monstrous 7×7 buck….this guy (who wandered right by the cabin the morning of the last day we were there).#topofthefoodchainbaby
uploading what i was working on.
thanks shana
love the tagline
thanks. i believe its possible
Me (right) with Landon, my brother (and business partner for life) at this year’s Kentucky Derby.
First-rate style.
Thanks but I have to admit we looked a lot better with our dates on our arms!
No I’m 2 years older and 10 years wiser
That second part your brother has to tell 🙂
Ah, so he got the beauty and you got the brains?(contradicting my “twins” comment)
Now I know where your disqus icon comes from … u cropped this photo and made it your disqus identity.
you guys are so dapper. *fake swoon*
Where’s the Pappy Van Winkle?
Well played.
Hurray for photos!Okay, here’s the best breakdown of social media EVER… all in a single picture.(Also good reference for Fred’s post about knowing your own “atomic unit”).Enjoy!
Love it! 😀
Thanks Jim. I upvoted your “First day of school” pic when I first saw it this morning. Great memories you’re building there. Appreciate the comment. Have a really wonderful day. 🙂
Thanks Robert…you too.
🙂 Cops eat donuts without social media.
Being that you just DISQUS’d about it, your statement is no longer true. :-DIt’s in the blogosphere now. Muhaha… Resistance is futile. ^^
i loved this at first sight
i’ve seen that before. where?
Yesterday was my first day of grad school
Congrats. What are you studying?
Teachers College at Columbia.
what do you want to do as a teacher?
Ah…Alma Mater memories.
mazel tov!
i am very proud of you Julia. did you know that your grandfather (my dad) got a masters from Columbia too?
I did know that, he was telling me he did not enjoy the city very much. Unlike Grandpa I think one masters will wind up being enough for me!
He told me that the seeing the GW bridge in his rear view mirror made him happyOuch!I guess I’m the opposite of him in that regard
Nice. Keeping an eye on Pops are we?
This is our CIARobot from FIRST Robotics this past Spring (Rookie Year). We won the Regional and went to World.
Thanks. Used Celtics with Russel as strategy (defense)… Problem at world was first three rounds, we scored over half of the points. Oh well.
Had a great döner in a “Eurabia” environment: Vienna’s 20th District. Homemade bread, charcoal-grilled meats, fresh everything. Delicious!
yum. its almost lunchtime in NYC
We had ridiculously great doner in Den Hagg last fall. Young guys running the shop were Turkish. They said Dutch chicken waaaaay better quality than back home, which made their doners better than their Mom’s!!!
.An inspiration from Florence. My Dad captured Florence in WWII but he gave it back.Love the picture of Medusa’s final end. She and Perseus apparently did not see eye to eye on some things.It went to her head?.
we always give it back. except if its in north america.
I’ve been at that exact spot! Loved florence!
A photograph of reflections and Koi taken at the Grand Wailea Resort on Maui this past January, for a class with aviation and landscape photographer Terry Rowe.
That’s a beautiful pic.
Thank you!
relatives! (good looking ones)(I can make that joke, my last name is carp)
Really? Then, I have a present for you. If you give me an email I will send you a DropBox link to the large file so you can print it! 😀
That’s ok. What would I do with it?
Instead of wipping my iphone or finding in my collection of personal pics one to impress you with, I took a different tact, and went to my latest favorite image site for inspiration, and I found this touching picture instead.
that’s funny
That site imgfave has great pics and you can share straight to Tumblr or Twitter. Look at this built-in underground wine cellar.
Super crazy cool. Want it.
Summer fun. My son loves being at the lake but he’s not quite ready to let go of Mom and take a swim.
i’ve been in that position myself
typical startup intern… great thread btw
getting sentimental about this beast…
next fun friday is going to be dog photos. #justkidding
that’s great.
An art project I saw recently based on candid Skype screen grabs.My friend, the artist, was showing us how it looks like a blank white canvas from the front, but from the side..
My Dad, Phil Nolan, early in his broadcasting career. He went on to Produce the Dick Clark radio show, became National Program Director of Westinghouse in the 60’s (How cool would that be?), VP/GM of WIND in Chicago in the 70s, before he bought his own stations in 1978.Growing up the son of such a great man and entrepreneur was the greatest gift in the world. His employees loved him, and he gave back to his community in so many ways.
