Posts from Kevin Marshall

Feature Friday: Commenter Breakdown

Today we are going to talk about a new feature right here on AVC. It's been running for a day or so, so some of you may have already noticed it. Right next to the comments link, there is a new link that says "disqus commenter breakdown". It looks like this:

Commenter breakdown

If you click on that you will get an alternative view of the comment thread – broken down by the most active commenters. You can scroll down, find the commenters you enjoy most, click on them, and read what they have to say.

Like many of the hacks featured on this blog, this was built by Kevin Marshall. He built it on top of the Disqus API.

I like applications that offer an API to developers to build alternative views for end users. And I think Disqus does this better than anyone else in the comment space.

Given how long and busy some of the comment threads are here on AVC, I can imagine a number of alternative views that one could construct that would be useful. If anyone else wants to hack on the Disqus API and create something useful, I am happy to give them similar real estate.


AVC community member Kevin Marshall is the consummate hacker. I can’t count all the stuff Kevin has hacked on since I’ve known of him over the years. And I’ve tried many of them.

A few weeks ago, Kevin emailed me with his latest, Kevin described it this way:

I just hacked together the start of a simple system I wanted to
tell you about.  The idea is a system to let you search conversations
from around the web.

 So far I started with just the AVC comment board, and it’s
super basic right now (going to improve it over the next few days) but
should already be functional (and useful for those of us interested in
the avc community).

Being able to search the AVC comments is probably the single most common request I get when we talk about the comments here. So I knew right away that Kevin was working on something where there was a real pain point.

But I wanted more than comment search. I replied back to Kevin:

What would be great is an integrated blog and comments search

Could you build that?

In classic hacker behavior, Kevin replied that he could and less than a day later, we had integrated blog and comment search. We then iterated on the UI/UX a bit and by this weekend, less than seven days after his initial email, was live on AVC. It is live on as well.

It’s been running in the AVC search field on the upper right of this blog for a few days now. I know that a few folks have noticed it, but I want everyone to check it out.

I think the blog search part (which is the default result) works really well. I think the comment search (in the tab to the left) works OK but is getting better every day.

Give it a spin and let Kevin and me know what you think in the comments.
