Feature Friday: The NFL on Twitter
Last night was a revelation for me. I’m not joking. I wasn’t really expecting to be blown away by the experience of watching football on Twitter. I was.
I installed the new Twitter app on our AppleTV and watched the entire Jets Bills game on Twitter last night. It looks like this on the TV in our family room:
I was talking to folks on Twitter throughout the game and many said that they don’t understand the difference between having the tweets flowing up on the screen vs on your phone.
For me, it’s a huge difference. You can watch the game and follow the conversation about it without having your head in your phone.
But there is so much more Twitter can do to make this experience even better.
For starters, I would like to be able to log into the Twitter AppleTV app and then have options to only see tweets from people in my timeline or to have those highlighted or prioritized.
And, I would like to be able to use the Twitter app on my phone to control the AppleTV Twitter app like the Apple Remote app controls the AppleTV. Then I could tweet from the AppleTV app and be able to reply and engage right up on the screen.
I expect Twitter to showcase all sorts of live sports in the coming months in their apps. You can watch these events on your phone in your Twitter app. Or you can watch them on AppleTV and XBox and, I think one other device. I expect Twitter to add apps for other devices as well.
Everyone here at AVC knows I am a huge fan of Twitter and very long on the stock. So take all of this in that context. I think the addition of live content to Twitter is a game changer for them. It amplifies what is unique and different about Twitter and the experience is fantastic. Well done Twitter.
Comments (Archived):
A huge (culturally relevant) stride towards actualising their long-forgotten (c.2009) and IMO most potent vision of being the “pulse of the planet” / “world’s nervous system”
perfect comment and i agree.the most valuable piece of real estate in the world is between your couch and your TV.no one owns this as yet.
and mobile can’t change that over time?
mobile has changed everything and continues to do so.the communal nature of the living room will–I hope–and certainly not in my home–change.working around the living room is the dynamics of life. at least mine.
you need a self driving couch.
but blockchain tech may be pushing that idea to one side. Twitter is a centralised system. there may now be a better way.
I think that’s baloney. Despite the scepticism, Twitter has a mindshare, user base and data moat to die for.
and if that is how Twitter is also thinking it is already dead.
I have no idea what you are saying honestly.talking in codes is the unfortunate dynamic of the blockchain obsessed.its easy to understand, prophetic in many ways but the language and winks of the community are really an adolescence that are quite awkward.
multiple nodes on a decentralised network will spawn innovation that no centralised network’s moating strategies will be able to see off. incumbents are by definition either architectured to be vulnerable to new tech, or are simply complacent. history tells this story.off the top of my head, Nokia.
I totally agree with that Jason, decentralized networks is the future, the real distributed blockchains will live there, not in a few datacenters as they do now. And this is the only path to free everyone from the incumbents grip. The first p2p wave was killed by digital rights management and lawyers, but it is not news that most content today is generated at the outer nodes of the network, so content, data and value now is flowing in both directions. IPv6, IoT, software defined RF, all the pieces are there, it is a matter of time. I am an advocate and working to be a part of it.p.s. Microsoft killed Nokia brand, engineering, everything.
Microsoft certainly did kill Nokia, and an assassin could not have done it better. almost a deliberate process, and who gained from it? another US tech company, Apple. we know that Google, Apple, MIcrosoft et.c. operated a wage-fixing cartel. i’m sure they coordinate in other ways too.
Lends itself well to games that have a lot of wait time (football, baseball). Would it work as well for fast paced games, like basketball? Could you take your eyes off a basketball game to follow tweets?And can we get this for presidential debates?
Here’s the thing. You don’t have to take your eyes off the game with the tweets on the screen. It’s like the score on the screen
Even if lots of tweets are flying by?
isn’t it totally distracting if tweets are flooding in? it would be for me.
Yes it would
and see above. no TV sound for me.
What would happen if Twitter AI was smart enough to convert text-to-talk on those messages that are from people it knows are your friends?With Airpods, you wouldn’t need to type a tweet reply. Only speak it. I did say Apple is BRILLIANT.[Not that Twitter currently has a Head of Product who’d know how to do this integration.]@SixgillBlog:disqus – Then it’d be like if your friends were collectively watching with you and providing running commentary.@JimHirshfield:disqus – The AI could also filter the flood of tweets so you only see+hear the people you want to — not all your followers and not all the people tweeting with the same #game #event hashtag.
