Guest Post: Startup Business Development 101
Holger Luedorf has been doing business development in the web/tech/mobile sectors for almost 15 years. He currently leads Business Development (BD) for our portfolio company foursquare. Holger has contributed a guest post with a bunch of great advice for startups that are just getting around to BD and what they should do and what they should not do. His views and opinions are his own and not those of foursquare.
The Beginner’s Guide to Start-up BD: 15 Basic Rules
A lot of the rules below will seem like no-brainers to any seasoned business development manager, but I think it is worth putting them together in one list. I hope that they will be useful for teams that are building up BD teams from scratch or to those start-ups without a dedicated BD team and in which for example the founders or others take on BD as an additional responsibility. I don’t think this list is complete and I am planning to add additional rules over time. If you have any direct feedback, please tweet me at @holger.