That must have been an amazing experience, Mike.
when was this taken?
1951 – This was his 1st radio job in Bloomington Illinois – he was 18. He also worked as a Page Boy at NBC in Chicago.
The radio business – early days edition – was teeming with upbeat, community oriented, dialled in and fired up entrepreneurs.Lucky you.
So much has changed… even the late 70s were a blast. My dad was told by the President of the radio division “If you think FM is ever going to amount to anything, you are working for the wrong company.” He bought his own blowtorch FM in a small town in Minnesota, and the rest is history!
Fantastic shot. I’m sure that mic would be worth a pretty penny today.
Thanks Cam – it is an RCA 44, I think. I’ve got a the Sure 55 on my desk at work. My dad once told me they threw these out by the garbage can during a station remodel in NYC… Now about $1,500 each on Ebay. My 55 still sounds great…
The me, me and the me.left – 3-years back.middle – 1 year back.right – me 1-month back.I thought people who have been talking at my x-ray avatar can have a look at actual me. A typical South Indian.P.S. Had a serious health issue last year.
Cool concept…thanks for the share (and sorry to hear about the health issue, but happy that it seems you have made it through well now).
Yep back to what used to be.But I really enjoyed my appetite when i was recovering … used to eat 3-times more than what i eat.
are you OK?
thanx fred. It just took 50-60 days and i lost 25kgs. The recovering phase was enjoyable … I became a eating monster for about 6-7months…I was not force eating … the body was demanding.
you’re looking better if that is the case
Yes … the doctor took some time to make the correct diagnosis (2-months) and I lost 25 kgs. Some rare bacterial infection in stomach.
This was the beginning of the Caribbean tropical storms/hurricane a couple of weeks ago. The captain announced that we had “snuck up on a small tropical depression”.I think that was code for “we needed to get home and weren’t going to add extra time to the trip”.
in a plane?
sorry, on a boat. I was playing in the wind like a little kid!
on a boat* forgot a crucial detail lol
My wife with our son, about 15 minutes after he was born
Congrats! So cute!
Thanks. This was three years ago but it feels like five minutes ago–Nick Grossmanhttp://nickgrossman.info
Mine are (almost) 9 and (just recently) 6…it seems like just yesterday they joined us as well. Guess we’re all just having too much fun to notice the time flying by! 😉
mazel tov, so beautiful?
As JLM would comment”Well Played”
aww man. no wonder you got nine upvotes. i will make it ten. the greatest moments of my life were these moments.
Gorgeous. Both.
.Well played. But the kid looks like mine from 26 years ago..
Priceless & precious!
My favorite picture of the night. This group of guys were standing on the corner of Broadway in Soho during Fashion’s Night Out.It brought back all the memories of early 1990s hip hop style: Nas, Rakim, Pete Rock and CL Smooth.Refreshing.Instrammged as well >…
those kids are my son’s fashion icons
awesome photo: congrats
climate reality project: 1k+ people gathered in sf last month http://climaterealityprojec…
i’ve been in that space before. where is it?
hyatt / burlingame SFO
funny that you remembered the space but not the place
I’m the same way. Remember visual easily and have a much harder time associating with a name. It’s like “what’s that actors name?” mode.
my husband can recognize an actor’s voice in an animated kid movie, and knows who the bit players are in grownup movies; i never have a clue
One more image from last night:This blind man was standing in the middle of Grand Central during the Obama Speech. The Apple store logos shined in the background. I couldn’t help but feel the pertinacity of continued innovation. You don’t have to see the world to feel it.
cropped that would make an amazing photo
Something to be said for the imperfection though, the kid running on the left and the couple kissing on the right.
i love that space. empty is better. but crowded works too.
