Go Back To School With Quizlet
If you or someone in your family is going back to school in the next few weeks, I strongly suggest putting the Quizlet mobile app on your/their phone as part of the back to school preparation process.
Quizlet (a USV portfolio company) has a bunch of new stuff for its existing and new users this back to school season:
- Diagramming – an entirely new way to make and use study sets using visuals instead of or in addition to text
- Learn Mode – personalized, time based, adaptive study mode with reminders and notifications
- Quizlet Go – a new low priced subscription that provides ad free studying and customized themes
Quizlet is the largest user powered study tool in the world with over 185mm study sets created and available for learning pretty much anything.
You really don’t want to go back to school without it.
Comments (Archived):
Cool, they have a eukaryotic cell. Mitochondrial DNA which converts oxygen into usable energy that powers our cells, including our brain cells, is inherited solely from … our mothers.So I’m putting that on the next Mother’s Day card — very nerdy, LOL.https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
strike 2
Quizlet, Quizlet,
Is that the start of a nursery rhyme?
a sonnet
Has any research been done showing concrete effects these types of apps: Quizlet, Anki, etc, have on a student’s performance?… asking as a student in college
“Make It Stick” by Brown, et al cites research that supports the spaced-repetition approach as being more effective than simply reading/re-reading. I’m not familiar with Quizlet so don’t know if it employs that same approach but Anki certainly does.
I love Anki & read much on SRS and whatever information is out there on it. Good link
This is not formal research on it, but is a good article by Derek Sivers about SRS:Memorizing a programming language using spaced repetition software:https://sivers.org/srsHe explains how he used Anki and how it helped, and also links to some other good articles on the same or similar subjects.
Great! I will share it here in Brazil!
So as a summer and weekend parent, is there a remote interaction piece? @fredwilson
We’re in. BTW – I have been struggling to find some family-oriented board games (yes, like in real-world, not virtual) that teach science or math or geography. I’m sure they are out there – but I cannot find any and would appreciate any pointers.My son loves to play games, is very smart, but resists most formal types of learning. Apps are great, but there is nothing like personal interactions.
When I was a kid, there was a (physical) board game called Life (IIRC). Not sure, but I think it might have at least taught a bit about geography. It was a bit like Monopoly but had things like physical land features like hills, valleys, etc.Edit: Just googled and found this:https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…That is it.It does not really teach geography in the strict sense, but take a look at the article to get a better idea.
I have been struggling to find some family-oriented board games (yes, like in real-world, not virtual) that teach science or math or geographyTaking off on my comment the other day about the family member who spends to much time playing video games I am wondering this. Why aren’t there addictive video games that you play where you can actually learn something? Or where you pick up information in the game which is in some other way valuable that allows you to progress to new levels (or whatever they are called)? Why is that a non-starter and not done? Or hasn’t succeeded if it has been done? [1] I can think of the obvious reasons but I would think that driven by the goal of winning a game there is a great deal that could be integrated into the play that would benefit the player (at all ages).My feeling is changing the motivation to learn by those types of rewards would work. I can fully understand there might be pushback from gamers (older ones) who wouldn’t care or aren’t controlled by parents. [2] But just the same it seems that a ‘safer cigarette’ (and I hate to use that failed example) might not change every kid but certainly some kids.but resists most formal types of learningThat’s also a challenge for quizlet going forward. How do you make a product that helps that isn’t centered on ‘formal’ learning but learning in a more creative way that doesn’t turn off traditional students (like your game question or my question).[1] I don’t play video games and never have. So I’d be curious if this has been tried and why it didn’t work.[2] And you do have control stop wimping out and taking the easy route.
I have played a few games in my life – I guess I was a gamer- so feel sort of qualified to answer. There are plenty of educational games, but my guess is it’s not where the money is at so they aren’t promoted – much like box office films… also, it’s not WHY most people play. It is first and foremost an escape from everyday pressures.
Go to my post. Thousands of them.
There are plenty of educational gamesThe trick is probably not marketing it as educational. That particular branding is going to be a turnoff.Look people read Rolling Stone because they were interested in music. It wasn’t marketing as ‘improve your reading and comprehension’. But reading is reading.
Yep. I agree. stats show the industry is bigger than movies and music combined. The variety is huge but the impetus is still on profit. I wouldn’t discount how much is learned in some of the big games either…but would be nice if the educational push was bigger, totally agree.
I think you are agreeing that there is a hole in the market. All I see is addictive games that suck my kids into hundreds of hours of mindless I-pad activity. Then I see traditional old-school board games. I want to get kids OFF of the electronics and into the real world.
By my count there are about 150 math board games, only about 30 geography board games.
The physical store you want near me is: https://www.facebook.com/pa…They will ship.
http://www.boardgamegeek.com is the site you are looking for.Terra is the game you probably want.Yes, I have a guy in my office that owns 300 board games. He goes to shows that people bring their games to, he has brought some in the office.And in a mix of old and new he has a room in his house where he can play those board games with other people around the world via virtual reality.Did I tell you I have some serious geeks?