Voice to text on tweets with haf wrds n # n usr names n other abbreviations would sound worse than the garbage disposal running during the game.
The AI could convert all abbreviations into words and expressions. So LOL would be an actual laugh as a sound.Terms like WTF!!! would also be spoken out.
LOL, I just spit tea all over my keys!
AI would be trained only to send tweets that make sense.Twitter is omitting @name from the 140 anyway so the AI could just as easily be trained not to speak out “@john @mary dash dash dash … question mark exclamation mark exclamation mark” when we tweet “@john @mary — What a great game! Who’s gonna win?!!”AI will only say, “What a great game! Who’s gonna win?”
My only problem with that is if the stream of tweets is heavy, I can read a lot faster than people typically speak. Hard to follow the commentators and the tweets in my ear
It’s definitely for more than sports. People will flock to Twitter to watch the next *Scandal.* (Amy Vernon used to live tweet shows, so good — there are several shows whose PR teams probably owe her a check.)
It would be great to let Twitter broadcast the Presidential debates that are coming up
That would be amazing — one step beyond events where you can submit a question via Twitter.
I was so nervous during the 2012 debates i just “watched” them on Twitter -I’ve curated a huge list of folks on both sides to follow so you end up getting incredible play by play. Kind of like how they used to baseball – old story is Ronald Reagan would “broadcast” Cubs games from Des Moines using a ticker tape coming in from Chicago.
Would be nice to create twitter polls for questions for the candidates during the debates.
Or The Bachelor on Twitter. Wow.
Yes. The Bachelor is one of those shows I’ve only “seen” on my twitter tl.
We are inveterate watchers (wife and I). It’s like any show where you get to know the characters and understand the nuance. Very entertaining.
I would prefer scandal – or even better, game of thrones (not a sports person at all)
so you were watching a game of football or a game of twitter?there are times when less is more.is Twitter better remaining a public company, or would it be better for it to go private to work things out? you think companies should be public, but does that always work for a company’s progression?
There are times when less is more. Watching sporting events isn’t one of them.
if i watch i never listen. volume off. less is more for me.
Glow Puck would disagree with you.https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Game of Thrones with Twitter on the side, hahahaha. No.
never watched it. don’t really spend my time with broadcast scheduled TV content. it’s just a screen to Chromecast web content i discover (interviews et.c.).
No Game of Thrones for me either!
Remember all those years ago when the NFL broadcast a game with no announcers? What if they did that and just had Twitter? Or, what if it was possible to have tweets read as you watched-without color announcers?Would love to see this for baseball and basketball. Also would like to have the ability to splitscreen so I could watch two games at once.
I could see a startup “media company” do this. Just two sports-tweeters covering the game in detail. Filter for their tweets. Turn the volume off on your TV. Sponsored tweets included, obviously!
i always have the volume turned off. you ‘see’ so much more that way.
would such a company need to acquire an ip licence to do this sort of thing?
I dunno…probably get sued by the NFL
probably (licence) and probably (sued). it’s like the music industry. just keep bumping up the cost of renewing the licence at every renegotiation. pay up or fold. not a sustainable basis for a startup to startup. being held to ransom is a bad thing.
Disappointed Twitter didn’t have unique content, I didn’t realize it was just the same feed as everyone else. Will be interesting to see if [Amazon] differentiates in some way.
I like this idea. No official commentators, just the game. And then what I’d like is for people or groups of people to be able set up their own silo’d live-tweet of the game that I can subscribe to. So I only see their tweets. Like Louis CK for instance 🙂
Great idea! The idea gets better. Maybe we should start a Television network and broadcast a sporting event? Except that pesky FCC
That would create a reality distortion maybe, no?