One of my best friends…
Sir, that is an incredible dog picture. Very regal.
thanks Brian, he is an incredible dog, we were fortunate he chose us.
beautiful dog. wow.
thought it was a reindeer, before I enlarged it.
funnily enough Ken, one year for a family christmas card we did put a pair of antlers on him
Vizslas are great dogs — my favorite breed. Have had two and would love to get another. Nice picture! 🙂
I had a Weimaraner as a single guy. Hilariously great dog. Pictured w my daughter when she was 5 months old.An extremely enthusiastic hunter (at a dog park) called the group (Viszla, German Shorthaired Pointer, Wiemaraner) the ‘BMWs of field dogs’.At the lake (see elk pic elsewhere), during a walk in the woods, when my daughter was 3 months old, he alerted us to a lone wolf in the trees.There is another great story about a cleaning lady coming into our first home while my wife was out with our daughter and the dog….door opens, hair stands on end all the way down his spine, he shoots my wife the ‘stay right there look’, zips into the house, checks out the top floor & main floor, comes back to the door and shoots my wife another look, checks out the basement, comes back and gives here the ALL CLEAR tail wag.He was a pain in the ass if he didn’t have a job to do, but he did the super coolest stuff when you least expected it.
oh my god that is insanely cute.
That’s an incredible pic. It rivals the baby in the air pic as my favorite of the bunch.
It is the last in a series…..starts w Hagan’s head waaaay back,, then to the side, then straight ahead, etc.Hagan took 6 months to accept my wife into our pack & 6 nanoseconds for the kids. He actually sensed my wife was pregnant ( smelled it?) & when we went to the dog park, he blasted out of the truck, found the first dog he could, knocked it on its butt, barked at it, looked around & then came back & never left her side ( all out of character ). Who needs modern medicine?!Fun dog – although he destroyed 2 grand of my wife’s stuff in the first 3 months we dated….
Thanks Charles, I’ve had a few breeds of dog in the past but would only ever have a vizsla in the future. They are very, very special dogs.
Terrific pic of a terrific specimen of a very cool breed.Rhodesian Ridgebacks are the only other short haired breed that possess that striking colour.
thanks James. he gets mistaken for a Ridgeback sometimes.Funnily enough we were between a Weimaraner and a Vizsla when we got him. It was only because a good friend of mine had a Vizsla years ago and I knew the breed that swung it.
as a kid I spent hours and hours with my dog in the snow. They never complain do they…
they love it, as do I!
Love the picture! What kind of camera did you use?
thanks Matt, it was taken with a Sony DSLR-A100
Moon over Half Dome in Yosemite. Taken couple of years ago on a day/night hike to North Dome. For those interested in the hike, check this trip on Everytrail –…
wow. amazing blue violet light.
Yes, colors untouched – the violet lasted only about 10-15 minutes at dusk when the moon rose as well
I miss Yosemite, and the lighting is beautiful
Yosemite is one reason I might never leave California!
the moon is fantastic in that one
Thanks Fred – I uploaded a low-res version, but here’s a high res version on Flickr –…
Wow.V nice.
I’ve got to go.
10:15 AM (US Eastern) and already 214 comments
I know, and I am going to have to look through them by hand because of the nature that people can post any sort of photo with any sort of text, and the photos won’t be passed into email…. *sigh*
this is a fantastic thread
Some backstory:I’m spending the next month or two modeling for an artist interested in the Abrahamic religions. This was among the first shots.
who is the artist, that’s a great shot, loving that facial expression Shana!
http://www.georgelewisart.c…This is not all the art. Some of the shots are separated out because they are more risque (especially for where are taken, the Arabian peninsula). Since I know get to become the digital contact person (beyond the model, umm, woot?), I might need to find him a developer to talk to in order to get all the photos onto one site.My guess is they’ll be buyable by the end of the year/ beginning of next, depending on what happens. This is an early shot (first session), the goal is to get a full series and some more context. (also not all the art, also galleries, need to find one to represent).
Interesting artistic focus. Do you know what caused the artist to focus there?
