The AVC Blogroll
This past fun friday was a big success. We found out that roughly half of the folks who answered the poll blog.
I don't know if that is a representative sample (~1,000 answers out of ~5,500 visits on friday), but it is clear that a lot of the people who read AVC blog, at least sometimes.
We also collected a large number of blogs on our hackpad. The hackpad was getting a bit messed up and so I cleaned it up and locked it down. Any additional entries to the hackpad will need to come through me as moderator. That will make sure it remains in good shape going forward.
Finally, Sebastian Wain created an OPML file out of the hackpad. It is available here. I imported it into a blank Feedly account and the result is something like 230 blogs:
In any case, this has been a great exercise that surfaced a lot of great voices out there. We've known many of them as commenters at AVC. But they also have blogs and now we've got an easy way to read them. I'd like to thank Arnold, whose idea this was, and Sebastian, who completed the final piece of this. Well done.
Comments (Archived):
I think this is a great response rate. I just opened a feedly account and imported this amazing list. Thank you Sebastian for this OPML file!
Fun it was.Honestly what interests me most is discovering people who have strong opinions on areas outside of my world of tech/marketing/wine/community.I am drawn to ideas that come from really deep knowledge of fields that I’m completely ignorant of. That crossover knowledge piques my interest and informs me in the most interesting ways.
You want better/easier discovery !! What a new concept π
You have a lot of work convincing me that there is a platform approach that will solve this in any way.The web is littered with tombstones for this.Networks not platforms in my opinion are the natural discovery mechanism. Discovery like community exists cross and intra platform.
Networks are platforms, no? It’s all tied together.If intra works now, and inter doesn’t, then we need better cross-community algorithms. It can be done. We started at Engagio, but maybe were a bit too early.Twitter’s people suggestions outside your own network are becoming pretty good. They are digging up dirt proverbially speaking. Why not the same across commenting or interest communities. Right now, we have to shovel our own paths, but I want the take the path that the bulldozer made.
Networks aren’t platforms actually. They are the superset of them.The most important thing you build is your network and you get 90% of everything you need easily.I’m not a believer that the last 10% matters. I’m not a believer lately that there is a magical serendipitous ring out there.Intraconnections are infinite. Intracontent discovery is amazingly inbred and today mythos.I just don’t know. I want it to be true.But like a pill that will make me younger, healthier, thinner, richer and more popular, I”m not waiting and the workarounds work damn well and become the pace of life.Community delivers pretty damn well without any additional glue to sort it.
I think there is a better way, I just don’t believe the current framework or structures online exist yet to allow the real solutions to be seen yet.
nope. there are networks and there are platforms. Stripe is a platform, not a network. I’m not sold on facebook is a platform
Great distinctions.Disqus is certainly a platform. You use it to connect on. It is not a cross social net in any stretch of the term.Facebook to me is a platform because it supplies the population itself. That is its greatest attribute.
the old school four color life magazine tried to do that — something of everything; news, news, news, feature story; the serendipity was the delight, the never knowing what you’ll find … at least when i was a kid. the filter bubble/blogroll/feed approach means you’ll filter and sort and get a lot of what you already know, but the delight of finding what you’ll be amazed by and don’t know is the challenge
Agree…I was raised on LIfe and still a collector of their photographers.This is why curation is such a challenge. It sorts but with few exceptions it is not interesting. And context no matter how specific still feels like the front page of a newspaper that is struggling for self identity.
medium is trying to do networked curation with its collections; possibly adding a toplevel sort/find to it would surface that — everyone an author, then everyone an editor.
At this point medium is really about medium. That’s what I’m seeing. Let’s talk about ourselves and get people to talk about us and how different we are.Your comment prompted me to go there again and I coincidentally found three front page stories about medium:”Medium Explained”…”Medium vs. Quora”…”What Medium is”…According to Anil Dash Medium is confusing by design. (He has an affiliation to Medium as he explains). How cool and unique is that? At least Lady Gaga doesn’t tell people she is confusing by design in order to create buzz.Although others think the graphic presentation is somehow revolutionary and truly exceptional I’m not a fan at all. Or the typography for that matter. And the avatars are in the wrong place (shouldn’t be page right forces your eye to to center when it’s more natural to be elsewhere).This is one of the top posts from last month:”How to be happy”…Same guy followed up with this today:”How to be successful”…In which the 2nd sentence says:”Donβt be a dick who goes around chasing money.”There is you know a reason this stuff doesn’t end up in a major publication. Because it’s the type of thing that anyone can write and doesn’t deserve to be.