NFL broadcast a game with no announcers?I wonder what that says about the audience makeup (particularly with respect to age and or knowledge). Not watching sports, if I ever started, I would want to hear what the announcers are saying so I could learn about the game. Don’t you think that many people learned things by hearing the banter and also got entertained during times when there was no play?I thought back in the day Cosell and Dandy Don were entertaining in some way to viewers. (Really the only names that I know about..)
What if you just had the play by play announcer but no color guy? It would be OK if there were moments of silence. I’m fine with hearing the crowd noises while I read the tweets.Ernie Harwell was one of the greatest play by play men to ever call the game of baseball and one thing he loved to do was let you randomly hear the game. You could hear the peanuts guy or the crowd urging on a hitter. It always enhanced the experience, now a days these guys feel like they have to talk all the time whether they have anything significant to say or not.
Well that’s an interesting idea. A rebroadcast through twitter with the ability to filter audio channels to one’s liking. That seems to make sense … from my limited knowledge perch at least.
What if someday I could choose between a Twitter feed that would help me understand more about the game, or the players, or the teams, or the division they are in. Or a feed that is biased to my favourite team. How about a feed for the presidential debates coming up? I could choose a feed with more or less info related to a party or a topic.Endless possibilities. I’ll try this for the NFL Sunday (Go Hawks!). Thanks again, Fred
Eagles radio broadcast with Merrill Reese is the best, so muting Joe Buck, Troy Aikman etc. and turning on Merrill is usually my go to move.
Syncing is an issue
Ya it’s tough to get the video and radio streams in Synch. MLB.com does a great job of keeping both in Synch and gives you the option to listen to the radio instead of the tv broadcast. I always opt for Franzke and LA with the Phils.
I haven’t had as much luck on the mlb app?
Too much ad money these days tied up in in-game promos, often delivered by the play-by-play announcer. In the hierarchy of importance, especially w/ exorbitant rights fees, adv wins out over viewers. That said, I do think the TWTR experience foreshadows a new level of viewer engagement w/ sports.
when will the day come when a QB tweets from the stadium asking for a play suggestion?
Coaches. In 1972, President Richard Nixon drew up a play for the Redskins in the Super Bowl, and they ran it.
i’m sure Chomsky would have an insight about that. mass media, sports casting, and democracy.
To be fair, he probably secretly taped the Dolphins going over some basic defense packages in the hotel the night before…so he had some inside knowledge about what plays to try :-)BTW – They lost.
Do you buy the stock after this if you weren’t in it before? If you were bearish the stock, do you cover? Does this expand the universe of potential acquisition candidates for Twitter?
I think Fred has possibly lost all rationality with the long term investment potential of twitter and is simply running on emotional fumes. [1] Usually (as is the case with real estate) you want to detach the emotional pull of an investment so that you don’t follow it to the bitter end. That is make an investment or not sell where the numbers say “game over”. Once again this is not a comment on twitter in particular (since I am not an expert on that) but just that phenomenon which I have seen before and could be what is happening (by Fred’s being so long on Twitter).That said twitter is up 4% today (.78 a share) on the news that the NFL live stream was a “huge success”.[1] I say that of course not knowing what he knows about the future potential of twitter that the general public doesn’t.
On another note, the Chicago Cubs clinched their division last night. Thank you SF Giants.
How about a Harry Carey play-by-play Twitter bot?”Cubs up by 3 in the second, full house tonight… a reminder, it’s hand gun and hard liquor night Monday… bring the kids…”
this would be good for Panasonic. even bigger televisions required. Twitter the accelerator of obsolescence.
Completely agree with you mate. I am a (relatively) newish NFL fan from Australia, and the community around the game is what helps watchers like me get the nuances of the game. As you say, make that stream customisable so you can have just your followers (or perhaps one of your Twitter lists) instead of all comments and it would be even better.Opens some revenue streams for Twitter that perhaps the market hasn’t thought of before yet as well.
From the announcement, “The stream will be the CBS TV broadcast, and it will be available to every country in the world except Canada.”I’m not sure who is to blame for leaving Canada out: Twitter, US regulation, Canadian regulators or CBS itself.
That’s weird. Follow the money
that is a recipe for paranoia, and the basis for a human rights case.
The reason is Bell and Rogers – they are holding us Canadians hostages.