Nope. Though I do find it shows off the fact that I slouch when reading half blind fairly well.
what are you reading in that shot?
part of a sefer torah scroll from approximately Deuteronomy 18: 8 – somewhere in Deuteronomy 20.actually was the first time in over 15 years that I have gotten that close to the actual text of a sefer torah….and my hebrew had degraded so reading from a sefer torah is much harder than it looks.
wow. i am sure you can actually understand it
I never cared much for this stuff at all, but after I got divorced my wife really pushed my daughters hard in this area. [1]Below is a photo of one of my daughters reading the torah. At summer camp.[1] She re-married an orthodox jew but at my advice, before agreeing to marry, received several concessions from him to lessen the impact on the family, proving any term can be negotiated.
did she sign a halachic prenup though?Also, I’ve never read from a sefer torah before. I don’t know the cantillation, I was never taught it, because growing up orthodox girls don’t do that.The last time I saw the inside of a sefer torah that close up with no barriers was in 2nd grade, maybe a bit later for a child’s aliya on simchat torah. (march doesn’t count, everything you’ll see is encased in glass)So this is slightly more transgressive.
“she sign a halachic prenup”You’ve got me curious. But if I ask her she will know something is up and question me to death as far as why I want to know that.
Halachically valid marriages means that only the men can give divorces.…
In order for her to get re-married she rushed me to have the “get” done which she needed. (She had included that I pay the cost of that in our agreement as well).I have several pictures of the process and I remember it well.What seemed like a few rabbis and 10 to 15 rabinical students who all drove many miles to attend in jalopies. It was at this small house in a poor section of town that was super run down. I insisted on taking pictures of the whole thing which really struck them as odd. Which was funny since to me they were odd. Anyway the process was fascinating. They would say things like “so you are getting divorced, uh, is it possible that you were simply walking down the street and someone suggested to you you get divorced is that why you are doing this?” And what seemed like a multitude of questions posed the same way that were all pretty funny. That was there vetting process to make sure this was all of free will I guess.I learned several things that day. One was that I could see how the rabbi was so highly regarded by the younger people and appeared to derive so much “couved” (respect, admiration and sucking up to) from them and that is what floated his boat. I guess that’s obvious but it was interesting juxtaposed to the poverty and how these people cared so little about money (unlike us “other” jews in suburban synagogues that is). So the respect was what really gave them their pleasure.
parts, and I remembered enough parts to be able to look up the section in a concordance. I’m not so familiar with torah script (in terms of the way it looks), and I have no one to talk to in hebrew, so all my hebrew skills have gone downhill.Definitely veers into a slightly more transgressive mode once you realize that the reason I’m in a white dress is because there is a custom to wear one on yom kipper because of purity reasons, that the pose is an old school torah scholar pose, and that I am no longer orthodox at all. (this is mostly going to be a series about orthodox and ex orthodox Jewish people of all sorts).I need a catharthic process about the past few years. Hence why I am doing this.
thats fascinating – the things you find out about people up here never cease to surprise.
I have a wild, iconoclastic streak, and I am very into the idea of opening myself up to life situation to see what will happen next. I got into a discussion involving a late night train ride with a gallerist from Dubai, who passed on an email address. Discussion turned into modeling and a short term social media consult gig. We’ll see what happens next, since I would prefer a longer term gig. Though modeling is interesting, not something I am used to at all. As a result,I’m very dangerous to single guys under the age of 35 in person 😀 (or so I get told).
There are days I wish I was more normal, for the record. But that made me miserable.
good choice – miserable never seems to work in the long term
true, but that means a harder path in other ways. I hope George lewis (the photographer) catches that wistful sense of ostalgie (word I stole from my favorite singer)
Great idea. Great thread.Bad (color) photo but fun: three web media entrepreneurs at a cocktail party for business bloggers (called Yulbiz) held last week in Montreal Google office.
One of my photo themes. I have an entire collection of pictures of shoes just like that some with other feet some just mine in different places.
My breakfast. Homemade Eggs Florentine.
i had scrambled at Balthazar today
looks yum
This is my favourite piece of street art in Dublin, a city which has a lot of great graffiti. I’ll be leaving Dublin in a couple of days, before moving to Sydney, but will always love this photo.
Thanks. I actually printed this off and put it in a frame as a Valentine’s present for my girlfriend (Dublin angel etc…) I know, I know…
My grandpa’s funeral is tomorrow. This is him with my mom circa 1963.
