Fun Friday: Cubs Fever

My friend Dave sent me this hat a few days ago:


I hope to be wearing it for the next week and a half.

The Cubs have not won the World Series in 108 years.

Unless you are a Dodgers or Indians fan, I think you have to get on this bandwagon.

Do you all agree?


Comments (Archived):

  1. Dave McDougall

    As a Red Sox fan, I remember the feeling eternal disappointment stretching generations into the future as well as the past — and the incredible *relief* of 2004. I wish that for all my Chicago friends.

    1. jason wright

      Roger Clement?

  2. Mike Zamansky

    This years Cavs notwithstanding, you could make a case that while Cubs fans have suffered more than Indians fans, Cleveland sports fans may have suffered overall more than Chicago sports fans.So, while I’m leaning Cubs, I don’t think I’d be too upset either way.But then, I’m a Mets fan so have no horse in this race.

  3. jason wright

    For the international crowd, what’s the ’47 about?

    1. Eric Satz


      1. jason wright

        Fredhead circumference?

    2. Andy Orr

      Founders’ story (Fred should like that): In 1947, twin brothers and Italian immigrants, Arthur and Henry D’Angelo founded Twins Enterprises, now ’47 Brand.My wife grew up in Chicago, so I have to be rooting for the Cubs…

      1. jason wright

        I knew it must have a story behind it. Thank you.

  4. William Mougayar

    Not the Indians since they squeezed the Jays. I’m going back to Chicago soon, so rooting for them.Plus, it would make Jeff Carter really happy!

    1. Brandon G. Donnelly


    2. pointsnfigures

      yessss, I will be there Friday night.

  5. Tom Labus

    Let’s hope they make it. Be good series. But as an American league guy, I’ll be rooting for the Indians

  6. WA

    Ernie Banks is smiling on the Cubbies!

    1. Tom Labus

      “Let’s play 2”

  7. Eric Satz

    Even if you’re a dodgers (me) or Indians fan you can’t be disappointed if the cubs run the table.

    1. Elia Freedman

      I’m an Indians fan and I can indeed be disappointed if the Cubs win the World Series. It’s not like the Indians won it yesterday. In fact the Indians haven’t won the World Series since before my father was born. It’s been almost 70 years for us, too.

      1. fredwilson

        yup, that’s why a cubs indians series would be great

        1. Richard

          The poor Cubs, if there is one team that can strip it of its underdog status, it’s the Cleveland Indians. Hard to root against this team and some on events they have been through.

    2. creative group

      Eric Satz:a true cubbies fan would never make that statement. (A true cubs fan made that observation when shown that comment)Office types at it again.

    3. JamesHRH

      Yes, but I disagree with Fred’s bandwagoning.Cubs winning is nice like an otter juggling rocks, unless you are a Cubs fan.

  8. laurie kalmanson

    CUBS WINAlso, unless you are a White Sox fan; that rivalry is more bitter than Yankees/Mets

    1. pointsnfigures

      White Sox fans watched the debate, and the Bears game instead of the Cubs.

      1. WA

        Emotional detachment can be healthy for some. 🙂

  9. Rob Underwood

    After my dad moved to Chicago and I went to a few Cub games I wore a cap just like in high school for a few years, though the Red Sox were and are my team (and in the last decade I have relented to these years in NYC and added our Mets). Wear it with pride!BTW, I have a great Pats cap if you’re looking for a new football look. May be easier than finding a QB.

    1. fredwilson

      fuck the pats. i hate them more than any other team in any sport. more than the yankees. they are the worst!!!!!!!

      1. LE

        I don’t understand. If a team is that bad then I would assume it makes it easier for the team that you like to win.

      2. creative group

        fredwilson:As a true blue Yankee we would have been responsible for taking your lunch money in grade school. We expect you to hate the Yankees. No love lost. Now continue your bandwagon yearly tour in every sport.#fredwilsonthebandwagonleader

  10. JimHirshfield

    So… ya gawt a hat on f’da Cubs?

  11. Todd Savage

    Yes, really want to see them win! Go Cubs!

  12. Twain Twain

    Should we pick our teams according to:(1.) Which city we love;(2.) Which cap looks coolest;(3.) Which team logo is most eye-catching; and / or(4.) Which team is underdog / most likely to win the championship? https://uploads.disquscdn.chttps://uploads.disquscdn.c

    1. Sebastien Latapie

      Hehehe – for the vast majority I’m gong to say city we love / are from is the big deciding factor. Being from France, I never quite got behind a baseball team even though I live in Boston. Went to a few games – not my cup of entertainment.

    2. JamesHRH

      None of the above – loyalty.You are not supposed to Monte Carlo fandom Twain.