I think with a few changes Medium could become better, though at this point I haven’t seen anything to hint towards the direction I am thinking.
What would those changes be that you think will make it better?
It’s lacking personality. That’s about all I’ll say for now. π
every platform has a mix of quality and junk.
A “filter bubble” designed for novelty and surprise while retaining some rudimentary personal tangential relevance would be difficult but not necessarily impossible, right ???It would just have to be designed from where algorithm intersects poetry.
that would be an awesome magic trick
it may be available to you in 4ish weeks
omg #becauseawesome
ooooooooooooooh i would like that
Complexity rides in on the coat tails of self-selecting synchronicity to provide the strange-attractor magic that breaths the poetry of life into an inanimate periodic table.So yes, it does look like pie in the sky magic but that strange-attractor(complexity via self-selecting synchronicity) has no particular reason to exclude human social organization from its strange-attractor magic-mojo(the self-organizing dynamic).The Strange Attractor(networked-synchronicity)…P.S. Don’t judge the message by the messenger!
I promise it isn’t impossible, and may be available to you in 4-ish weeks
I think Data is the answer π
Yes, every ounce in a while one lands on a site where much clever work has created a real gem. A gem of “summary with fidelity” capable of providing a workable superficial-characterization on steroids. A framing gem that instantly rewires your brain to better visualize that conceptual assemblage in a more accessible and recombinant narrative or metaphor.I know a little knowledge can be more dangerous than none at all but its the information age and that horse has already left the barn long ago.I’d like a post dedicated to surfacing those sites into a blogroll
This is where I find the most added value, too. Finding out you’re really into wines, after knowing you and depth of thought and care you put into your words, lead to me learning more about wine.Another similar story is that of a yoga instructor who used to live in the same city. He is a great instructor. He told me one day I should check out his blog to which he gave me the URL. I was expecting yoga-related, and the result was it was a blog on privacy and security – an area he’s now doing a PhD in.He’s very fluent about privacy and security, incredibly more than most, however I think he could learn to ‘dumb it down’ for layman’s for people like me – basically because I don’t have a foundational understanding yet, and is what you need to understand the deeper nuanced long-form writings that exist. Teaching or facilitating this gap is likely a formidable piece to the solution of learning. Perhaps something I can tackle in the future.
I too LOVE the way the unintended consequences are surfacing from this.It seems we are humans not bloggers, and we are humans not blog readers.If asked to list the things I guess people think about me “a reader of avc” would be deep below the fold.However it is one of the defining aspects of what it is to be me – and I would guess many AVC ers would acknowledge the same.So thats a hat-tip to Arnold and Fred for giving him space.PS I also love that it motivated me to get off my backside (nursing a dental extraction) and write a post today.
Fully agree! I’m definitely proud to say and feel I’m part of and engage with the AVC community. I know it doesn’t mean much to outsiders who don’t know what AVC is, though at times I’ve had people I have on Facebook who are regular AVC readers be like “Hey! Are you the Matt A. Myers on AVC?!”It’s neat to have then found out people you know, maybe distantly only now, but are reading the same things you do – and even read what you write. There are some pieces to the equation still missing, though I think I’m developing a better understanding, and at some point can integrate it into my bigger plans.
I find that IRL it feels a bit strange when your are approached at random once or twice. I got over it, but I almost felt there was this slight disconnect on real life versus online ones
How do you mean at random? You knew them online and then what ?
It’s like a potluck roll :)BYOB – Bring Your Own Blog
zestaaaay ! (remember those doritos commercials? )
Yup.Doritos & Blogs.Pass the beer, please.
Herding rabbits may apply also.