.One more merger justification.JLMwww.themusingsofthebigredca…
Definitely. A merger would solve that equation 🙂
Canada needs an NFL team. The CFL is reasonably successful, no? Why the NFL has explored growth in Europe w/out first exploring our neighbors due north makes no sense to me. Is there an impediment?
Good point. I don’t know why.Interesting stat: approximately 80% of Canadian football fans follow the CFL, and about 55% follow the NFL.
This feature reminds me a bit of GetGlue’s streams at their peak, if they were coupled with the live TV. Maybe GetGlue was ahead of its time.
i remember them. Got to wonder whether everyone is early or if there simply is not a market for social tv.I spent years working on this and honestly think the later may be the case.
“Got to wonder whether everyone is early or if there simply is not a market for social tv.”I think there def is for sports, politics, etc. I think the TWTR “experiment” last night was monumental, if they can address latency and steer the social commentary to a higher plane. It created a whole new viewing experience, particularly for serious enthusiasts.
Sports is a unique entity. Boisterous but communal and entertainment. Makes great sense especially as the event is driven by offline events.Politics especially this year are acerbic, divisive, and ugly. I don’t know if I want that in my living room.I both agree with you but am cautious about this.
Filtering is key, but no doubt today’s political discourse has devolved into something that’s unbelievably disgusting. I hope we’re not experiencing a precedent that will exist long after The Donald is gone. The media is quite culpable here, too. Not sure what the word journalism even means these days.
It is so ugly. So uncivil. So emotional. Everyone is culpable. I can’t think of anything i want in my living room watching the debates than the open market of shit being displayed.My prejudice of course.
But social TV is what we are talking about here, yesterday’s launch seems to be a step in the right direction, no? Again, it can be passive or active. Not everyone wants to participate, but the tweets are interesting context to the game, or any big event for that matter.
Of course.Yes interesting and yes core to how I think of Twitter as a brand as the pulse of the world in real time.Yes contextual.What’s interesting to me is whether this approach, this coopting sports as the ultimate mass market collection of emotions, will enable Twitter to bridge to become that as well.I don’t know. On a white board it makes sense. So do many things.I’ll keep watching (literally) this one
“the addition of live content to Twitter is a game changer for them.”- isn’t this the opposite? It’s “the addition of Twitter to live content”.Twitter excels in big moments, and I can’t wait to see this combination expand outside of sports, into other big events around the world. Twitter streams offer that unique context, and it shines even more when the events are in real time.Here’s the rub, though. Technically, you could emulate this feature by placing a vertical monitor next to your TV. Then, you can see Twitter streams along side *any* program with some light filtering or hashtag, and you can interact at the same time from your smartphone, while seeing more personalized tweets from people you follow.
The Twitch-ification of Twitter?
or twitch already had all the good stuff of twitter – and twitter is figuring it out?
I could see this working well on concert streams. Some of the bands I listen to (e.g. Phish) have a large audience tweeting commentary from the concerts / webcasts.
For the 2008 (maybe 2012 – I’m getting old) election I hosted a party at my home, and a newspaper journalist friend stopped by. I was showing the twitter stream on my TV (VGA cable?) and he was simply awed. He couldn’t get over the technology – what channel is this? who are these people? How is this happening?This has great potential – as long as we can reduce the noise and the spam – some type of curated content engine. Very cool….
Wow! Mind blown last night. I’m amazed what the team at twitter have put together since Jack’s return.Twitter -> The ESPN killer. And the timing could not be better with the hurt ESPN is feeling at the moment.Mr. Iger, you’re turn to bat… Mr. Dorsey, touché!
Can’t help but think of this — which is superior to listening to many of the people they hire to comment in an official capacity.
Countries with largest number of NFL fans outside the US- interesting chart.Mexico, Brazil, Canada, South Korea, Germany, UK. Spain, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Argentina.
