Fun Friday: Mobile Games
It's friday, time to talk about something fun. Today I thought I'd talk about mobile games.
I've never been much of a gamer. I reached adulthood just before videogames went mainstream. But I have found the "quick hit" aspect of mobile games to be a good way to add some fun to the day and connect with a friend or family member.
I played our portfolio company Zynga's Words With Friends with my daughter late last year. And I've started playing OMGPOP's Draw Something with a few friends in the past week.
When I play a mobile game, I check in with our portfolio company HeyZap's social gaming service so others can see what game I am playing.
I'm not the only one checking in with HeyZap. Here's a cool maps mashup of HeyZap's data showing live checkins from around the world.
Do you play mobile games on your phone? And if so, which ones?