The AFSE Rec Room
The Academy For Software Engineering (AFSE) is opening in a few weeks. Roughly 125 high school freshmen will be starting a four year program that is designed to prepare them for secondary education if they want that and also for a career in software engineering and web development.
The inspiration for AFSE was the computer science program that Mike Zamansky has built at Stuyvesant High School in NYC over the past 15 years. When I first went to visit Mike at Stuy a few years ago, I walked into his office through a room where a bunch of his students were hanging out after school. These high school students could have headed home after school, or they could have hit the streets. But instead they were hanging out writing code, listening to music, playing video games, and in general geeking out together. I thought "this is where the magic happens."
So when we negotiated with the DOE for space for AFSE at the Washington Irving Campus, I was insistent that we create something similar for AFSE. We got a room and Frank Denbow is leading the effort to deck it out.
He needs the following stuff:
Furniture: Bean bag chairs, couches, small tables, tv stands
Electronics: TVs, game systems, speakers
Books: Technology, entrepreneurship, etc
Misc: Anything else that you think might be interesting to high school students interested in computer science
If you can help, please email Frank @ frank at startupthreads dot com.