Speaking of commercials, The “Whazzup!?!” Guy was at RISD with me.
I cant for the life of me find it online .. damn you youtube!
weren’t they running during a superbowl? was it ’09?
i dunno …
I learn something every day from you.
Fantastic! I can’t wait to check out the blogs. Thanks for doing this!
Ooh, missed Friday (weekend in Tel Aviv). You could add
it is in there now
Thank you
Thanks for the OPML file. I imported it to my Feedly. I am looking forward to getting to know some of the AVC community better through their own writings.
Holy crap Feedly kicks Digg Reader’s ass. And the old Google Reader. Been looking for a new RSS reader. Thanks!
You think so? I think the opposite. Why do you like Feedly better?By the way, I was able to import the blogs into Digg Reader in roughly 10 seconds. It’s in the settings.
Last time I checked my Digg reader, it hadn’t enabled photos yet, which caused me to abandon it. I see they fixed that, so I’m giving it another whirl, now.You did Digg a favor.
#becauseawesome ask who tweets and add that?
There is some vote bias going on, of course, as people who don’t have a blog will be less likely to vote ‘No’ – and I theorized this in part because if they’re not engaged with the community regularly, then they’re likely not to engage in a poll either. If there were more metrics available then could come to a few more assumptions.
My Rodney Dangerfield moment- I had no problem voting no, then scrolled onward and found my cell had signed off, so my vote was counted as ‘guest’.
You didn’t log in and then vote again, did ya? π
No, but I did say shit when I logged in.
Missed the hackpadfest! Would you mind adding my new blog?Learning & Scale,…, Dan Storms
“We often find that a good question is more important than a good answer.” Richard Bellman (applied mathematician, professorof mathematics, engineering, medicine).One key to success is good problem selection –common wisdom around applied research.
To me nothing is worse than a person with no curiosity. I sat next to two people on a plane the other day. I’m not normally chatty with strangers but decided to give it another try this time. At about a few minutes in I concluded they had no curiosity and decided to go back to my macbook air and gogo internet and read.
Yes, curiosity, creativity, and ability to envisionsomething better in the future and make it real –I’ve started to conclude that these qualities areless common than I long supposed.Edison envisioned electric lights that would replaceflaming animal fat, whale oil, kerosene, and coalgas and (with Swan’s tungsten and a German’s goodvacuum pump and good funding) made it real.While Langley was falling into the Potomac River,the Wright Brothers had built a quite useful windtunnel, worked out some wing shapes (they missedunderstanding Reynolds number), were able to doaccurate enough lift, drag, and horsepowercalculations, had seen the crucial importance of,and had a first good solution to, the problem ofthree axis control, and were on the way to KittyHawk and history.Someone stood on a shore, looked out across anocean, and envisioned open ocean sailing to avoidthe tolls and robbers on long land routes and madeit real. Part of this was to solve the longitudeproblem with some really good clocks. Nice work.Some people saw water boil, envisioned steamengines, and got power for pumping water from mines,turning shafts in factories, and moving trains andships. Lots of ‘horsepower’ without horses. Goodprogress.Ford envisioned a car for everyman and got rid of alot of horses and passenger trains and made suburbspractical.Bell Telephone had overwhelming evidence that vacuumtube amplifiers were just not nearly good enough forthe much needed growth in US long distance telephonesystem and needed a solid state amplifier. They hada solid state rectifier so thought that an amplifiershould be possible. WWII interrupted the work, butright after the war Shockley, Bardeen, and Brattaingave the world the transistor, a major step up onthe ascent of man. Nice applied solid state physicsand quantum mechanics.A small fraction of the population is curious,creative, envision the future and make it real.But the rest of the people don’t have to be “nothingis worse than”: For each chief, still need lots of’Indians’. Even not very creative architects andcarpenters can still build one gorgeous colonial,Georgian, or Victorian house — spiral cherrystaircase with royal blue runner carpet! Thecurrent Corvette seems like a nice car; while a fewpeople did good work in envisioning and designingit, it took a lot of ‘Indians’ to make the cars bythe thousands.I’ve known too many sweet, gorgeous girls I can’tget out of my mind that, however, were really notvery curious or creative! Some good wives andmothers are not in PBK and don’t have a Ph.D.!I knew one: No way could she cook a Lasagna. So, Idug in. The first trial at each layer I put in toomuch of everything, and the baking dish wasoverfilled. Next trial I got a deeper dish, thoughta little about each of the layers, budgeted howmuch to put in each layer, and tried again. It wastoo dry. Third trial, I decided to let it be toodry and to serve it with sauce over the top. Nexttrial, with her help in tasting, adjusted theflavors a little, and it was getting okay. Nexttrial, she helped me, took good notes, and learnedhow. Next trial she did easily, and we served it toguests.When totally tired out from mud wrestling withpoorly documented Windows Server system managementand collapse into bed, no fun hugging a Mac-book.Instead want to hug a good wife, have her saycomforting, encouraging things, and rub your back asyou shut down for the night and let your brainconsider the clues for why SQL Server was notworking so that you can have a “eureka” moment inthe shower in the morning!