Baruch Dayan Emet. Wow. He has so much joy in his eyes.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
my condolences Britt. good looking man. your mom is probably my age. i am 51
My condolences as well. What a wonderful image.
What a pair of smiles 😀
.I’m sorry for your loss but am sure that that joie de vivre is flowing in your veins.Mourn hard and well..
I kept this in my dorm room all throughout college!
Good Choice for a college dorm room for a guy.
i gave a speech five times in less than an hour at AFSE yesterday. that was the takeaway line. great photo. love both of those guys although Michael made being a Knick fan just awful in the 90s
MARS attacks!
Island Lake, Oregon. About an hour from Bend in the middle of an old forest fire, about 5 years or so old. Gorgeous lake, fantastic view, of which I discovered unfortunately had leeches in it.
killer photo
really nice.
There has been a lot of discussion about the Nexus 7 – saw this the other dayMac Life – current cover – head line”iPads Biggest Threat Google’s $199 Nexus 7″ is the real deal”
it is the real deal. i am carrying it with me everywhere but bed
5 on a scooter in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.Our company HQ is in neighboring Vietnam, and this photo symbolizes the resourcefulness, energy, and positive nature of the region.
we are not doing it right in NYC Ken!
I like that photo especially the contrast between the woman who is smiling and the child who is curious.
Recent flight from John Wayne (Newport Beach shown) to SFO – with WiFi 🙂
the trifecta!
Inspired by @awaldstein:disqus, my grandpa. Forest ranger. First in our family to go to college. Changed everything.
#badass. that’s a compliment
why was him being the first to go to college that changed everything?
I just feel like his hard work and good decisions opened up so much opportunity for my family. He was grandson of the classic poor irish immigrant, orphaned really young, raised by step-grandfather who was the blacksmith in Moab, UT. Decided to go to college. Studied forestry. His 6 kids went to college. All of my cousins have gone to college. We all have so many choices about how to use our lives because an orphan kid decided to go to college. AND, of course, because there was an education policy in place that helped him get to college. Pretty amazing ROI on that little government investment.
This was my son’s Halloween costume,but my wife caught the perfect angle to make the picture perfect. I think he was 4-5 months old in this pic.
they call that pose “happy baby” in yoga. it’s not such a happy pose if you are 51 years removed from being a baby. the hips tighten up as you age apparently.
I hear you.
way nice. That’s a great costume and a great image.
i could post any number of photos from the stories that @pressinstitute publishes every day… this one come’s from gpi’s argentina newswire about the systematic theft of babies ( with avc, it’s one of my daily reads.
wow, they have good photographers. and wow, babytheft
yeah… it’s not always the most uplifting of stories, but always great content!
My twins (left and middle) and their cousin at last Spring’s year end circus show. They are all acrobatic performers at the Toronto School of Circus Arts — a Cirque de Soleil-like training school.Here’s a video of my daughter’s (on the left) performance from the show:…
so cute
It was a great summer for dramatic sunsets in Ontario cottage country. This picture was taken in late July on Lake Harris, just north of Parry Sound, Ontario.
It was a great summer all over Canada. I had 38 days of orange / pink sunsets in New Brunswick, my Mom reported about the same number from Saskatchewan. #epic2012summer
awesome pic!I grew up in ontario… can attest to the beauty of the lakes 🙂 Spent a bunch of my childhood canoeing and camping.
that’s awesome.
automat exhibit, “lunch hour nyc” exhibit, nypl, now into 2013
that is awesome! I should see this
it’s wonderful; everything from oyster carts to school lunches. i was disappointed that my daughter was uninterested in the automat artifact; but she did pay attention to the movie clips showing the restaurant as a character in everything from a doris day vehicle to that girl
is 1936 the year it was taken?
it’s my iphone photo from the exhibit; the lighting gave it the sepia tone. here’s the link to the nypl……from the website:Lunch Hour NYC looks back at more than a century of New York lunches, when the city’s early power brokers invented what was yet to be called “power lunch,” local charities established a 3-cent school lunch, and visitors with guidebooks thronged Times Square to eat lunch at the Automat. Drawing on materials from throughout the Library, the exhibition explores the ways in which New York City—work-obsessed, time-obsessed, and in love with ingenious new ways to make money—reinvented lunch in its own image.
