Digital Art Frames
I have a Samsung Frame in my home office. I think I posted a photo of it here at AVC once before. But for those who did not see that post, here it is:

I’ve had it for something like three years and I change the digital art on it from time to time.
Digital Art has been tricky to purchase and own and the business models around it are a bit challenging.
I think NFTs might change that. If artists can get paid for the “original” or a “limited edition” and then make copies free or near free, then I think the digital art market could explode.
My partner Albert posted about NFTs a week or so ago and made an important point that I think is a bit lost in all of the hype/mania about NFTs right now:
This is what NFTs do for digital content. They let someone assert “I am the Louvre” (for that piece of content).
This is not a fad. It is a fundamental and profound innovation.
Go here and read the entire thing because “the Louvre” is a bit out of context in that quote. His point is that crypto/blockchains allow for someone (or a group) to own the original(s) and everyone else to own copies that are as good as the original.
And that is the kind of thing that could make owning digital frames really awesome.