Best Seed Pitch Ever
I read yesterday evening that our portfolio company Twilio, which priced its IPO last night, is going to live code from the NYSE this morning. That brought a powerful flashback to the first time I met Jeff Lawson, founder and CEO of Twilio.
It was 2008 in our old offices on the 14th floor of the building we still work in. My partner Albert, who led our investment in Twilio, had met Jeff and was impressed with him and his vision for Twilio. He asked me if I would meet with him and so I did.
Jeff came into the conference room, sat down, and said “we have taken the entire messy and complex world of telephony and reduced it to five API calls”.
I said “get out of here, that’s impossible.”
Jeff proceeded to reel them off and I said “wow”.
He then pulled out his laptop, fired up an editor, and started live coding an app. He asked me for my cell phone number and within 30 seconds my phone was ringing.
I said “you can stop there. that’s amazing”.
It was, and remains, the best seed pitch I’ve ever gotten. I’ve told him that many times and have told this story many times. I am not sure why it has never made it to this blog. But this morning is a great time for that to happen.
Comments (Archived):
Good review of offering:…His pitch was short but very sweet.
I think they did a similar pitch at NY Tech Meetup that year. Phones all over the theater were ringing.
given by John Britton, and I think it was a couple years later unless you saw something earlier.
You’re probably right. My memory for exact dates is lacking
Yup. It was epic
What was the communications path from his laptop to the PSTN?What was the size of his target market? What was his business model?I still have in the master bath as reading material some old computer magazine showing PC adapter cards intended for building systems where a computer could make and/or accept phone calls. So, how new is such an API?What was his traction? Revenue? What were his earnings? What was his team? You invested just in the demo of the API?There is an article on the IPO athttp://www.businessinsider….
At some stages value growth potential is all that matters, a difficult concept to swallow for ‘working class’ entrepreneurs as me and perhaps you. Maybe not you, your PhD puts you in the academic class. Positive cash flow is the only thing that makes me sleep well.They achieved a 1.2 billion valuation plus 150 million cash and now a public company, that is awesome. What they have to prove now is that they can be profitable.I once evaluated using Twilio or Urban Airship for one of my projects, but you give up too much when you unbundle the communications layer. You are outsourcing your SLA and privacy management and that didn’t feel right for us because communications is what we do. One could argue that SLA is already given up when you operate on AWS or another provider, but as long as you don’t tie into their propietary APIs you are still free too move, I think that this is better in the long run, still have to prove it though.
What’s the “150 million cash”? That’s the cash they got for selling the stock?I’m surprised that the founder, alone, with a short demo, got venture funding before traction, revenue, and a significant team.I got a Ph.D. for goofy reasons: (1) Somehow my family thought it was a key to a good career. My brother also got a Ph.D. So did my wife — her family thought the same. (2) After a math Bachelor’s, I started my career in applied math and computing around DC in work on US national security and saw a need for much more in math, e.g., stochastic processes, digital filtering, optimal control, statistical estimation, numerical analysis, etc. Later I saw a need for a lot in optimization. (3) So, I went for a Ph.D. focused on such material. I got into Cornell, Brown, Princeton, and more.In the Ph.D. program I didin’t get as much of that material as I wanted, but I got a lot.I had a good career going before I went to grad school, got the Ph.D. to help THAT career, and never had any desire to be a college prof. or publish papers, but I did both. The papers are okay — I’m proud of the ones I published as sole author; they are applied math with theorems and proofs. Some of the content is interesting, surprising, and some of the content is useful. The papers I published jointly in artificial intelligence are not up to used toilet paper.Alas, my wife’s Ph.D. devastated her — the stress left her in a clinical depression. So, to help her recover, I took a job as a college prof near her home. Mistake: It hurt my career and didn’t help her. I should have just stayed around DC. Soon I concluded what I’d guessed: Being a prof was throwing my career and life away. So I took a job at IBM’s Watson lab. IBM was then throwing their company away. Again I should have gone back to DC. Nothing helped her. She died.. Basically grad school killed her. She was vulnerable in some ways, but too many women are. Bluntly, darned few women belong in the Marines, Navy Seals, Army Rangers, the NBA, the NFL, or grad school in a STEM field. Sorry ’bout that. I didn’t believe it until I saw how horribly hard such career directions could be for even a genuinely brilliant female.Grad school was easy for me: The department chair ran a filter, flunk out course. I blew away all