Beautiful snapshot of that time — your photo, and your description of the exhibit.I remember my parents taking me to an Automat for lunch when I was a tiny child. I didn’t understand the iconic importance at that time, but it was an incredible adventure. We went all the way into NYC from Newark, NJ.
i loved going to the automat; it was a special treat. as a parent, i understand now the thing with kids where the less expensive thing can be the more meaningful — how a box can be more fun than what comes inside it, and how the automat was more fun than a much fancier place
And speaking of higher education…
baby cardinal
Greetings from Mt Etna, Sicily…Proud of this photo because shoot them was a challenge and be very close to an eruption means to hear the “voice” of the volcano.
double wow
technology stack: telegraph key, macbook, ipad, iphone … 150 years, give or take
well played
Picture of a pond at Hubbard Park in Meriden, CT on Christmas Eve morning. I went for a hike with my best friend from high school and you’ll notice that the surprisingly warm winter meant the water was not frozen.
i think i pass that pond when i drive from NYC to Wesleyan University. is that correct?
Probably not, it’s off 691 at the western part of Meriden, not the section that goes through 91 or 5 and 15. The lake is at the beginning of a decently long hike with some moderate to steep grades. Worth the trip if you have the free time. There is tower called Castle Craig Tower at the top of the mountain that rewards you with some beautiful views of the state.
my daughters who go to wesleyan have been to that Tower because i’ve seen photos of them there on Facebook
Oh, that would make a lot of sense. Maybe you can get them to take you!
The attached photo is my response to @JLM:disqus fantastic “young buck private” photo that he posted a few months ago (@jlm – repost?).Note a few things that date the photo.1 – The tinge is not instagram, it’s real2 – Wood paneling in basements, very back in the day.3 – Alarm wiring around window. Not done anymore.4 – My hair.5 – Plug adapter in wall with extra grounding wire.
nice elevation on that leg kick
Driving over the BK Bridge
Attached are a few photos I took at a concert in the late 70’s of a musical group (anyone want to guess who they are?) with a telephoto and developed and printed in my basement darkroom. I earned money in high school and college doing photography and was completely self taught. Taking pictures and only getting (24 or 36 exposures) is quite different than today where on my recent vacation I shot 2999 pictures plus videos. When I moved out, my mom for some reason, threw out almost all of my negatives so all I have left is a few prints that survived.
That’s Linda Ronstadt, no?
Nope. Not Ronstadt.
OK, tell us now. Who is it?
It’s Ann Wilson.Interesting, yesterday @fredwilson:disqus was in this thread and made a guess (that was incorrect) at which point I replied that the artist had the same last name as him. Then he replied correctly. Now that is missing for some reason.…Crazy on you.
Thanks for that. (In part of that she looks a little like Angelina Jolie.)
grace slick and jefferson starship?
Nope.I can almost guarantee you had her album.Hint: Same last name as you.
ann wilson from Heart?
This is such a neat use of Disqus. I felt compelled to contribute after viewing some of the incredible photos posted.Having recently moved to San Francisco from Chicago, I find myself continuously in awe of the beauty of both the city and the land that surrounds it. I thought that amazement might begin to wane after a while, but each time I hop on my bike it’s only reaffirmed. This photo was taken at one of my favorite water break stops.
One of the best views in the world.
Great photo and framed and composed nearly perfectly. The size of the road barrier (and angle) compared with the bridge which would be considered way more important. And the even less emphasized city in the background.
great shot
Haha, I have been exactly on that spot many times. I take the walk from the Ferry Building to the Marina to Crissy Field to Baker Beach to Fort Miley and then to the Cliff House restaurant.I arrive tired, famished and thirsty.Sometimes I walk home but on the streets and not on the cliff.I could not believe that folks surf at the base of the GG Bridge.There are some huge old gun emplacements on the top of those cliffs. I read up about them and they have been there forever and had lots of different big guns up there through the years to protect the harbor.That is one of the coolest trails in the world.On a slightly foggy, crisp night, wow!Well played!.
