Fun Friday: Comedy Hour

I just realized we haven’t done a fun friday since mid December. It’s gotten way too serious around here. I’m sorry about that. So we are going to rectify that by posting our favorite comedy routines (youtube embeds or anything else that will work in the comment thread).

Here’s my contribution. I recently saw Jason Mantzoukas in Sleeping With Other People and he just cracks me up. So I spent some time on YouTube just now looking for something good from Jason. This bit about making french press coffee is spot on and is why I never make coffee that way.

So now I’ve made my contribution to fun friday. It’s time for yours.


Comments (Archived):

  1. John Bradburn

    Aziz ansari…50 Cent learns what a grapefruit is

    1. Brandon Burns

      That made my morning.

  2. JimHirshfield

    I can’t compete with any of this. I’m outta here. {drops mic}

    1. jonathan hegranes

      that’s the first time i’ve heard of someone dropping a mic in defeat…

      1. awaldstein

        Happens a bunch of times in 8 Mile. Great movie.

        1. jonathan hegranes

          So good… I need to watch that again. Soon.

      2. JimHirshfield

        On the floor, not the feet…FTW.

  3. Lee Blaylock

    If a man can make a satire on the Holocaust and win an Academy award, he is quite talented. Here is a hilarious clip of Roberto Bernini” a night on earth.” He is a taxi driver confessing to a cardinal and it’s freaking hilarious…

  4. awaldstein

    On the subway.We need Rossanna Rossanadana w/o a doubt.

  5. William Mougayar

    Louis CK on “Everything’s Amazing but Nobody’s Happy” cracks me up… (on Conan)…

    1. Matt Zagaja

      I downloaded and watched his special that was released on the website earlier this week. Good stuff!

      1. Sebastien Latapie

        I did as well, didn’t love as much as some of his older material, maybe I should give is a second shot

    2. lksugarman

      About that word “amazing”…when did everything in our daily lives become amazing? Oh, that fried egg is amazing…that French press coffee is amazing…. At the same time, as Louis CK pointed out, what is really, truly amazing is discounted as something that is just a part of daily life.So, what’s the word you use when you’re absolutely, truly amazed today? And, do you know the difference anymore?Not to be totally serious, here’s the 10 reasons geeks make better lovers –

      1. Donna Brewington White

        Guilty as charged. Trying to curb use of the word “amazing” but how I love it! Meanwhile, the step up word is “brilliant.”

      2. William Mougayar

        That’s an amazing comment 😉

    3. kevando

      ^ An instant classic. I have this theory that because Louis C.K. got his start as one of the original writers for Conan, he does new material on Conan’s show as a way to pay it back. Here’s another awesome clip of Louis on Conan:

    1. kevando


      1. David Semeria

        Most excellent!

  6. Michael R. Pratt

    RIchard Jeni’s “Card Table Dating”. Unfortunately, he, like many great comedians (Robin Williams, Greg Giraldo), fought demons and eventually couldn’t anymore. But, his comedy lives on – he was one of my personal favorites.

  7. Jim Borden

    Loved the French Press routine. Came across Sebastian Maniscalco this past summer; here’s one of his routines about checking in at the airport.

  8. Kurt Kumar

    Was about to post Russell Peters…but Bill MecNeely took my clip 🙂

  9. Matt Zagaja

    I love the Onion and recently was cracking up reading a piece about the snowstorm. It was even better when Mayor DeBlasio did a dramatic reading of it:

  10. AveryRosin

    This blew up last week but worth throwing in the mix for Super Bowl weekend… NFL Bad Lip Reading strikes again:

    1. Elia Freedman

      I was going to add this. Funniest thing I’ve seen in a while.

    2. Eric Snyder

      I’m a big fan of these too! Here’s last years for anyone who hasn’t seen it:

  11. Matt Hardy

    Greg Giraldo was a comedic genius. RIP

  12. Dan Storms

    A bit old school now, but this MST3K short “Why Study Industrial Arts” is my absolute favorite. Toooool operator.

    1. Kirsten Lambertsen


  13. jamesoliverjr

    Love this. Here’s my twin son, Thaddeus, showing us this morning how to properly complete a plate of cheesy, creamy grits. Happy fun Friday!

  14. Dylan Chatterjee

    Hi there, long time reader, first time caller. What better opportunity than a Friday to express my love for West Wing?

  15. sbmiller5

    This is funny. I make a french press everyday and will never go back.Here’s Joe Mande (writer on Parks & Rec) with a great joke about the movie “Wild.”

  16. Kirsten Lambertsen

    Any comic routine post without Steve Martin is incomplete…

  17. Kirsten Lambertsen

    And this…

    1. David Semeria

      Man on the moon was one of the most underrated films ever.

  18. Alison Chace

    For the Girls! Regain possession and go deep on the offense this Sunday…

  19. Michael Pratt

    For us golfers here’s a Robin Williams classic. Caution : strong…

    1. David Semeria


    2. James Hare

      Speaking of golf, after watching this scene dozens of times, it still cracks me up, which is nice…

      1. Michael Pratt

        I agree. And I believe that that entire bit was ad lobbed by Bill Murray and wasn’t actually part of the script. Or is that just an urban legend?

  20. John

    I like Dave Chappelle

  21. JAJones

    Tracy Morgan – Spoony Luv places a personal ad from Crank Yankers…

  22. David Semeria

    Out of all the amazing Peter Sellers choices — eg. Gentleman please! No fighting in the war room — I chose this one, 1 minute.

    1. pointsnfigures

      Panther movies were classic.

    2. Kirsten Lambertsen

      Oh, possibly the best ever 🙂

  23. Guest

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  24. reece

    what?! french press > drip any day

    1. Donna Brewington White


    1. Kirsten Lambertsen

      Well done!

  25. panterosa,

    This made my night last night. Not a comedy routine, but Richard Dawkins reading his hate mail. Beware, profanities abound, because scientists seem to terrify some people to the point of stupidity.

  26. Donna Brewington White

    So my repetoire is fairly limited to what my husband or kids show me and this was popular at our house a few years ago. Looked at it just now and it cracked me up… once again.Eddie Izzard — Cake or Death (Lego Version)

    1. Guyes

      Fucking silly brit joke

  27. Donna Brewington White

    Speaking of which, I bought an old fashioned percolator recently for parties. Coffee was AMAZING! (sorry @lksugarman:disqus, habits die hard) But for everyday, personally, I think a french press is da bomb.

  28. David Semeria

    Brilliant Carl. Though I doubt my people will understand from this clip just how smart JV actually is.

  29. Donna Brewington White

    virtual picnic! I’m dying!

  30. BillMcNeely

    Loved when the teacher told dude to stop talking. Broke his instrument and snapped his bow