This is what “interactive TV” people have been talking about since 1998. The road is paved with failures like Wink, Goldpocket, OpenTV, WebTV, etc, etc, etc. What’s changed?- No hardware required. – twitter has a network of 10’s of millions of people. – viewers are accustomed to text commentary about what they are watching. – Twitter has content rights (unlike others who sought to “overlay” content) *Theoretically there should be some very interesting opportunities to experiment around this.The key question is how much latitude Twitter will have to program this effort -I don’t know if event producers will like the idea of the twitter community showing up alongside their product, and losing control over the experience. I suspect that Twitter had a lot of ideas that ultimately got rejected by the NFL.
1989 for some of us.
.The NFL is dead to me. I will never watch another game. Ever.JLMwww.themusingsofthebigredca…
After watching it on Twitter, or just in general?
.See above.JLMwww.themusingsofthebigredca…
Does this have anything to do with the Raiders moving to Vegas?
.No, I am boycotting the NFL because of the spoiled millionaires who fail to stand for the National Anthem in disrespect to those who died to found and support our country.Never again will I ever watch an NFL game. Ever.JLMwww.themusingsofthebigredca…
I’ve been a 49er fan since a teenager. And to see what the infantile, classless, unthinking asshole has done here in SF makes me sick. Take your money and move to Cuba and let me know how it goes Kaperdick.
They lost me a few years ago. Can’t handle how they broadcast games
So right up front, I have a dog in this fight.In the first quarter Twitter’s live stream was 30 seconds behind the broadcast on NFL Network https://youtu.be/WLxzmgK4F28By the end of the 4th quarter twitter’s “live” stream was 2:45 behind broadcast.When you combine that with the insane amounts of cash Twitter had to pay to several CDNs to make it work at all and there are some fundamental problems here.You can’t have people consuming live sports across multiple platforms (video, tweets, live stats) if they are significantly out of sync. It’s even worse if the most compelling of the experiences (video) has the most latency.
PS your new host has ip blocked accessing avc from BitTorrent. com domains. commenting from my phone
That was mentioned in some news stories as being an issue as well. I wonder what it would be like if your neighbor had the live tv on and was cheering prior to you seeing the play on twitter.
LE:Why are deficiencies in a service usually highlighted by someone else…..Feed not consistent with the live broadcast. (That is a definite problem)
Latency is a prob only if one is using TWTR’s live feed as a 2nd screen app. If one is solely viewing on TWTR, and not viewing in tandem with an NFL/CBS broadcast feed, then latency is a non-issue.I live very close to the Seahawks’ stadium in Seattle. On a TD I literally hear the in-stadium cannons go off 5 second before I see the play on our TV screen. My wife doesn’t mind, but it kind of ruins the viewing experience for me.
Except that the tweets on the same screen as the video are way ahead of the video.When the Bills scored near the end of the game I was seeing that the extra point was good in my twitter stream while the TD itself was still under review on video.
Yeah, that’s def a prob. Don’t understand why the latency was so bad. What’s the tech difficulties and is it fixable?
Because HLS is a terrible protocol for streaming live video on the internet….and no, HLS is not fixable.
Well beyond my pay grade. Is there better protocol for matching the video stream w/ comments?
Erick Schwartz:not too loud you are providing factual information. Among us there are those listening.
“For starters, I would like to be able to log into the Twitter AppleTV app and then have options to only see tweets from people in my timeline or to have those highlighted or prioritized.”-> exactly my tweet this am. i don t understand twitter did not include that in their first version. such an obvious winner…
Amazing to think of all the companies that have tried to build this over the years – live chat next to video (and even replayed chat) and it might be Twitter that solves this problem. It seems like real sports is shifting to a esports/Twitch like experience as its what more and more people are used to doing (chatting while watching “gaming”)
From sports to Senate hearings, there isn’t much I wouldn’t rather watch on Twitter. As much of my Twitter feed is journalists and others talking about events happening off the platform, this is a huge step in the right direction. It’s very early days, in a short time last night’s broadcast will look like flint knives.
I agree that Twitter needs to integrate the option for users to have their regular feed scrolling next to the game feed. I look forward to Twitter becoming a major professional and college sports game distributor. Watch out ESPN and others!
The coolest thing in that photo isn’t the Twitter feed but the guy in the top left corner playing the horn.