the other students and even scared the prof with how much of that material I knew. I’d taught the material, and more, to myself during my career. I had nothing like the will to win that Fred wrote recently about LeBron James. Instead, the material was all easy for me because I knew it all already. My case of will to win was when I learned the material, all on my own. It’s good material; I liked learning it. But, in the sense of the flunk out course competition, which was quite real, severe, and serious for the other students, I blew them away like LeBron dunking over some junior high team. I should have apologized to the other students — between the prof and I, they got hurt, really for no good reason — they were mostly darned good students.There were some other courses where I actually learned some darned good material. The best of that material is just astoundingly good, brilliant, gorgeous, powerful, valuable — crown jewels of civilization.There was more I wanted to learn, but really none of the profs knew that material as needed to give courses in it. I asked for a reading course for some of that material with a prof who also wanted to learn. I gave the first lecture, with an overview and a stack, from my library, of about 15 relevant books. The prof never showed again!I brought my dissertation problem and a first, intuitive solution with me to grad school, and did the main research independently in my first summer. So, no real dissertation advisers.Later in a course I saw a gap in the material, a question not answered. I couldn’t find a solution in the library so asked for a reading course to attack it. Two weeks later I had a really nice solution, of the one problem and some more. Technically the work was good enough for my Ph.D. dissertation; eventually I did publish it. Any prof in the department would have been proud to have done that work. The work gave me a polished halo and, implicitly but significantly, an open field to my Ph.D.For my dissertation, I still wanted to use the other work I’d done so polished the work, wrote some illustrative software, wrote the text, and submitted the results, nicely polished. My official advisers knew next to nothing about what I’d done. I stood for an oral exam chaired by a famous guy, who did read and understand what I’d written, and graduated.I do not now nor have I ever had any academic aspirations at all. I don’t give even a weak little hollow hoot about being a college prof.But the best material I got in grad school is terrific stuff and, at this point, most of the prerequisites for the original work I did for the crucial core of my startup. If people like my startup, then the grad school will have been worth it.> Positive cash flow is the only thing that makes me sleep well.Darned right. I’m just surprised that they got even 10 cents of equity funding before nice traction, e.g., the revenue.> What they have to prove now is that they can be profitable.They are doing an IPO before they are really profitable? I’m shocked. The IPO market must be returning to 1999 or some such. Someone from one of those Wall Street hot dog carts must be selling bottles of Wonder Bubble on the side! Gallon sized bottles!In my startup, I keep getting just absurd exogenous interruptions. One of these is exercise. I like exercise. But to save time, I set it aside. Not good. If I don’t get back to exercise, I could get something serious. So, I’m exercising. So, sore muscles. I like the exercise, but it is another interruption in the work.But I’ve written the software I intended to write. It runs. I now see some tweaks I need to do, but they are tiny and easy to do. For the core software, I want to give it a really severe check for a third time. I want to be rock solid sure about that core code. There is a place I could get a really big step up in performance exploiting solid state disks. But, the performance with the current software with just rotating disks should be fine to revenue of a few million dollars a month. So, for now, to heck with the solid state disks. So, now the software is in alpha test. It’s not prototype code. Instead it’s intended for significant production.So, let’s see: For the interruptions, my development computer got a virus from I have no idea where, but apparently, from four days of scanning, the computer is clean. And I scanned the boot partition again last night, and this morning the report was no viruses found.Now, gads, another interruption — grocery shopping, not just for me, but I’m almost out of cat food!I could yell and scream about the interruptions, but I doubt that would help.I can sleep well because my code does run, I do understand it, it’s all nicely written and reasonably well documented.And, of course, I’m sure that no one else in a startup or in business will be able to reinvent my crucial core applied math! Of my grad school profs, only one would understand that crucial math at all well, but he was the star student of a famous guy at Princeton — both of them are darned bright, and neither of them is going to do a startup! So, I can sleep well!I have to thank the math and what I got in grad school — they are providing me a strong technological barrier to entry that leaves me safe even with the absurd delays of the exogenous interruptions.
