One Click Apply
As the world moves from web to mobile (our theme this summer), the idea of one click to do something becomes more powerful.
Did you know you can apply for a job with one click?
There are two services that make such a thing possible, LinkedIn Apply and Indeed Apply. In the spirit of full disclosure, Indeed is a USV portfolio company.
If you have your resume on LinkedIn or Indeed and you come across a job posting where the service has implemented the LinkedIn Apply and Indeed Apply buttons (think tweet and like buttons), then you can apply for the job with one click.
It turns out this is pretty popular. ZipRecruiter, a site that lets you easily post your job broadly across the web, put Linked and Indeed Apply buttons on their service and saw an almost 22% increase in job applications as a result. It makes sense, people will do more of something they can do easily.
So what does this mean for the job seeker? It means you should get your resume on LinkedIn and Indeed. What does it mean for the employer? It means you should put these one-click apply buttons on your job postings.
Some other interesting things came out of that ZipRecruiter blog post:
1) they get 3x the one click applications from Indeed vs LinkedIn
2) Indeed's resume database is growing at over 1mm resumes a month
3) Indeed is better for most job types other than management and executive
The world of recruiting has changed a lot in the past ten years and companies like LinkedIn and Indeed are driving much of that change. One click job applications is yet another example of this.