Really? I just don’t see it. For those who watch on be big screen, the idea that they will give up real estate to see a stream of tweets she. They can can see the stream on their phone. I think Twitter is delusional on this call
It was great work simply pulling it off. And, I’m sure the interface will be improved. :)The show-stopper for me was the 30sec latency. It doesn’t work for live sports. It works for Twitch because all the viewers are seeing it at the same time (and Twitch’s latency is no more than 10sec anyway). If Twitter wants to (or can) get there, they’re going to have to either pay $$$$$ for it or figure out for themselves the secrets of building out a low-latency real-time video CDN for the masses.
Bravo, TWTR! Nice job!Opportunities (assuming the latency issue can be addressed):1) TWTR should hire a well known “analyst” (or two) representing each participating TNF team to elevate the quality of in-game tweets and steer the conversation to a higher plane. For the Bills, a Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas or James Lofton. For the Jets, a Curtis Martin, Joe Namath or Keyshawn Johnson.2) Find a way to engage fantasy enthusiasts, the most impassioned fans, w/ dialogue and/or stats. Perhaps fantasy gets a separate social feed.3) TWTR should bid on the rights to out of market Sunday games, avail either a la carte or as a season package. With CBS and the NFL simulcasting nationally Thursday Night Football the competition for eyeballs is perhaps too fierce, even if watching on TWTR is sort of a diff viewing experience. There are tons of displaced NFL fans across the U.S.! (DirecTV built a huge chunk of its biz on the back of Sunday Ticket.) The TWTR social crawl would be more targeted with better comments, as buyers would consist of serious fans of the two participating teams. Also, latency would be a non-issue cause there isn’t an alternative in-market viewing option. (I honestly can see Verizon, or another company w/ cash, taking a much harder look now at a TWTR acquisition.)
a lot of sports themed posts on here recently.
Nice idea and decent implementation that I’m sure will improve. Seems tough to scale as a business opportunity for Twitter.
Meh…(but I watch rugby and tennis) the only other person’s opinion I am interested is the ref (which is why I like reflink at a live game and choose to hear the ref on TV rather than the banality of a commentator)
I felt similar about the experience, but then turned it off when I couldn’t get it on my TV (SmartTV or Chromecast). Once they expand to those, I can imagine I’ll watch it over a regular broadcast. Another great feature for sports would be if you could specify only tweets from fans of your team or vice versa.
I’m interested in the rights that have to be paid for by Twitter to get the permission to livestream. This must be one of the biggest hurdles to overcome? How does NFL rights compare to other sports? e.g. i know in Africa one company controls the English Premier League soccer rights for most of the continent, and that this is essential to them controlling payTV on the continent. I am sure the cable companies are going to put up a fight for the US equivalents (NFL, NBA, NHL, Baseball?).
I will consider watching the NFL again as soon as I can get high resolution, slow motion, zoomable video with expert commentary. First cut, on each play, for each player, I want to be able to track in detail just what the heck they did. Then I want commentary on those individual players and, then, the play that was just run, how it was intended to work, what the defense did and how it was intended to work, what the defensive secondary did and why, what the pass patterns were and how they were intended to work, and what weaknesses are developing as the game time grows.Then I will start to get some decent understanding of the game, that is, have something to watch.As it is, all I see is a meaningless big blur. I gave up years ago. No thanks.
CONTRIBUTORS:The National Museum of African American History and Culture on the Smithsonian grounds opens 24 September 2016 in Washington, D.C. which George W. Bush authorized but had stalled from building until a new President.http://www.nytimes.com/inte…
So this is cool, but what about for people who don’t like sports?
Actually, better question – could this bring back network/must see tv away from netflixazation/binge watching.I’d totally do this with game of thrones – but to make that work, we’d all have to watch roughly the same time. +1 for tv on air/a schedule of some sort
I am a huge fan of Twitter, but I don’t understand the need to own the content. Why not create a companion SDK for live tvOS apps to surface relevant content next to live streams?