This is a placeholder for a decent reply later at night.
sigmaalgebra :that submission actually provided a partial glimpse of a human being. Then we realized most things in life good or bad (impressions) are based upon learned behavior. What you revealed and acknowledged what you did to students with a lesser understanding and who could have still developed into brilliant people (And we believed they have) shows the darkside that is readily shown and seen. No one has the time, desire or interest letting you know you the characteristics and personality traits you admitted to displaying. It only fortified our first impression. Thanks
“I’m surprised that the founder, alone, with a short demo, got venture funding before traction, revenue, and a significant team.”Note that it is listed as a “seed pitch”. Assuming this was a very early seed round, you wouldn’t have any of those things. You need those things for later rounds of serious institutional capital, not for your “I have a laptop and an idea” seed rounds.
Yes, at one time I guessed that a seed round was such a thing. Later, from experience, I changed my mind!
As impressive as their technology is, their organization is just as great. I know he’s no longer at Twilio, but for years Jonathan Gottfried and his red Twilio jacket were a fixture in the NYC hackathon scene. And by “hackathon scene” I really mean Jonathan running many, being involved in most, and providing the oxygen for nearly all, often by including some incredible use or demonstrated of Twilio tech, often akin to the demo described above.
They nailed the hackathon go to market strategy like no other
Dave McClure’s experience as Developer Evangelist at Paypal seems to have helped inspire them with this (although I’m partly just guessing).Dave gets his unicorn today!! (He introed me to Jeff way back, as I wrote in another comment here.)
why ‘Twilio’?
twilight + IO ?did you vote yet jason?
i did, last week by post – i wasn’t willing to expose myself to another week of bombardment from media and the two campaigns. the issues have been chewed over for months.if Brexit wins i’m covered. through my family’s mixed lineage i’ll apply for Irish citizenship and a passport and continue to enjoy the freedoms of the EU. it’s good to have options :-)why ‘twilight’?
Good for you, i am for staying in the union. Would have voted if i was allowed but being an active citizen and voter is required and i am not. I count on being able to do business in the EU freely. Best hopes for today!
My friend Yra G. Harris at his blog Notes From the Underground gives some solid reasons for leaving.
There are, mainly political. I think the economical reasons are mostly bs. The EU political machinery has grown out of control, specially out of the control of the UK. But I think that remaining and helping to fix the issues and try to regain some control is better in the long term. Using the african saying creative mentioned recently: Want to go fast? go alone, want to go far? go together.If you crack the EU that would sooner or later crack the NATO, and that could be eventually a very bad thing for geopolitical stability.Read some Yra G. Harris, thanks for the link.
Just phonetic i guess, just guessing. Have you ever named a company? Its awful. All names you can imagine are taken and the rest sound stupid. Finally you choose one and people start asking: Why X? π
the IPO, Companies House, whois name cross referencing nightmare is something i’ve experienced once or twice. no fun at all.
To be clear I love this company and what they do. If I bought stock I would buy this stock.At first I thought you were talking about “brexit” now I see you mean “twilio” as a name.I can’t argue with the fact that they built a great company around the name (this is fact) however with that said it really isn’t a great name otherwise. For one thing on a quick look it comes cross as “twillo” because of the ‘i’s” next to the ‘l’s’. [1]Not to mention that twillo redirects to an ad site which took me to vonage.[1] I have done a great deal of experimenting (and money making) with typos so I have a seat of the pants feel for how easy it is for people to misstype in that way.