On a recent Disqus related trip to NYC, @hegranes:disqus hooked it up with tickets to see Mumford and Sons at Pier A Park overlooking Manhattan. Not a bad way to spend a night.
they are great live and outside
This is my father in law Greg and my son Colgan taking a break from fixing the fence after a big storm in Fort Worth, Texas last month.
i love your son’s hat
Thanks! It’s really from Mexico.
And after my Sicily (with Mt Etna eruption photo I publish few posts ago) the other my living place, NYC. Spring (urban tulip) and Winter (slip down Central Park hill).
The winter one in hires, sorry for double posting
central park in the winter is great
don’t like tulips in the spring? nuuuuuuu is my girlfriend preferred!! 😉
“Bad Moon Rising” Heading home from work a couple of weeks ago.
super shot.
i missed this article when it came out but highy coupled with your picture, Fred you should check this out….Estonia is implementing mandatory code lessons for 1st graders….…
This is a huge dinasuar exhibit at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
that’s cool
here’s a mix of funny graffiti with “free”.I stumbled on this this morning as I looked across the street from my fav coffee shop.Inspirational? not really.Points towards being an AVC class clown / weirdo? hopefully 🙂
My boys, Eddie and Freddie, with their swimming medals.
future olympians
Thanks Fred.
Having my first kid sometime in the next 0-3 weeks. I’m excited and already have this planned for halloween.
mazel tov, though that kid isn’t going outside on holloween. Keep inside, wait for his/her immune system to develop
Hi fred. i’m not sure if you’ve ever discussed it but at some point in time I would like to get some feedback from the community on how they take note (i.e via digital notes on ipad, paper/pen, etc)
RightI forgotI guess because I have never taken notes
501 comments • 28 reactionsthe numbers prove the theory
Which one?
lol: all the theoriesthis one in particular: photos are a killer app for conversation and communityfyi: replying from the dashboard on disqus, i don’t see the photo option
back on the main thread i see the image icon. here’s my dog, who was a puppy back in yoyo days, where he served as the intern office dog, circa 1996-1998. he was part of the family til he was 14.
This tree near one of our summertime beach trips has gone from one or two stray pails and shovels hung on it as a joke years ago to a fullblown beach holiday bush. I have dubbed it the “land of misfit beach toys” tree. People who come across pails/buckets/shovels etc that are dropped while marching back from the beach hang it on the tree. I love how it just kind of “happened” over the years. Obviously today some of the decorations are planned, but if we find a stray beach toy onto the tree it goes!
“Photosharing is one of the killer apps of the Internet” but now people (also thanks to smartphone camera evolution) claim more quality, people now love to shoot better photos and looking for advice on how to find better location, on how to shoot best way there (witch gear use etc). But also people love to share – on the field – shooting experience to obtain better photos an advice.I work just on this way to close the circle…just a week to be ready.
Really enjoyed this thread, every picture has a story to tell. Thanks for initiating this thread Fred, and thanks to everyone for sharing a story.
Huh – am I doing something wrong? When I click on the photo icon I just get jumped to the top of the page…
a bug
It’s Disqus’s way of telling me I can’t top Seth’s photo 😉
I really liked this thread. I think you should schedule it every month, two or three.
I guess this is obvious, and will be fixed, but that cables between the desk row in the well equipped AFSE room (much better than the computer labs at Ithaca which I just saw btw) is a total trip hazard.
i am sure they will fix thatthey were installed this past week in a rush to get it done in time for school
I apologize for appearing to be a nit on what must be a tremendously happy day for you btw.It’s just that as a child my mom left a cord out which I tripped on and I spent about a week in the hospital with burns as a result. So I’m just hyper about safety related things.I used to live at the Wharton computer center (in Vance Hall) where I got a thrill on the ascii terminals. A big deal was getting one that wasn’t all mucked up. This is all very exciting.
