Posts from Disc jockey

The First Online Mashup Music Festival

I love emergent behavior inside web services. When the users take over and start doing stuff you never imagined, you know you've got something.

Next week, on Dec 7th, the core users of Turntable's three mashup rooms are hosting an online event with some of the top mashup DJs in the world.

Here are the details:

Dec 7th 8-11 PM EST All Mashup rooms – Mashupfm1, Mashupfm2, and the Mashupfm VIP room – are hosting what could be Turntable's, and possibly the internet's, first online Music "festival"

20+ DJs including:
3LAU, Yoni, Basic Physics, DJ Trademark, Kap Slap, DJ DiBella, Wick-It, Desler, Bruneaux, DJ abSRD, Dotcom, DJ Graycat, DJ Strongarm, DJ Rudy, The Airport District, DJ Bahler, Nammo, Mitch-Mash and More

These mashup rooms are some of the most fun rooms in the turntable service. You get crazy stuff in them all the time. Here's my favorite of them if you want to check it out in advance.

I've got this in my calendar. Hope to see you there.

Note: An earlier version of this post had the event from 3pm to 8pm eastern. That was incorrect. I apologize for the error.


Feature Friday: DJs Needed

Richard F has been urging me to talk about features I love every friday. I am not committing to make this a weekly feature (no pun intended). One weekly committment is enough. But I will try to run posts about features I love and new features on Fridays under this moniker.

Today, I'd like to talk about something Turntable added this week that I really like. They launched a new lobby page. It looks like this (at 6:30am eastern before most of the US has woken up):

Turntable lobby

We are looking at the view called "DJs needed". This view lets you quickly see the busiest rooms in the service where there are DJ spots available.

Before this feature was released, all you would see in the lobby was the busiest rooms. But the real thrill of Turntable is getting up on stage and seeing if you can deliver the goods. I do it at least three of four times a week. It's a kick.

This feature was among the most commonly requested things users have asked for since the Turntable service launched. Harking back to yesterday's post about focusing on your loyal users, I believe one of the keys to success early in a company's life is listening closely to the users and then delivering quickly on the things they ask for. That creates trust and loyalty, two important traits in an early user base.

So now when you visit Turntable, click on the DJs needed icon in the lobby, and go into a room and start showing your stuff. I think you'll enjoy it. I certainly do.

#My Music#Web/Tech