I’m late to the party. I just tried watching Monday Night Football on both Twitter.com desktop, and via the Twitter App on my Android phone. I was truly looking forward to the experience after reading Fred’s post. But I have to say it’s a pure fail for me.1) First off there was a discovery problem in that I didn’t know that I had to click on the Moments tab (UX should be easy as water flowing for successful ui’s). 2) The format was in a square, why were the sides cropped. It looked like bad tv from 1972. 3) NO AUDIO?? Was that by design? A licensing issue? I tried on 3 computers. YouTube sound works fine. I tried to get audio for a 1/2 hour maybe there is none. What an utter failure and aweful NFL experience. I’m going back to regular television for Football.
CONTRIBUTORS:The numbers are in on Twitter’s NFL kickoff broadcast Sept 15, 2016 NY Jets vs Buffalo Bills has been pushed and pushed like a Iritarod Dog Sled race.The game drew 2.1 million (Shown on a Thursday, NFL Network & CBS) verses the lame duck Yahoo Oct 25, 2015 Bills vs Jacksonville that drew 15.2 Million online stream only. Yikes!Twitter broadcast feed trails traditional TV by 10 to 20 seconds. Tweets spoil outcomes of next play.Excuses, excuses, excuses.It is apparent why Jack Dorsey (Smart inventor, great vision) is entertaining offers for Twitter. The platform can go but so far as a stand alone. And as we have cited before Jack Dorsey can run one company at a time. Square needs Jack Dorsey’s attention.
With flat-screens everything is possible. The drawback of on screen tweets is that the live show part is shrunk to the left, and you can’t interact with that Tweet stream as Fred observed.
Agreed, there is already enough noise on the NFL broadcast to begin with. Next thing you know we will have aggrigators bringing in Instagrams geotagged at the event and posts from our friends on FB.I remember the most memoral not-at-the-event sports experiences for me were always listening to the game on AM radio when I was in a car and nowhere near a screen.
How about if the noise is filtered?Doesn’t it become Context?
Bravo with their Real Housewives series has a replay of many episodes which they call “social edition”. It is the episode that played previously (typically) and there are tweets at the bottom of the screen where the scroll typically is. You can ignore it if you want or you can read the tweets…
And I.When we used to sit in the bleachers at Yankee Stadium as a kid AM radio was how it was narrated.
I’ve met Ernie Harwell, Vin Scully and even Bob Sheppard (Derek Gee-tah) when his diminishing health made it a challenge to even walk. Baseball royalty IMO!
Is buying new a requirement of your insurance? I ask because I get a ton of emails from equipment auction houses and often it is “near new” due to people going out of business, missed projections etcetera. I don’t know what your requirements are, but I’d willing share as a way to help keep your good, necessary and important work going.
Good idea- to be able to change the announcers…i.e. flip the announcer, but keep the channel.
Trump’s economic plan will lower your business taxes and let you 100% expense your new capital equipment. That should help you get “new baking equipment”, hire more people, etc.Ah, but as we learned from Hillary, between JLM and myself, one of us has to be “deplorable” and “irredeemable”. I’ll volunteer for those two. Else JLM and I will have to flip for it!Heck, I’ll proudly add deplorable and irredeemable to implacable, incorrigible, intransigent, recalcitrant, truculent, unrepentant!For deployable, due to Hillary’s belief in the great threat to the planet from US coal and steel, we need someone to do first hand, in person monitoring of the melting Arctic ice between now and, say, next March. So, for this crucial mission, Hillary looks eminently deployable! Hillary, due to global warming, dress for balmy tropic breezes. We will look forward in March to your report on all the melted ice in the Arctic!
Deploy the deplorables, loosen the cannons, mess up the wigs, unleash the Kraken Donald.Is this a nightmare?