I am absoultely aware of your expertise in the field LE, not by chance you are the father of all Larrys. I recall once you mentioned the effects of the number 8 when used in pricing in asian markets, I was very impressed. I will visit the oracle later this year, if everything falls in place. I have my coupon! π
The meaning of 8 is very commonly understood in Singapore, Malyasia, China. Did pricing in those markets for many years. You will see it everywhere – from the Petronas Towers in KL (88 floors) to the fact that the Beijing Olympics started on 08 /08 / 2008 at 8 minutes and 8 seconds past 8 pm local time.Similarly, 4 is avoided. The high rise I lived in in Malaysia did not have a 4th floor…3, 3A, 5.
I worked for a real estate brokerage for years named 8z that owned We got plenty of buyout offers for that domain name, typically from Asia.
Some names are better than other but they are what you make them to mean.Misspellings are not–in my experience at least–that big a deal anymore.Certainly true in the mobile space where you need an ap.
There is an entire industry around branding and naming (as you know) that gets paid big dollars to help companies find the proper name.Misspellings are not–in my experience at least–that big a deal anymore.Sure but it’s lazy to not take confusion into account when naming. Any lost business is lost opportunity. No reason to be sloppy if it can be avoided. Which in general it can.Picture below of a company, Zola that I helped [1] that was on RHONYC last night. Easy to read, easy to see, easy to remember. They got plenty of exposure on the show. Must have been 10 or 15 shots of the name in what I think was about a 10 minute scene.[1] Was not my name choice, but I helped them with other things related to the name….
.It’s good to be Irish. Brennan, County — not City — Cork.JLMwww.themusingsofthebigredca…
show don’t tell. ballsy, but always the best way. big congrats to everyone involved!
reality is worth a thousand pictures
No company has done more to make so many hackathons feel like a hackathon.
FRED:”I said βget out of here, thatβs impossible.βThe only thing impossible is how our minds limits the power of others minds.There are some amazing innovations arriving hope we are still here to see them scale.
Oh well I guess I forgot
3 times is a charm.
Glad you forgot, thats a good story. Hadn’t seen the earlier posts.
“All intelligent thoughts have already been thought; what is necessary is only to try to think them again.” -Goethe
So cool – timing of the post is perfect. Will share with the two companies I am mentoring here in the Twin Cities for the Minnesota Cup http://carlsonschool.umn.ed…
Contributors:The following reason is why you can’t hire Uncle Vinny to be the Senior VP of Operations. On the job training doesn’t work.Knicks acquire Derrick Rose from Chicago Bulls.…Don’t even bring up Kristaps Porzingis. A good player who we hope will be great. One great decision (luck) doesn’t replace bad management from Uncle Vinny.Apologize in advance Fred for the off topic rant.Just beside ourselves.Drops the Mic!
Yeah. I know
rose is still an elite player. great pickup for the knicks. him and carmelo is a great pairing
kidmercury:You just revealed the kid in your user name. Elite players need to play and be on the court to be Elite.D Rose before injuries which kept him off the court before and during his MVP season was (past tense) an Elite player. Now go watch the NBA Draft tonight and learn some basketball from the analyst’s and commentators. Run along now kid.
lol i appreciate the trolling efforts here but i live in chicago and watched plenty of bulls games last year. jimmy butler played in 67 games last year. rose played in 66. he was on the court.for 2015 he had an eye problem, but in 2016 he played very well. if you look at just the 2016 numbers you will see he is an elite player.beyond the stats, though, he is truly a player that can create his own shot, and that can create open 3s by driving and kicking out. this is what great point guards in the modern nba need to be able to do and rose is one of the best at it.
kid:Against our better judgment to respond to such diatribe. Could you possibly find a way to take back your beloved D. Rose.And why your at it take Phil Jackson and Dolan.
kid:No matter how you characterize it D. Rose is not the MVP he earned type of player that the Knicks need to compete for a run at the Playoffs. Playoffs. Are we talking playoffs.
