I am looking for an experienced iOS developer in NYC
One of our portfolio companies is working on a cool unreleased product and is racing to the finish and needs additional bandwidth. And they have a second version of the product spec’d and need a strong iOS developer to get that out as well.
This role requires real iOS experience and a willingness to work on a small fast moving team. I can explain a lot more over email. If you are interested, contact me here.
Comments (Archived):
it’s probably going to be your record of post with less comments but most interaction via private email 🙂
one hit so far!
You never know, topics arise all on their own.
Occupy AVC
I did for a lot of today. Still have a reply for Charlie to writeup, hopefully before bed.
not necessarily :-)how does one find tech talent? hack avc and post an ad at 6:00 am GMT?
Same strategy can be used for picking up girls. But then you miss out on all the nice quiet ones who are waiting to be pursued 🙂
If someone is really ready to pursue, he will make it his business to know where to find the nice quiet ones. 😉
The great ones seem to raise the bar, inadvertently making it difficult. We should chat soon! I can tell you my 5+ month long crush that I’ve had, and still waiting to go on first date with her; It started off very awkwardly, but I’ve recovered so far!
Let’s do. Chat soon. Do you have my contact info — or DM. Call me maybe. (Love saying that.)
Hehe. DM’d! 🙂
Hard to do when something is in stealth mode, and a few other factors can make it difficult..
Most circumstances I agree, disagree for certain particular ones. You want to get out of stealth mode ASAP though.
But yet as @FakeGrimlock:disqus you are in stealth mode.
@FakeGrimlock:disqus IS the product. 😉
[Deleted]Matt — strike that comment. I’ll replace it with something better if I think of it. 🙂
In a case like this where it seems that time is very critical, would they consider outsourcing the work as a short term alternative? (I don’t have any leads,- just asking).Lots of demand for iOS developers in NYC:http://www.indeed.com/m/job…
they tried that. worked out OK, but they need internal resources
Outsourcing loses so much synergy of a team. So much non-verbal communication gets lost. I could probably write a book on my frustrations with it. Maybe I should when I have time. It would include some good stories of big third-party platforms who don’t consider blackmail on their platform a high-risk activity, not sticking to their own terms of service, etc.. Learned a lot of lessons. A lot of tricks outsourcers use to maximize their profits / time, etc.. Ended up fighting (discussion) and getting a majority refund in that blackmail situation; Provider started doing weeks of work in a way I said wasn’t an option, along with the myriad of other problems that this lead to.
i agree
I’m not sure this is universially true. Power to the mobile creative introvert!
I agree this can work with the right people, though I still think you’re going to lose some value of synergy – from little side brainstorming sessions that might occur, maybe even when people go off for lunch together, etc.. You can’t really foster the same type of community either. Maybe a lot of people don’t get this from their work, though I hope with my own company environment that I create that people will feel just as comfortable; And like any family / community environment, disagreements and fights could occur, though like a healthy family, hopefully there will be processes in place to work through those situations.
Should outsourcing require negotiation within teams though, Matt? Is there a way to better align incentives?In terms of community/intimacy, could that oxytocin be replaced through, say, social gaming?
I don’t think what is more natural can be gamed or fully mimicked by what is less than natural.Are you talking about short-term, or full-time outsourcing?
both, although i imagine the problem worth solving is short-term
Short-term is definitely the problem to solve. There’d be a workflow that could be helpful for onloading / trying out longer-term.
if there was a solution, what might it look like?
That would take too much of my mental time up currently. I have some vague / broad ideas, though I don’t like to say things until I am more or less sure of them.
Agree.And with very early stage the idea of ‘team’ is a couple of people. Everything is outsourced except the capabilities of the founders or sometimes, founder.It’s a good problem to have when market opportunity outstrips the team or even the possibility of building one in time.
Yes and having an IOS guy in Europe keeps the wheels turning 24 hrs a day.
“So much non-verbal communication gets lost.”I scanned some piece somewhere (might have been WSJ) regarding how a CEO spends their time years ago and today. Conclusion being 80% is spent in face to face meetings even with the ability to do video conferencing, email etc. And they were taking that to task as unnecessary.Along the same lines I was speaking to an attorney a few days ago (shiva for a family member – atty is a distant relative) that handles high stakes negotiating and is a partner at Greenberg Traurig (top 10 law firm in the country). He has a private jet and flies around for some of the negotiations. [1]While I was speaking to him I said something (price of a sale) and I noticed a small micro tick in his eye when he heard the price. I also noticed other reactions to things that I said because we were face to face. I could tell what he wanted to hear (found interesting) and what he didn’t. I could tailor my delivery to him precisely. While it’s entirely possible I would have noticed this over video chat I wouldn’t have noticed it in a meeting room video chat. I might have picked up the same nuances in voice over the phone [2] [3] and I’m actually really good at picking up nuance even from email conversations. (One day I will give some examples of this.) But my point is nothing works like face to face for certain personal contact and especially negotiation.. The only exception to this is unless you are a really good actor, it’s obviously much easier to bullshit by email (if that is what you need to do).[1] Part of the conversation with the attorney was how he likes to be in a meeting because he just sits there and observes people’s reactions in order to plan his strategy. Anyone who questions the value of face to face most likely isn’t able to do this or it’s simply not important for the task at hand.[2] One of my largest sales ever I increased the price 50% after hearing someone’s voice at the start of a phone conversation and read “desperate” and was correct.[3] Problem with voice over phone is it’s not real time. You can’t sense intra conversations a reaction – you have to wait until you are done and have shot your load with a particular statement to make alterations in the next thing you say. Much easier to hit hot buttons if you have real time data.
I agree, and I’ll add that in person, you also have a broader bandwidth to receive other cues — smells, subliminal indications of anxiety or boredom. We are, after all, animals and when we choose to tune in, we can receive information along a spectrum that most of us don’t tend to acknowledge.
It depends how you manage them. For a very specific deliverable, and if time is of an essence and you don’t have that competency in-house, it might make sense to outsource a small chunk of “well-defined” work.The key is in how you define it for them and specify exactly what you’re looking for, and if you make the right choice, you get exactly what you were asking for. We were very successful in outsourcing the development of our WordPress and Drupal plugins at Eqentia at minimal costs and great results. With the iOS app, it’s more involved than an WordPress plugin, but if the mobile is basic enough (for a v1), there are people out there who will deliver that to you, WHILE you look for the right internal resource to make a more permanent competency.
Agreed, if you have something straight-forward/ specific and the specs are clear then you can get great results at minimum costs.
Fair enough. Typically, the outsourcing can be done for a quick v1 if the internal competencies aren’t there yet. But that success depends on whether the App has a good documented API so that the developer can succeed + you have to really define the requirements really well ahead of time. The outsourced developer is not the same as an employee sitting in the same office that’s always in sync with what you’re doing.
Exactly. It would be interesting to learn why their first attempt to outsource didn’t work out that well.
Python challenge! No not that time. More than 800 hunters have signed up , not to code but to troll 1.3 million acres looking for Burmese pythons!!!
You mean experienced with APIs/techniques or who also knows about design/industry/business of mobile apps?http://BigBalli.com