To me the eureka moments are always there they are just restricted by either energy, attitude, anxiety or pressure.When you wake up the next morning many of those things are gone, hence the eureka moment. You aren’t trying. Same reason some people don’t do well on tests.At a hotel last week, at the breakfast buffet, I saw a woman who I thought was a government official that had been in the news lately (on national news lots of video coverage). She was with her husband and children so I googled to try and see if it was indeed her but the man who appeared as her husband in the pictures on the internet didn’t seem to be who was with her and obviously her husband (because of the kids etc.) He looked much much younger. A bit later I went up to her anyway and told her “you look like x” and she said “I am x” and introduced me to her husband and children. She then said she was going to google her husband and see what I saw. (I guess she had never done that.) We talked a few minutes. She was very nice and would have talked much more. Unfortunately on the spot like that I couldn’t think of anything really significant so it ended the conversation just as it began. Later of course I thought of many things I would have discussed with her.Add: Point I also wanted to make was that nobody else there apparently recognized her or went up to her and I would say the age group at the place I was at would be the type that watches the evening news and reads the print paper. And I’m pretty sure that even if they did none of them would have pulled out the smartphone to google to try to triangulate either. They just continued to eat their breakfast and drink their coffee.
To me, and apparently similarly for manypeople, to solve a knotty problem it canhelp to work on it really hard, getfamiliar with everything about theproblem, think and think, and then go tosleep.Next day, maybe, “boom, eureka”, and seethe solution.Why? One claim is that the brain workedon the problem during the sleep. Maybe.My guess is that yesterday when trying sohard to solve the problem, were in a bighurry, had a few lines of attack, didn’twant to give up on them, due to being in ahurry didn’t want to back up and find newlines of attack, kept pushing on the oldlines of attack, which, however, were notgoing to work.But the next day, rested, and willing ineffect to ‘start over’, considered somenew lines of attack and got the result.For talking to females, nearly alwaystough. Even if married to the female,often tough. In our society, females arejust awash in reasons and social norms tomake it tough for a male to talk to them.One big point is ‘intimacy’ which for asimplistic but useful explanation we canboil down to between the ears andeverything else, especially between thelegs.Intimacy between the ears has to do withlearning about the other person, theirknowledge, expertise, thoughts, beliefs,experiences, opinions, hopes,frustrations, feelings, etc.Curiously in our society intimacy betweenthe ears is often more difficult toachieve than between the legs. And ifwant both, then it can be tough to knowwhich to pursue first.To pick just one, intimacy between theears is generally much closer to an actualloving relationship than intimacy betweenthe legs.For between the legs, e.g., three collegecoeds buy a fifth of raspberry vodka,share and drink all of it, put on skimpyparty clothes, go to an off campus bar,keep drinking (getting to be an expensiveevening! — fathers, your daughter mightneed more money than you guess incollege!), deliberately get obviouslyquite drunk and thoughtless, each girlhave a college guy walk her back to hisdorm room, have him take her (skimpy)clothes off, put her in bed, watch TV fora few minutes, and before she starts tosober up, turn off the TV and lights, rollover on top of her, and have sex. In themorning she puts on her skimpy clothesand, maybe early on Sunday morning, withthe town church bells ringing, walks backto her dorm, changes clothes, takes a passby the nurse’s station (waits in the longline!), gets a morning after pill, andnext week does it again with a differentboy. So, all intimacy between the legsand none between the ears.Why?It’s possible for a woman to go for thelast 30 years of her