A $20,000 Match Offer On ACLU Donations Today
Brad, Amy, Joanne, and Fred have been inspired by Chris’s $150,000 match offer yesterday and Albert and Susan’s $15,000 match offer today. So we are joining together (the four of us) and joining the movement they started and doing a $20,000 match offer on ACLU donations today.
And in the interest of keeping this thing we’ve got going, we are committing to run a $20,000 match offer for ACLU donations every month of 2017 on the first of the month.
Our hope is that by raising almost $250,000 during 2017, we will help the ACLU continue the legal and moral fight against the Trump Administration’s effort to institutionalize and legalize hatred, racism, and bigotry.
To participate in this match offer, just send us a receipt of your ACLU donation today. You can do that by tweeting your ACLU donation receipt to any one of us:
Update: We maxed out on our match after about an hour this morning. Patrick Collison picked it up and will match until he maxes out. You can tweet your receipts to him here. Thanks to everyone who participated. It felt good, really good, to do something like this.
Comments (Archived):
Excellent! We’re in.
Thanks Fred for doing this . My interpreter from Afghanistan is in the country on the same SIV program that 2 Iraqi interpreters were coming over on.It takes about 2.5 yrs for somebody to come in on the SIV. They are vetted by All the major US Intel services and the host country (at great peril to themselves as they are identified as collaborators with the enemy)
http://www.motherjones.com/…Skinner, Johnson, and Goitein all point out that the executive order reads as if whoever wrote it had no understanding of, or done any work with, US refugee admissions programs. Indeed, a senior Department of Homeland Security official reportedly told NBC News that career State Department and DHS officials had no input in the order, saying, “Nobody has any idea what is going on.” Johnson says, “It reads as though 9/11 happened yesterday, and that 9/11 was carried out by refugees, which it wasn’t, and it creates a series of policy prescriptions to solve a problem that doesn’t exist, as if the stringent measures that have been put in place over the past 15 years to screen refugees don’t exist.”https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
These executive orders are just signed tweets.
There will need to be discussion about whether social media platforms should continue to add oxygen to his type of politics.
So why are they re-vetted for visas. This sounds so wrong.
Here is a piece written about Iraqi interpretersTrump’s refugee ban is a betrayal of Iraqis who risked their lives for ushttps://www.linkedin.com/pu…
just don’t get me started, I’ll rant on how we are terrible for doing this
Double post day! Great stuff, Fred. Thank you to Joanne, Amy, Brad, and yourself for doing this. Donation made.
Dear Robert,Thank you so much for your generous gift of $100.00 to the American Civil Liberties Union. With the help of members like you, we will stand strong in defense of freedom.
From: Anthony D. Romero, ACLU [email protected]: Thank you for your gift to the ACLUDate: January 29, 2017 at 12:23 PMTo: fayettehickoxDear Fayette,Thank you so much for your generous gift of $35.00 to the American Civil Liberties
Thank you
I just started getting your daily e-mails about a month ago because I was interested in your economic and business perspectives. I never imagined your best idea so far would be the ACLU. Thank you. I’m in.
Thank you for your generous offer! we are friends of Susan and Albert and wanted in! here is our receipt! https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
Thank you thank you thank you. Here’s to keeping the ACLU’s Anthony Romero’s auto-responder completely overwhelmed. I deeply appreciate the specific way you use your large megaphone, financial strength, and big heart to go where the need is great and amplify the call.
Glad ACLU is receiving so much. What are other organizations not getting as much publicity that we should consider donating to?
Fred, I support the ACLU too, but where you when the ACLU was going after Obama? Where was the outrage when Obama was killing American citizens with drone missile strikes?https://action.aclu.org/sec…http://www.huffingtonpost.c…https://ccrjustice.org/home…
@dennismykytyn:disqus I can’t speak for Fred, but Amy and I have been supporting the ACLU for many years. For example, in 2016, we funded a full time employee around privacy issues among other things.
i donated
Great move Fred. Keep it going.
Thanks again for magnifying all of our good efforts and intentions! Just donated. I’m glad we have a way to contribute to help in this crazy situation.
Thank you all for doing this.
I donated. I’m a Green Card holder with three citizenships.
Done. Thank you for this.
I don’t have a Twitter account anymore, but I heard about your offer from a friend and hope you’ll match my donation. https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
Thank you Fred
Thank you Fred. Its also worth a shout out to the new Obama Foundation which is so inspiring, a mission of love: https://www.obama.org/ Its the complete antithesis – maybe you could say its like an antidote – to what we are all experiencing from Washington.
This highlights a great flaw in capitalist democracy. Clearly the more money a voter has the more votes they should be entitled to cast on election day.Alternatively, no voter should be permitted to donate more than a strictly set maximum sum of money to any cause, left or right in leaning, in a calendar year.One person, one dollar.
It’s the 1st of the month. Is there another ACLU match going on? I missed the first wave…