Great post Fred. It gives meaning to the word “showmanship”.
Jeff has that in spades
We are a proud development partner and have been building loads of projects for Twilio clients’ more robust needs. There is tons of innovation that can be done on this platform, and it’s fun to help do this.Dave McClure introed me to JeffL way back when Jeff was still working from his Seattle home. Exciting to watch all the growth since then, visiting all 5 or 6 of their consecutive SF offices as they’ve outgrown each.
Their Ad campaign was brilliant, and says a lot. I think there have passed 1 million developers on Twilio.
Their NYTM demo is legendary.
When a portfolio company goes public, what are the implications for a VC that has a position in the company? Does the company changes its category within the portfolio?
Nothing changes until we sell or distribute the position. We can’t do either of those two things for six months (the IPO lockup)
Do you always sell at the end of 6 months, how do manage exits?
.I have gotten two different answers to this question — Can you “short” an IPO lockup position?Can you short that position if you are not the current owner? [E.g. current shares held in the name of the VC LP while you personally would own your distributed shares in your own persona.]I ask these questions in the context of a hedging strategy only, not a classic short.Thanks.JLMwww.themusingsofthebigredca…
Interesting, did’t knew about IPO lockup. I thought something like that the position was going out of the scope of the VC investor portfolio definition with the IPO, as an urge or order to sell if the price is right. You won’t get 100x in the public market right?
Congrats to them. That is a great seed pitch and double underlines the idea that you need a working product before you can raise money.
Watching now. Exciting time for this team. Congratulations!
Great example for the class I do at Wharton on “how to pitch to a VC”. We discuss the pros and cons of using your allotted time to “demo the product”. I do tell the students that you (and others) want to see a demo
William Mougayar:You are vigilant. Good memory this guy….
it is all written in his perpetual blockchain ledger
π Maybe I’m the unofficial AVC historian…since 2008.
That is a great pitch.
Twilio was one of the few companies that I saw potential right from the start when I first heard about it.What’s great is that they can easily raise prices down the road because of the lock that they have on developers, applications and businesses.IPO wise anyone investing who has gotten a text message confirming a credit card charge or an appointment (I must have gotten 5 or 6 yesterday) can easily understand what they do.
Yes, they can definitely raise prices because of brand and stickiness. Anyone who ever wrote something that integrates with their API knows what a breeze it is, and that pieces would have to increase by a lot to justify a rewrite.However the company is vulnerable to a drop in API competitor–not sure if the API interface is protected. That’s what I’d do if I was a big co and wanted to compete with twilio
I often refer startups that pitch to me where there’s an API to that Twilio demo, and ask them: can you reduce what you’re doing to 5 essential calls?
Five, hmm . The software and server farm architecture for my startup has, hmm, five boxes! Hmm, five! How ’bout that!One: Of course, one box is the Web server. As Web servers go, it’s dirt simple, simple logic, simple code, simple Web pages, only a few Web pages. Sure, to the user, the API is just HTTP GET and PUT.Two: The code in the Web server for the Web pages makes use of a session state server, and in the Web pages that is via an API — essentially versions of PUT and later GET. Dirt simple. The communications is via object instance de/serialization and just simple, old TCP/IP sockets. The session state server is deliberately single threaded, the input FIFO queue is courtesy of just TCP/IP. The storage within the session state server is just via two collection classes, hopefully AVL or red-black trees. Simple.Three: There’s SQL Server, and, sure, the API SQL. Really the schema is dirt simple, only a few tables, each table with only a few columns, the columns with just simple data types, no foreign keys, a few clustered keys. For the usage, there are just a few SELECT and INSERT statements, each in its own subroutine so that, again, there is a simple API. There are no joins. That’s the on-line part — there’s some off-line work that’s more involved.Four: There is a server for part of the crucial core calculations, but, again, from the code of a Web page there is a dirt simple API, just PUT and GET, and those are also based on just object instance de/serialization and simple, old TCP/IP sockets, single threading within the server, and FIFO queuing from TCP/IP.FIve: The fourth box talks a fifth box with the main database, but that, while it stands to be large, is also simple. For the fourth box, again there is a simple API, basically just PUT and GET; and those based on just object instance de/serialization and TCP/IP, single threading within the server, and FIFO queuing from TCP/IP.So, just five boxes and each box accessed with a dirt simple API, always just some version of PUT and GET, and usually with the data handled by object instance de/serialization with the server code single threaded, communications just via old TCP/IP sockets and the FIFO queuing from TCP/IP.Dirt simple software and server farm architecture.And it’s quite scalable just by sharding; e.g., for the session state server, could have 1000 of them, run them all in parallel, and which server a given user session uses determined from a hash of a GUID for that session. Simple.So, there’s your five again!