Wow! It’s so cool when people have a serious *thing* like that.
We celebrate this. He brought in over 50 games and we played on a Friday afternoon.
Don’t know your son’s age but here are a couple of possibiltiies:Pandemic / Pandemic Iberia – cooperative games that could help on the geography side.Cytosis – a worker placement game that was on kickstarter – not available yet.Shipwreck Arcana – on kickstarter now – mathematical deduction game (https://www.kickstarter.com…
See my post below. I tell people I run the Delaware Asylum to work for me you have to be committed. That person also gave a talk in CT about how to run small time pro wrestling matches. My favorite commercial:https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Awesome! Thanks. I knew someone had this nailed.
I have to watch this every once in a while as part of mental health maintenance.
AVCer @panterosa:disqus created a beautiful board game (Ani-Gram-It) that teaches about the animal kingdom. Also a portable version with cards only. Plus some apps.https://www.na2ure.com/
For those of us currently out of the education loop, please tell us what the jargon means, ie what is a “study set”? I am guessing a group of questions about a subject? And if that is what it means and you have at least 10 (?) questions per study set, and you have over 185 million study sets, does that mean you have well over a BILLION questions?If you had 100 workers creating 500 questions each per day, it would take 55 years to create a billion questions. If you ramped up the workers to the thousands you could get it down to a reasonable time period. How do they do it?My mind boggles as to how so many questions could be created, much less answered. 😉
Not sure, but I think Fred said in an earlier post about Quizlet, that the users can create such questions and sets, and share them on the site. That may be how.
study sets are digital versions of “flash cards”
Requiring people to login via facebook or google or create an account by giving personal information just to test the product is not a good idea. I was willing to take a look at this but stopped at that point. There should be no need to create an account in order to just simply get a feel for what can be done with Quizlet. They can still compile statistics on people w/o requiring this info. This barrier and friction should be removed. This really upsets me…. https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
One of my pet peeves in general. I understand the reason and there is a valid marketing tactic involved.I must be very motivated in order to take that next step and most often do not.
If I had to guess I’d say it’s because the age group they appeal to has no issue with that requirement. That said they could also have a guest option and then after someone chooses that option ask again and give reasons why they should sign-in with the other two options.
Hi LE! I work at Quizlet. You can absolutely study with Quizlet without creating an account — feel free to pick a diagram here — https://quizlet.com/diagram… study it with Learn or Match. But to upload content, we need you to create an account. Just the same way you can’t post on Twitter or Facebook without first having an account, you can’t upload content to Quizlet without an account. Happy studying! – Laura
Hi Laura,Are you saying that appears on the page which I screenshot? I am not seeing it or didn’t see it.
You’re looking at a page to create a set. If you just want to play around with diagrams on Quizlet without signing in, try here: https://quizlet.com/2169178…
Great product.
Checked with my 11th grader.https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
I’ll endorse quizlets.We’ve been using quizlet for about 2-3 years. My daughter has some learning challenges, and we found that prepping quizlets helps her study. She really enjoys the gamified tools, and will play a quizlet happily.My only frustration? She can ace a quizlet, then does much more poorly on the exam over the same material. 1-2 of her teachers know that, and they know something is up, but not what.
One of the ways in which quizlet and other web app startups can increase their number of users, user engagement with the apps, and thereby likely more profit, is by reducing the bandwith usage of their apps. Not everyone has an unlimited or high data transfer quota and cheap bandwidth. This is not even about just the developed vs. developing world, either. I’ve read many posts where people say that in parts of the US and EU, Net access is slow or poor.From some time now there has been this UI trend of unreasonably large images and less actual useful content per page visited. I think it started some time back, maybe around time of Web 2.0 (I was there and consulting to startups then too) with bright primary colors (not really more bandwith usage from that thing per se), much bigger fonts, and less content per page. Somewhat of a dumbed-down user experience, TBH.And with time it has got worse. There are some threads on HN complaining about – the huge web page sizes for the same, or more often, less content (than in earlier web days).2MB, 10MB etc is not uncommon for one page.Of course the startups and companies have to put in some work to achieve this – to redesign their pages to use smaller images, less of them (not everything needs to be an icon, let alone a large one, links are fine for lots of things, etc.).Seen a few signs of Google and Facebook taking initial steps in this direction. Hope the me-too trend (which sometimes is used inappropriately by startups copying successful ones) works for this too 🙂
>This is not even about just the developed vs. developing world, either.In fact in some places in the developing world there is faster or cheaper Internet than in some developed world countries. E.g. there was a somewhat recent post here where someone (maybe William Mougayar) said the rate of some ISP’s in Canada was say $X and then someone in India said he had a rate of much less for the same or higher data quota and/or Net speed.