A Fun Talk This Morning
I met Scott Kurnit in the mid 90s when I had just started Flatiron Partners with Jerry. He pitched me on the Mining Company. I passed on it. We stayed friends and have both regretted that decision for the past fifteen years. Mining Company went on to become About.com which went public, was sold not once but twice, and has produced many amazing entrepreneurs and manager alums in the NYC tech scene.
It’s fun to think back to those days in 1995 and 1996 when there were so few people working in NYC tech and we had an inkling of what was going to happen. It did happen and NYC is a different place as a result.
This morning at 8:20am eastern I am going to talk to Scott for about 40 minutes at the Paley Center and it will be broadcast live on this URL.
Just think about that last bit “broadcasting live from the Paley Center on this URL.” That says it all. I hope you can log on and join us. It should be fun.
It was fun. Here’s the video. Also, William provided some cliff notes in the comments.