nice answer π
I love this story.Not every great idea has a model that works.You never know that until you see a product that just captures that possibilities.Nice one.
Would be interesting to hear how you guys thought about this one in terms of the investment thesis around large networks of engaged users. Do B2D companies fit in that thesis generally or did you go a little outside it because the pitch and product were so compelling?
Lawrence Brass:are Brit’s, Limey’s and Tommy’s really desiring to leave the EU?Are the Nationalistic views that strong in Britain? Great Britain has justas many immigrants serving in all aspects of society. Your view is sought.
I am not there so i really don’t know. Have a friend in scotland and he seems quite happy when we talk. But you know, demagogues will always blame end exploit external factors for some profit or to distract the public. A less permeable border and price barriers could give the illusion of progress inside any country for some time, but when you hear that talk coming from the countries that championed capitalism and free trade, enriching themselves in the process, you know that something is not right.I think that the millions of people that had to die to ‘save Europe’ from nationalist and xenophobic regimes just a few decades ago, deserve some respect. When you freely ask the the people to decide, the outcome is often the right decision. So we will see tonight.
CONTRIBUTORS:OFF TOPIC POST!When so many investors, analysts and WallStreet are against Elon Musk’s bid for SolarCity which his first cousin is CEO & Cofounder and Silicon Valley innovators who trust in his vision and judgment. Why does Elon Musk’s bid for SolarCity appear to be a SolarCity bailout verses a synergy acquisition? The pros and cons of the deal are interesting for those who hold a position in either or both companies. The deal could be mad just because Elon Musk simply can!…DISCLOSURE: NONE TO REPORT. NO POSITION IN EITHER COMPANY
The first app I wrote in Ruby on Rails was a Twilio thing: Great documentation and support on their end made it a delight to work with.
curator by dna.
Congratulations for this great IPO!
Great story with a Silver Lining! Nice to see another tech firm crossover into public markets, bravo!
I will never ever ever forget John Britton’s 2010 NYTM live Twilio coding demo where he literally made every phone in the auditorium ring at the same time. It was OFF THE HOOK!
Congrats. Didn’t know that. I’m a lucky angel investor too through David Cohen’s fund.
Great blog Fred. How amazing would it be if all entrepreneurs could let their products speak for themselves and there was no need for powerpoint slides, excel spreadsheets, etc.? As Warren Buffett famously said “Business is simple, people make it complicated!”
Let’s talk Brexit.
Nice little software pitch, but Tex Johnson still holds the record for best product demo ever :).… #boeing @boeing #airplanes #flying #mvp
I edited, rendered a HD video and then uploaded to YouTube using only my browser. Nobody cared π
I care! Would love to see your demo! egekhter at g……
This, I <3 this.
…and the rest you can phone in.
“Disqus’ API allows you to add a message board to your website fast. Would such a pitch be a big deal for you too?”Everybody can do that. Nobody did what Twilio did at the time it was pitched.