      1. Twain Twain

        Haha, quite!We’re loyal to whichever team / company / brand / cause that we can FEEL and identify with. We open ourselves up to go through every nuance of emotion with them — whether they win, lose, go up the league, go down, etc.And that’s exactly why Monte Carlo and other similar maths systems don’t and can’t model us or bankers’ behavior.They assume we’re unemotional. They proxy us as rational, binary behaviors when even our team loyalties are driven by confluences of irrational factors and our hearts and souls.

  13. pointsnfigures

    I am biased. I recognize my bias. I feel empathy for Indians fans. GO CUBS. Eamus Catuli (I also have deep scars from 2003 when we were up 3-2 and didn’t close it out, and 1984, when we were up 2-0, and didn’t close it out)

    1. awaldstein

      For you my friend I want your team to win!

      1. pointsnfigures

        thanks. i am sick of experiencing the agony of defeat….

    2. TeddyBeingTeddy

      You mean”Baez’ed”…

  14. Joe Marchese

    “Perseverance furthers.” — I Ching. Rooting for the Cubs… this fall, not as of next spring.

  15. TeddyBeingTeddy

    Hell yes. And how about that Baez kid?! I suspect the shootings on the south side dip during these cubs games. Winning games AND saving lives, now that’s a W.

  16. TamiMForman

    Definitely! The joy that Boston (and those of us who are part of the Boston diaspora) felt when the Sox won after such a long draught was nothing short of magical. And in the current climate (literal and metaphorical) I think we could all use a little magic.

  17. CJ

    Your friend Dave is a good man. You should keep that guy around, he obviously has great taste.

  18. Rob Larson

    Am I the only one that really hopes Ricky ‘Wild Thing’ Vaughn gets to throw out the first pitch in Cleveland? That was one of my favorite movies growing up…

  19. Collin

    Chicago native from the North Side. Go Cubbies!

    1. jason wright

      Is Chicago that big?

  20. JasonBoisture

    I feel like the hype bandwagon for the Cubs left the station a long time ago and is at max capacity. (Definitely no room for this Mariners fan.) The Cubs have been over-hyped, over-covered, over-analyzed all season long. Meanwhile the Indians are generally ignored (and, by the way, haven’t won a World Series since ’48). So liking to pick a true underdog, I’m ALL INdians this year.

  21. vankula

    100% do not agree. I have my teams and I stick with them. I might feel good about another team winning over another if my team is out, but no bandwagons. No outward displays of being a fan of a team that I am not truly a fan of (watch games, go to games, know the players, the day to day goings on). As a Cubs fan since ’94 when I moved to Chicago I would never wear a Mets hat for example. And while it was fun to see the 2005 White Sox make that run I never jumped on the bandwagon. Stick with your team. Sports is competitive and I think you cross the line by putting on a Cubs hat. Wear your Mets hat with pride and think about next season (or last season!).

  22. LE

    Strong team loyalty, loosely held.You are a Mets fan.But now you are rooting for the Cubs.I hope to be wearing it for the next week and a half.Do you really mean that? Everyday even when you go to dinner Saturday night? Like some sick kid in 1926 waiting for Babe Ruth to hit home runs before he dies?

  23. bfeld

    I’m sitting up in Amy’s office getting caught up on email while wearing my Cubs hoodie.

  24. Salt Shaker

    Wow, a little early for calling this series a fait accompli. Kershaw pitches Game 6, which almost certainly means a W for LA. It then boils down to a one game series where anything can happen.If I were a Cubs fan all this talk would make me nervous, particularly given the team’s history. The Dodgers actually match up quite well.

  25. Elizabeth Spiers

    This time last year, Cubs/Mets: my son’s first experience with both sweet potatoes and profound disappointment. (That Cubs onesie uniform is still stained–mostly with his tiny Cubs fan tears.) https://uploads.disquscdn.c

  26. AMT Editorial Staff

    Absolutely. Our Editor has already purchased a ticket for the Oct 30 game…HOPING.

  27. mikenolan99

    I grew up 9.4 miles North of Wrigley… I looked it up on Google today – and it seemed so much farther back then – skip school – catch the bus to the “L” – switch trains to Wrigley. When I was 12 it was a whole world away! Go Cubs!https://uploads.disquscdn.c

  28. creative group

    Totally disgusting!A thread for the bandwagoneers. A sad day for true sports supporters on this site. Leave it to the bandwagoneers to pervert sports. A true YankeeKnicksNYGiantsNYRangers would never wear any other lid. Period!Adjustable lids are for dorks. Fitted for the true blue!#bandwagoneeersbedamned#attemptondenialofaccessdropdead#smallhandsmove

  29. V Tyree

    Hello & good day, Yes, but of course; go Cubs! Be well. v

  30. Rob Larson