Do I detect a faint whiff of pejorative sarcasm?I don’t get it: Apparently a LOT of people and nearly all of the media are totally PISSED OFF at Trump, seem ready to string him up for any minor lapse, while praising Hillary for any minor success, e.g., giving a speech without coughing, and ignoring just HORRIBLE nasty, lying, crooked, foreign policy disaster, and national security disaster stuff.I REALLY do NOT ‘get it’: My view is that Hillary is quite broadly and deeply a disaster and a serious threat to our country and Trump is a rare and great gift just in time.Maybe someone at AVC.com can explain to me what the heck is going on, why the media TLC for really awful Hillary and only throws rotten vegetables at Trump. I’m fully serious and sincere — I very much can’t explain it. To me, nearly all the media just distorts what Trump did/said, just makes up stuff he never did or said, and otherwise just flat out lies about what he did or said; nearly all the media looks like a propaganda arm of the Hillary campaign.Good news about Trump is that the worst distortions, made up stuff, and lies about Trump really are not very serious, are no more than gnats compared with Hillary’s raging elephant problems, and, thus, are high praise via faint damnation. If that’s the worst criticism of Trump the Hillary campaign can find, then that gives Trump quite high praise.But on Trump’s plans, it appears to me that generally he started out his campaign with a long list of positions and with just short statements about each. Then over time he added details in some of his speeches and at his Web site. It seemed to me that rarely did the details really contradict the previous less detailed material.For Trump’s economic plans, from my notes, he gave a speech at the Detroit Economic Club on 8/8/16.Video is athttps://www.youtube.com/wat…and a PDF file transcript is athttps://assets.donaldjtrump…Then on 9/15/16 Trump gave another speech on his economic plans at The Economic Club of New York.Video is athttps://www.youtube.com/wat…A PDF with an outline of the speech is athttps://assets.donaldjtrump…So far I have yet to find a PDF of the whole speech.Moreover IIRC in the speech he claims that “the math works” and is on his Web site, but so far I’ve found nothing with numerical data and certainly nothing that shows that “the math works”.But in the speech he seemed to indicate that his economics team ran a lot of macro-economic models to get his estimates of employment, Federal revenues, etc.For his economics team, maybe that is the same as his Economic Advisory Council as athttps://assets.donaldjtrump…announced on about the same day as his Detroit speech, that is, 8/8/16.If so, then between the Detroit speech and the New York one, maybe his team or advisors ran the macro-models and, thus, let the New York speech have more detail.So, it looks like the two economic speeches keep adding details. I haven’t seen much in the way of contradictions in his statements about his plans for the economy.Actually, IIRC the main points of his economic plans to go way back to nearly the beginning of his campaign. From that I’m guessing that before he announced, he had some sit down talks with some economic people he respected and there concluded that, much like JFK (with Walter Heller) and Reagan, big tax cuts can get economic growth rate at 5-8 percent per year quickly and in a few years generate so much additional economic activity and tax revenue that the Federal budget can go into surplus.Of course I’d like to see the details, but I can’t even get details on how the NFL plays are supposed to work or just what to do with flour and yeast to make good pizza dough!But for what I said about his economic plans in my earlier post here, IIRC those claims of his are in his NY speech.If you find something about Trump — with solid documentation — that is a serious reason to vote for Hillary, let me know; I very much want to know. I’ve tried to pay close attention, and I’ve seen nothing, zip, zilch, and zero, that is significantly wrong with Trump on anything significant for his being POTUS.Instead, it looks to me like Trump is well on his way to being one of the most respected US Presidents in history.For Hillary, I’m still wondering: Supposedly as US Secretary of State she was told not to use a wireless device inside the building of the State Department. So, when she wanted to use e-mail, she took her Blackberry to an open balcony and connected with her home brew, DIY, e-mail server.Then, sure, her Blackberry was wireless. So, it has to be the case that a spy could be in a panel truck with some wireless gear get all the signals to/from her Blackberry. That is, if the wireless network can get those signals, then a spy should be able to also.Next, IIRC, a Blackberry does not encrypt the data it sends in its signals.So, it looks like such a spy would right away get the URL, login ID, and password for Hillary on her e-mail server and, then, just via the Internet, connect just as Hillary did and download any and all of her e-mail including the parts classified NSA Special Access Program or some such well above Top Secret.In that case, likely every major country in the world routinely got all of Hillary’s e-mail.So, who wants Hillary as US Commander in Chief? Sure, let’s get a list — China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Turkey, Syria, ISIS, Pakistan, ….
The crucial question is, can the man fake a Presidency?
Systems of patronage are no place for individuals of independent means like Trump.