An Emergency Response Startup Story
My friend Matt Blumberg, who ran USV’s former portfolio company Return Path for twenty years before selling it last spring, got a call from Colorado’s Governor Polis two and half weeks ago asking him to fly out and be the founding leader of an innovation startup to help Colorado’s Covid 19 response. A large part of Return Path’s organization has always been in Boulder so Matt is well known out there.
Matt said yes and spent fourteen days getting it off the ground and hiring his replacement before flying back to the NY metro area last weekend.
He took notes throughout the entire two week experience and is sharing them on his blog, called Only Once.
Here are Days Zero and One
Here are Days One Two and Three
Here are Days Four Five and Six
Matt will post the rest of the days over the course of the next week.
You can subscribe to his blog and get the posts via email.
I asked Matt to send me the entire thing yesterday and read it last night.
It is fascinating reading and I think all of you who start and lead companies will think so too.