marriage sleepingwith her husband and having sex with himnearly every night but totally cutting himoff from anything between her ears beyondthe weather report.Any talking to a woman is a path, possiblyquite fast, into intimacy between the earsand, thus, in the minds of some woman, athreat of unwanted and even dangerousintimacy.So, talking to a woman just met in publicwill be difficult. If she is with herhusband and children, it can be much moredifficult. While these considerationsstill apply, in your example that she wasa very public figure likely adjusted therules a little; still, she would likelylimit herself to making quite trivialsemi-professional ‘small-talk’.It did appear to me that in grades 1-10 orso, the mothers told their daughtersessentially “Do not talk to boys. If oneasks you something, don’t answer. If heasks again, just say ‘because’. Keepsaying that, and after about a dozen timeshe will quit asking. If you have to standnear a boy, say, in a lunch line, don’ttalk to him. As soon as you can get awayfrom him, do so. Try always to be withother girls.”. So, the mothers were notdirectly telling their daughters not toget pregnant, have sex, fall in love, orbe intimate but just don’t talk. So,don’t be friendly; cut off anything likefriendship.Mostly in my K-12 school, the mothers’advice was quite effective. Alas, MotherNature had other ideas and in grades 9-12I found that girls 1-4 years younger werefrom somewhat willing to talk to veryeager to do so. And in at least one case,right, the mothers were right, someseemingly innocent talking, on someafternoon walks around my neighborhood,did lead to kissing, etc.Some of the woman can be darned sensitive:At the alumni Web site of my K-12 school,I found the e-mail address of a girl in mygraduating class and wrote her. I’m inNY, and she’s way down in TX. Since we’reboth single, there’s no issue of’adultery’. We have some things in common– the same K-12 school and the same fouryear college, and both of us got Ph.D.degrees. I had no desire to be romanticor get her into bed and just wanted herviews on life based on the commonbackground we do have, but that was toointimate, and she was reluctant to saymuch of anything.Lesson: In our society, females are verywary of intimacy, especially between theears.Why the girls with the vodka, etc.?Here’s one guess (borrowing from E.Fromm): The girls have a fundamentalproblem — they feel alone. A baby mammaldoesn’t like to be alone and tries to getthe attention of its mother when it is.Well, humans don’t like to be alone, andit’s easy for college girls to feel alone.The best solution is to get a goodboyfriend and basically follow the firstpart of traditional marriage vows, ‘joinher life to his’ — at least get a lot ofintimacy. So joined, she can feel moresecure and likely really is.But, some of the girls (1) actually do notunderstand human romantic relationshipswell enough effectively to envision andparticipate in such a joining (maybe allthey know, from their mother or their ownexperience, is some ‘Anatomy 101 Hands OnLab’ in the back seat of an old car), (2)don’t see any good candidate men, (3) areafraid of such joining as ‘too serious'(right: it might lead to having sex!!!!!– we’re not talking high rationalityhere), (4) want to concentrate on schoolwork and their ‘career’, etc. So, withthese obstacles, they are alone and’anxious’ (they should be). Well oneresponse to this anxiety is to suppressit, and a standard way is some vodka and anight of sex, and with all this intimacybetween their legs they still have nonebetween their ears and Sunday afternoonare anxious again.Bluntly put, often it’s easier to getbetween a woman’s legs than between herears. Or, the old analogy used to be togo to first base, second base, andeventually home. Well, sometimes it’seasier to run the bases in reverse orderwith the most difficult one being firstbase with a good affectionate hug and asincere, meaningful, romantic kiss. Inparticular, actual conversation can bequite challenging!Every good one on one salesman knows thathave to figure out the customer and payclose attention and adjust the pitchaccordingly. Same for a man approaching awoman! But for this it helps tounderstand ‘Women 101 for Dummies — Men’.