It is a great point. I always worry about that stuff too.I worked at WCIT in Steinberg Dietrich Hall at Wharton in the mid 80s. Helped to put myself through business school
My takeaway from this whole thread is the one picture of this community:Beauty, brains, brawn, wit, silliness, art, history, strong family values, sense of adventure, calculated risk taking (I’ll never forget the flying baby!), and, thanks to everyone, and LE, Heart!The whole thread is a snapshot of everyone here. Glad I have the chance to be here.
🙂 we’re glad you’re here too
College student posting a flyer for my website.
My 7 year old son (Carson) took this photo with his DSI. It’s a photo of my oldest son (18) Chris. Chris is now a freshman at the University of Dayton, studying engineering.
Keeping with the end of Summer theme started by others, here is a photo from the top of Angel’s Landing Summit in Zion National Park (Southern Utah). I took this photo on September 6, 2012.…(photo link won’t work so provided URL instead)
If you spent that much time with me, you’d be a happy camper too. Oh, wait…you do…
It’s framable.
Man. Are we having photography competition?
i like it
tricks of the trade – really cool shot
looks great, and green, and delicious
are you harvesting now?
.My Dad used to be an inveterate gardener. He used to drag me along and I actually loved working in the garden. He grew the best tomatoes — used to bring a salt cellar in my pocket and eat them right off the vine. Green beans, lettuce, those were the days.To this day I love a cold tomato sandwich. Love it.Years later, I realized he was actually growing me..
yes. i really did not realize that is what this would become. but with upvoting, that is exactly what it has become.
When I first saw the title of the post, I thought you were going to ask us what Photo software we were using, aside from Instagram. I’m thinking of ones like PictureLife,, etc… I’m still looking for the perfect photo management software.
And the results are in, children crush landscapes, but grandparents hang tough!
although a caveat is that commenting earlier gets greater chances for total views, comments and up/downvotes.This blog is surprisingly early riser– its author is on east coast time and gets up earlier than most. Yet the audience is here consistently almost right along with Fred. Loaded w/ action before the Valley even wakes!
Thanks! I’ve only been there once, and unfortunately Google Maps doesn’t correctly show how to get there, otherwise I would post the location. The roads aren’t the same and the names are different. It’s near Hoodoo, and during the winter this area is a ski park for cross country and snowmobiles.
Really nice.Will 1WTC have the full length angled look to it? That looks to be terrific.
Love that .. I’ve been living in oregon since 1993 ..and still haven’t been to Crater Lake! Want to ride the motorcycle down there someday.
a place i have to visit now…I’ve seen it before but never thought about where it was
I know ..right! ..I have no excuse.
the people we love
i am really seeing the value of them
Hi William – would love for you to check out mi Lifemap – web, iOS and soon Android apps. We’re in beta and would love to hear your thoughts as I respect and appreciate your opinion. All photos are put on a interactive timeline (choose a day (say baby’s birth), or baby’s first weeks home, a summer, holiday season, any day or date range you’d like), put the best moments or memories and recurring events (birthdays) of a given year into your own personal yearbook and put the best of your life into Milestones (births, weddings, honeymoons, bucket list trips, a pet’s life, etc.). Tag in batch uploads and/or individually and recall people, places, events or things and play a slideshow of your results. You can also write diaries and put them back in time if no photo existed or to add personal and private thoughts surrounding an event. You can also import twitter, FB, and Flikr and 4sq. to paint a broader yet more detailed description of an event. Invite only your most imtimate relationships and share directly, explicitly and discreetly (P2P) or via an email slideshow if you’re sharing one-offs. We’ll be adding facial recognition and photo printing soon. Keep your life’s important memories backed up and separate from everything else and at your finger tips for life. Oh, and we have an eBeneficiary to ensure your emotional assets can be passed along and controlled posthumously and subaccounts so parents can populate their children’s when they are too young (or aging parents and grandparents). Of course you can download and delete your account any time. Hope you see what we’re trying to do for families!
Thanks. I’ve just signed-up and downloaded it for the iPhone. Waiting for the authorization.
Thank you William! Authorization should be complete. I’m also in TO – if you’re ever at a startup/tech event I would love to meet in person or to grab a coffee or lunch with you sometime…. but I don’t want to get to far ahead of myself!!!!
No prob. Then do sign-up on Engagio and we’ll communicate via its internal messaging.