Some Thoughts On Coronavirus
I mentioned it yesterday but given its impact on global health and capital markets, I thought I’d share a few things I’ve read and watched in the past few days that I found helpful (both shared on Twitter by my friend Phil).
This is a conversation that was held last week at Johns Hopkins Business School:
This is a good article from The Atlantic
This is the Johns Hopkins Live Map.
I like the headline of The Atlantic piece:
You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus. Most cases are not life-threatening, which is also what makes the virus a historic challenge to contain.
I think we should prepare ourselves for Coronavirus to be like the flu. It will be everywhere, including the US, and many of us will get it. A few of us will get really sick but most of us will not.
I am not suggesting we should not be alarmed and do what we can to protect ourselves, our families, our companies, our communities, etc, etc. We absolutely should. If you run a company, you should prepare your employees and your company for a worsening outbreak.
But I do not believe we should panic. I think there will be panic and that is understandable. But, I think remaining calm, getting prepared, and understanding what is going on and what is not going on is the best approach.