I have not always found this to be true in my own life
That is lot of information and inferences and conclusions drawn … I will comment on the following …”Why? One claim is that the brain worked on the problem during the sleep. Maybe.”I found this to be very true … brain looks like picks the best possible answers (whatever we think are the right ansewrs for a question) and lines them up for us to pick in the morning … that is why most of ‘my’ eureka moments where during my brushing time, bathing time or in the toilet in the early morning time … luckily I never went naked running around the campus.But unfortunately for me … many a times that ‘eureka moment’ won’t last till late in that evening … when i try testing those ‘postulates’ or ‘ideas’ … I will end up seeing them not working :-).
Good question is hardest one to find …. because a good question always finds an answer.
Thanks Fred! Looks like the URL got shortened. Can you change it to @startstorms ? (Replace the “…” with an “s”)
Will do
Amazing wealth of thoughts, knowledge, attitudes. Suggest to completely remove the shameless plug barrier : if somebody has written a post a about a topic here, then it’s great to provide the link and read it in this context
I’m shocked how many people blog. Would be good to eventually know the frequency. Over time, it would be cool to feature maybe one commenter-blogger a month (not to frequent) that you ended up discovering and reading through this exercise. I don’t suggest this selfishly, but rather as a service for me and others to discover people who have interesting things to say but aren’t yet visible.
less frequently than you think – I’ve found to get it to work you have to blog every day
List is to large and I wouldn’t even know where to beginor more importantly why I would read any particular person’s (unless I recognize their names) blog.Might be an idea for anyone who blogs to simply sig their blog in any and all avc comments here. If you don’t toot your own horn nobody is going to do it for you (although I do for others from time to time). Arnold and JLM and William do that occasionally as well as a few others.Or maybe disqus should have a field that appears next to the avatar and name for a web address (this was there at some point before the redesign).
This is awesome…hackpad is cool too. thx I also like the blogroll comeback in a new form and the Zemanta tech circle.
As long as you’re exploring analytics on your sub base, it would be interesting Fred to see a frequency distribution on visitation, particularly if your sub universe is 5.5K. Your blog seems to be dominated by only a handful of folks who regularly post comments. Not to suggest that’s the sole mesure of value, but it def is an important/relevant engagement metric. My hunch is given the high quality of both your blog and subsequent comments posted by a small % overall readership nonetheless is prob very high.
My daily readership on web averages 7k but another 7k reads via RSS and email subs are another 1k to 2kSo total daily readership is about 15k
Going with your gut, what breakdown (%) of those thousands just quickly scan your post compared to those who scan thru the comments, yet remain silent?
did you know I read your comment? π
Wow – In from the stone age and just tried feedly – love it. Help !Can anyone tell me if my feeds are discoverable by others in the way that say twitter lists are, or is it a matter of downloading and sharing manually if you wanted to pass a curated list of interest on to someone else ?
It’s all private to you unless you share a post at a time outside.I’ve been on feedly for about 4 years. They are great. If you haven’t noticed yet, they also have a mobile App. And get the bookmarklet so you can add blogs you visit easily.
You can share a list by exporting an Opml.
nicely done opml – imported into netvibes flawlessly!
10% ish .. you were very close
That assumes everyone who does blog answered the poll
oh you know they did ! … I was even tempted to add my “The twitter micro blog” ..but didn’t want too many more bozo bits flipped on me just yet π
Hope it’s not too late to add my blog, Roosevelt Islander, a hyper local blog about my neighborhood in NYC.…
Thanks for doing this. I am excited to go through the blog roll.
Phooey. Was on vacation and missed it.
i will add
I think you’re right. A coworker down the aisle from me reads AVC frequently, but never comments, and I don’t think he blogs either.
Or just in the habit of engaging – which true does require comfort in doing so.
Ha! Very true. I can’t wait to find new blogs to read.
Engagement leads to new ideas being generated, leads to needing to write it out somewhere … it’s a vicious cycle, and I’m in love with it.